Contributors ------------ Order doesn't matter (not that much, at least ;) * Sylvain Thenault (Logilab): main author / maintainer * Torsten Marek (Google): maintainer, contributor * Claudiu Popa: maintainer, contributor * Daniel Balparda (Google): GPyLint maintainer (Google's pylint variant), various patches * Martin Pool (Google): warnings for anomalous backslashes, symbolic names for messages (like 'unused'), etc * Alexandre Fayolle (Logilab): TkInter gui, documentation, debian support * Julien Cristau, Emile Anclin (Logilab): python 3 support * Sandro Tosi: Debian packaging * Mads Kiilerich, Boris Feld, Bill Wendling, Sebastian Ulrich: various patches * Brian van den Broek: windows installation documentation * Amaury Forgeot d'Arc: check names imported from a module exists in the module * Benjamin Niemann: allow block level enabling/disabling of messages * Nathaniel Manista: suspicious lambda checking * Wolfgang Grafen, Axel Muller, Fabio Zadrozny, Pierre Rouleau, Maarten ter Huurne, Mirko Friedenhagen and all the Logilab's team (among others): bug reports, feedback, feature requests... Many other people have contributed by their feedback or even patches, if I've forgotten you, send me a note !