# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE). # http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """variables checkers for Python code """ from copy import copy from logilab.common.compat import enumerate from logilab import astng from logilab.astng.lookup import builtin_lookup from logilab.astng.infutils import are_exclusive from pylint.interfaces import IASTNGChecker from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker from pylint.checkers.utils import PYMETHODS, is_ancestor_name, is_builtin, \ is_defined_before, is_error, is_func_default, is_func_decorator, assign_parent def overridden_method(klass, name): """get overriden method if any""" try: parent = klass.local_attr_ancestors(name).next() except (StopIteration, KeyError): return None try: meth_node = parent[name] except KeyError: # We have found an ancestor defining but it's not in the local # dictionary. This may happen with astng built from living objects. return None if isinstance(meth_node, astng.Function): return meth_node return None MSGS = { 'E0601': ('Using variable %r before assignment', 'Used when a local variable is accessed before it\'s \ assignment.'), 'E0602': ('Undefined variable %r', 'Used when an undefined variable is accessed.'), 'E0611': ('No name %r in module %r', 'Used when a name cannot be found in a module.'), 'W0601': ('Global variable %r undefined at the module level', 'Used when a variable is defined through the "global" statement \ but the variable is not defined in the module scope.'), 'W0602': ('Using global for %r but no assigment is done', 'Used when a variable is defined through the "global" statement \ but no assigment to this variable is done.'), 'W0603': ('Using the global statement', # W0121 'Used when you use the "global" statement to update a global \ variable. PyLint just try to discourage this \ usage. That doesn\'t mean you can not use it !'), 'W0604': ('Using the global statement at the module level', # W0103 'Used when you use the "global" statement at the module level \ since it has no effect'), 'W0611': ('Unused import %s', 'Used when an imported module or variable is not used.'), 'W0612': ('Unused variable %r', 'Used when a variable is defined but not used.'), 'W0613': ('Unused argument %r', 'Used when a function or method argument is not used.'), 'W0614': ('Unused import %s from wildcard import', 'Used when an imported module or variable is not used from a \ \'from X import *\' style import.'), 'W0621': ('Redefining name %r from outer scope (line %s)', 'Used when a variable\'s name hide a name defined in the outer \ scope.'), 'W0622': ('Redefining built-in %r', 'Used when a variable or function override a built-in.'), 'W0631': ('Using possibly undefined loop variable %r', 'Used when an loop variable (i.e. defined by a for loop or \ a list comprehension or a generator expression) is used outside \ the loop.'), } class VariablesChecker(BaseChecker): """checks for * unused variables / imports * undefined variables * redefinition of variable from builtins or from an outer scope * use of variable before assigment """ __implements__ = IASTNGChecker name = 'variables' msgs = MSGS priority = -1 options = ( ("init-import", {'default': 0, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '', 'help' : 'Tells wether we should check for unused import in \ __init__ files.'}), ("dummy-variables-rgx", {'default': ('_|dummy'), 'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '', 'help' : 'A regular expression matching names used \ for dummy variables (i.e. not used).'}), ("additional-builtins", {'default': (), 'type' : 'csv', 'metavar' : '', 'help' : 'List of additional names supposed to be defined in \ builtins. Remember that you should avoid to define new builtins when possible.' }), ) def __init__(self, linter=None): BaseChecker.__init__(self, linter) self._to_consume = None self._checking_mod_attr = None self._vars = None def visit_module(self, node): """visit module : update consumption analysis variable checks globals doesn't overrides builtins """ self._to_consume = [(copy(node.locals), {}, 'module')] self._vars = [] for name, stmts in node.locals.items(): if self._is_builtin(name): self.add_message('W0622', args=name, node=stmts[0]) def leave_module(self, node): """leave module: check globals """ assert len(self._to_consume) == 1 not_consumed = self._to_consume.pop()[0] # don't check unused imports in __init__ files if not self.config.init_import and node.package: return for name, stmts in not_consumed.items(): stmt = stmts[0] if isinstance(stmt, astng.Import): self.add_message('W0611', args=name, node=stmt) elif isinstance(stmt, astng.From) and stmt.modname != '__future__': if stmt.names[0][0] == '*': self.add_message('W0614', args=name, node=stmt) else: self.add_message('W0611', args=name, node=stmt) del self._to_consume del self._vars def visit_class(self, node): """visit class: update consumption analysis variable """ self._to_consume.append((copy(node.locals), {}, 'class')) def leave_class(self, _): """leave class: update consumption analysis variable """ # do not check for not used locals here (no sense) self._to_consume.pop() def visit_lambda(self, node): """visit lambda: update consumption analysis variable """ self._to_consume.append((copy(node.locals), {}, 'lambda')) def leave_lambda(self, _): """leave lambda: update consumption analysis variable """ # do not check for not used locals here self._to_consume.pop() def visit_genexpr(self, node): """visit genexpr: update consumption analysis variable """ self._to_consume.append((copy(node.locals), {}, 'genexpr')) def leave_genexpr(self, _): """leave genexpr: update consumption analysis variable """ # do not check for not used locals here self._to_consume.pop() def visit_function(self, node): """visit function: update consumption analysis variable and check locals """ globs = node.root().globals for name, stmt in node.items(): if globs.has_key(name) and not isinstance(stmt, astng.Global): line = globs[name][0].lineno self.add_message('W0621', args=(name, line), node=stmt) elif self._is_builtin(name): self.add_message('W0622', args=name, node=stmt) self._to_consume.append((copy(node.locals), {}, 'function')) self._vars.append({}) def leave_function(self, node): """leave function: check function's locals are consumed""" not_consumed = self._to_consume.pop()[0] self._vars.pop(0) # don't check arguments of function which are only raising an exception if is_error(node): return # don't check arguments of abstract methods or within an interface is_method = node.is_method() klass = node.parent.frame() if is_method and (klass.type == 'interface' or node.is_abstract()): return authorized_rgx = self.config.dummy_variables_rgx overridden = marker = [] argnames = node.argnames() for name, stmts in not_consumed.iteritems(): # ignore some special names specified by user configuration if authorized_rgx.match(name): continue # ignore names imported by the global statement # FIXME: should only ignore them if it's assigned latter stmt = stmts[0] if isinstance(stmt, astng.Global): continue # care about functions with unknown argument (builtins) if name in argnames: if is_method: # don't warn for the first argument of a (non static) method if node.type != 'staticmethod' and name == argnames[0]: continue # don't warn for argument of an overridden method if overridden is marker: overridden = overridden_method(klass, node.name) if overridden is not None and name in overridden.argnames(): continue if node.name in PYMETHODS: continue # don't check callback arguments XXX should be configurable if node.name.startswith('cb_') or node.name.endswith('_cb'): continue self.add_message('W0613', args=name, node=stmt) else: self.add_message('W0612', args=name, node=stmt) def visit_global(self, node): """check names imported exists in the global scope""" frame = node.frame() if isinstance(frame, astng.Module): self.add_message('W0604', node=node) return module = frame.root() default_message = True for name in node.names: try: assign_nodes = module.getattr(name) except astng.NotFoundError: # unassigned global, skip assign_nodes = [] for anode in assign_nodes: if anode.frame() is frame: # same scope level assigment break else: # global but no assigment self.add_message('W0602', args=name, node=node) default_message = False if not assign_nodes: continue for anode in assign_nodes: if anode.frame() is module: # module level assigment break else: # global undefined at the module scope self.add_message('W0601', args=name, node=node) default_message = False if default_message: self.add_message('W0603', node=node) def _loopvar_name(self, node, name): # filter variables according to node's scope # XXX used to filter parents but don't remember why, and removing this # fixes a W0631 false positive reported by Paul Hachmann on 2008/12 on # python-projects (added to func_use_for_or_listcomp_var test) #astmts = [stmt for stmt in node.lookup(name)[1] # if hasattr(stmt, 'ass_type')] and # not stmt.statement().parent_of(node)] astmts = [stmt for stmt in node.lookup(name)[1] if hasattr(stmt, 'ass_type')] # filter variables according their respective scope if not astmts or astmts[0].statement().parent_of(node): _astmts = [] else: _astmts = astmts[:1] for i, stmt in enumerate(astmts[1:]): if astmts[i].statement().parent_of(stmt): continue _astmts.append(stmt) astmts = _astmts if len(astmts) == 1: ass = astmts[0].ass_type() if isinstance(ass, (astng.For, astng.Comprehension, astng.GenExpr)) \ and not ass.statement() is node.statement(): self.add_message('W0631', args=name, node=node) def visit_assname(self, node): if isinstance(node.ass_type(), astng.AugAssign): self.visit_name(node) def visit_delname(self, node): self.visit_name(node) def visit_name(self, node): """check that a name is defined if the current scope and doesn't redefine a built-in """ name = node.name stmt = node.statement() # probably "is_statement == True" missing somewhere in astng assert stmt.fromlineno, (stmt, node, node.fromlineno) frame = stmt.scope() # if the name node is used as a function default argument's value or as # a decorator, then start from the parent frame of the function instead # of the function frame - and thus open an inner class scope if (is_func_default(node) or is_func_decorator(node) or is_ancestor_name(frame, node)): start_index = len(self._to_consume) - 2 else: start_index = len(self._to_consume) - 1 # iterates through parent scopes, from the inner to the outer for i in range(start_index, -1, -1): to_consume, consumed, scope_type = self._to_consume[i] # if the current scope is a class scope but it's not the inner # scope, ignore it. This prevents to access this scope instead of # the globals one in function members when there are some common # names if scope_type == 'class' and i != start_index: continue # the name has already been consumed, only check it's not a loop # variable used outside the loop if consumed.has_key(name): self._loopvar_name(node, name) break # mark the name as consumed if it's defined in this scope # (i.e. no KeyError is raised by "to_consume[name]") try: consumed[name] = to_consume[name] except KeyError: continue else: # checks for use before assigment defnode = assign_parent(to_consume[name][0]) if defnode is not None: defstmt = defnode.statement() defframe = defstmt.frame() maybee0601 = True if not frame is defframe: maybee0601 = False elif defframe.parent is None: # we are at the module level, check the name is not # defined in builtins if name in defframe.scope_attrs or builtin_lookup(name)[1]: maybee0601 = False else: # we are in a local scope, check the name is not # defined in global or builtin scope if defframe.root().lookup(name)[1]: maybee0601 = False if (maybee0601 and stmt.fromlineno <= defstmt.fromlineno and not is_defined_before(node) and not are_exclusive(stmt, defstmt, ('NameError', 'Exception', 'BaseException'))): if defstmt is stmt and isinstance(node, (astng.DelName, astng.AssName)): self.add_message('E0602', args=name, node=node) else: self.add_message('E0601', args=name, node=node) if not isinstance(node, astng.AssName): # Aug AssName del to_consume[name] else: del consumed[name] # check it's not a loop variable used outside the loop self._loopvar_name(node, name) break else: # we have not found the name, if it isn't a builtin, that's an # undefined name ! if not (name in astng.Module.scope_attrs or self._is_builtin(name)): self.add_message('E0602', args=name, node=node) def visit_import(self, node): """check modules attribute accesses""" for name, _ in node.names: parts = name.split('.') try: module = node.infer_name_module(parts[0]).next() except astng.ResolveError: continue self._check_module_attrs(node, module, parts[1:]) def visit_from(self, node): """check modules attribute accesses""" name_parts = node.modname.split('.') try: module = node.root().import_module(name_parts[0]) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: return module = self._check_module_attrs(node, module, name_parts[1:]) if not module: return for name, _ in node.names: if name == '*': continue self._check_module_attrs(node, module, name.split('.')) ## def leave_getattr(self, node): ## """check modules attribute accesses ## this function is a "leave_" because when parsing 'a.b.c' ## we want to check the innermost expression first. ## """ ## if isinstance(node.expr, astng.Name): ## try: ## module = node.expr.infer().next() ## except astng.InferenceError: ## return ## if not isinstance(module, astng.Module): ## # Not a module, don't check ## return ## elif self._checking_mod_attr is not None: ## module = self._checking_mod_attr ## else: ## return ## self._checking_mod_attr = self._check_module_attrs(node, module, ## [node.attrname]) ## def leave_default(self, node): ## """by default, reset the _checking_mod_attr attribute""" ## self._checking_mod_attr = None def _check_module_attrs(self, node, module, module_names): """check that module_names (list of string) are accessible through the given module if the latest access name corresponds to a module, return it """ assert isinstance(module, astng.Module), module while module_names: name = module_names.pop(0) if name == '__dict__': module = None break try: module = module.getattr(name)[0].infer().next() except astng.NotFoundError: self.add_message('E0611', args=(name, module.name), node=node) return None except astng.InferenceError: return None if module_names: # FIXME: other message if name is not the latest part of # module_names ? modname = module and module.name or '__dict__' self.add_message('E0611', node=node, args=('.'.join(module_names), modname)) return None if isinstance(module, astng.Module): return module return None def _is_builtin(self, name): """return True if the name is defined in the native builtin or in the user specific builtins """ return is_builtin(name) or name in self.config.additional_builtins def register(linter): """required method to auto register this checker""" linter.register_checker(VariablesChecker(linter))