path: root/ChangeLog
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authorClaudiu Popa <>2015-02-17 01:09:04 +0200
committerClaudiu Popa <>2015-02-17 01:09:04 +0200
commitd00adfbdc7b77280f6a7c97e39cb882b853da1d8 (patch)
tree26722500b372c31cda2f8e49701fe5735171684b /ChangeLog
parentfe36ec0486cfc9aba10d8d87b0f42077ad1e78db (diff)
parent1dc09ef472a1bc0ca312c7cd8a1a3c700b510b47 (diff)
The HTML output accepts the `--msg-template` option.
Patch by Daniel Goldsmith. Closes issue #135.
Diffstat (limited to 'ChangeLog')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index f9082ac..ddb2afa 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,401 @@ ChangeLog for Pylint
+ * Don't require a docstring for empty modules. Closes issue #261.
+ * Fix a false positive with `too-few-format-args` string warning,
+ emitted when the string format contained a normal positional
+ argument ('{0}'), mixed with a positional argument which did
+ an attribute access ('{0.__class__}').
+ Closes issue #463.
+ * Take in account all the methods from the ancestors
+ when checking for too-few-public-methods. Closes issue #471.
+ * Catch enchant errors and emit 'invalid-characters-in-docstring'
+ when checking for spelling errors. Closes issue #469.
+ * Use all the inferred statements for the super-init-not-called
+ check. Closes issue #389.
+ * Add a new warning, 'unichr-builtin', emitted by the Python 3
+ porting checker, when the unichr builtin is found. Closes issue #472.
+ * Add a new warning, 'intern-builtin', emitted by the Python 3
+ porting checker, when the intern builtin is found. Closes issue #473.
+ * Add support for editable installations.
+ * The HTML output accepts the `--msg-template` option. Patch by
+ Dan Goldsmith.
+2015-01-16 -- 1.4.1
+ * Look only in the current function's scope for bad-super-call.
+ Closes issue #403.
+ * Check the return of properties when checking for not-callable.
+ Closes issue #406.
+ * Warn about using the input() or round() built-ins for Python 3.
+ Closes issue #411.
+ * Proper abstract method lookup while checking for
+ abstract-class-instantiated. Closes issue #401.
+ * Use a mro traversal for finding abstract methods. Closes issue #415.
+ * Fix a false positive with catching-non-exception and tuples of
+ exceptions.
+ * Fix a false negative with raising-non-exception, when the raise used
+ an uninferrable exception context.
+ * Fix a false positive on Python 2 for raising-bad-type, when
+ raising tuples in the form 'raise (ZeroDivisionError, None)'.
+ * Fix a false positive with invalid-slots-objects, where the slot entry
+ was an unicode string on Python 2. Closes issue #421.
+ * Add a new warning, 'redundant-unittest-assert', emitted when using
+ unittest's methods assertTrue and assertFalse with constant value
+ as argument. Patch by Vlad Temian.
+ * Add a new JSON reporter, usable through -f flag.
+ * Add the method names for the 'signature-differs' and 'argument-differs'
+ warnings. Closes issue #433.
+ * Don't compile test files when installing.
+ * Fix a crash which occurred when using multiple jobs and the files
+ given as argument didn't exist at all.
+2014-11-23 -- 1.4.0
+ * Added new options for controlling the loading of C extensions.
+ By default, only C extensions from the stdlib will be loaded
+ into the active Python interpreter for inspection, because they
+ can run arbitrary code on import. The option
+ `--extension-pkg-whitelist` can be used to specify modules
+ or packages that are safe to load.
+ * Change default max-line-length to 100 rather than 80
+ * Drop BaseRawChecker class which were only there for backward
+ compat for a while now
+ * Don't try to analyze string formatting with objects coming from
+ function arguments. Closes issue #373.
+ * Port source code to be Python 2/3 compatible. This drops the
+ need for 2to3, but does drop support for Python 2.5.
+ * Each message now comes with a confidence level attached, and
+ can be filtered base on this level. This allows to filter out
+ all messages that were emitted even though an inference failure
+ happened during checking.
+ * Improved presenting unused-import message. Closes issue #293.
+ * Add new checker for finding spelling errors. New messages:
+ wrong-spelling-in-comment, wrong-spelling-in-docstring.
+ New options: spelling-dict, spelling-ignore-words.
+ * Add new '-j' option for running checks in sub-processes.
+ * Added new checks for line endings if they are mixed (LF vs CRLF)
+ or if they are not as expected. New messages: mixed-line-endings,
+ unexpected-line-ending-format. New option: expected-line-ending-format.
+ * 'dangerous-default-value' no longer evaluates the value of the arguments,
+ which could result in long error messages or sensitive data being leaked.
+ Closes issue #282
+ * Fix a false positive with string formatting checker, when
+ encountering a string which uses only position-based arguments.
+ Closes issue #285.
+ * Fix a false positive with string formatting checker, when using
+ keyword argument packing. Closes issue #288.
+ * Proper handle class level scope for lambdas.
+ * Handle 'too-few-format-args' or 'too-many-format-args' for format
+ strings with both named and positional fields. Closes issue #286.
+ * Analyze only strings by the string format checker. Closes issue #287.
+ * Properly handle nested format string fields. Closes issue #294.
+ * Don't emit 'attribute-defined-outside-init' if the attribute
+ was set by a function call in a defining method. Closes issue #192.
+ * Properly handle unicode format strings for Python 2.
+ Closes issue #296.
+ * Don't emit 'import-error' if an import was protected by a try-except,
+ which excepted ImportError.
+ * Fix an 'unused-import' false positive, when the error was emitted
+ for all the members imported with 'from import' form.
+ Closes issue #304.
+ * Don't emit 'invalid-name' when assigning a name in an
+ ImportError handler. Closes issue #302.
+ * Don't count branches from nested functions.
+ * Fix a false positive with 'too-few-format-args', when the format
+ strings contains duplicate manual position arguments.
+ Closes issue #310.
+ * fixme regex handles comments without spaces after the hash.
+ Closes issue #311.
+ * Don't emit 'unused-import' when a special object is imported
+ (__all__, __doc__ etc.). Closes issue #309.
+ * Look in the metaclass, if defined, for members not found in the current
+ class. Closes issue #306.
+ * Don't emit 'protected-access' if the attribute is accessed using
+ a property defined at the class level.
+ * Detect calls of the parent's __init__, through a binded super() call.
+ * Check that a class has an explicitly defined metaclass before
+ emitting 'old-style-class' for Python 2.
+ * Emit 'catching-non-exception' for non-class nodes. Closes issue #303.
+ * Order of reporting is consistent.
+ * Add a new warning, 'boolean-datetime', emitted when an instance
+ of 'datetime.time' is used in a boolean context. Closes issue #239.
+ * Fix a crash which ocurred while checking for 'method-hidden',
+ when the parent frame was something different than a function.
+ * Generate html output for missing files. Closes issue #320.
+ * Fix a false positive with 'too-many-format-args', when the format
+ string contains mixed attribute access arguments and manual
+ fields. Closes issue #322.
+ * Extend the cases where 'undefined-variable' and 'used-before-assignment'
+ can be detected. Closes issue #291.
+ * Add support for customising callback identifiers, by adding a new
+ '--callbacks' command line option. Closes issue #326.
+ * Add a new warning, 'logging-format-interpolation', emitted when .format()
+ string interpolation is used within logging function calls.
+ * Don't emit 'unbalanced-tuple-unpacking' when the rhs of the assignment
+ is a variable length argument. Closes issue #329.
+ * Add a new warning, 'inherit-non-class', emitted when a class inherits
+ from something which is not a class. Closes issue #331.
+ * Fix another false positives with 'undefined-variable', where the variable
+ can be found as a class assignment and used in a function annotation.
+ Closes issue #342.
+ * Handle assignment of the string format method to a variable.
+ Closes issue #351.
+ * Support wheel packaging format for PyPi. Closes issue #334.
+ * Check that various built-ins that do not exist in Python 3 are not
+ used: apply, basestring, buffer, cmp, coerce, execfile, file, long
+ raw_input, reduce, StandardError, unicode, reload and xrange.
+ * Warn for magic methods which are not used in any way in Python 3:
+ __coerce__, __delslice__, __getslice__, __setslice__, __cmp__,
+ __oct__, __nonzero__ and __hex__.
+ * Don't emit 'assigning-non-slot' when the assignment is for a property.
+ Closes issue #359.
+ * Fix for regression: '{path}' was no longer accepted in '--msg-template'.
+ * Report the percentage of all messages, not just for errors and warnings.
+ Closes issue #319.
+ * 'too-many-public-methods' is reported only for methods defined in a class,
+ not in its ancestors. Closes issue #248.
+ * 'too-many-lines' disable pragma can be located on any line, not only the
+ first. Closes issue #321.
+ * Warn in Python 2 when an import statement is found without a
+ corresponding `from __future__ import absolute_import`.
+ * Warn in Python 2 when a non-floor division operation is found without
+ a corresponding `from __future__ import division`.
+ * Add a new option, 'exclude-protected', for excluding members
+ from the protected-access warning. Closes issue #48.
+ * Warn in Python 2 when using dict.iter*(), dict.view*(); none of these
+ methods are available in Python 3.
+ * Warn in Python 2 when calling an object's next() method; Python 3 uses
+ __next__() instead.
+ * Warn when assigning to __metaclass__ at a class scope; in Python 3 a
+ metaclass is specified as an argument to the 'class' statement.
+ * Warn when performing parameter tuple unpacking; it is not supported in
+ Python 3.
+ * 'abstract-class-instantiated' is also emitted for Python 2.
+ It was previously disabled.
+ * Add 'long-suffix' error, emitted when encountering the long suffix
+ on numbers.
+ * Add support for disabling a checker, by specifying an 'enabled'
+ attribute on the checker class.
+ * Add a new CLI option, --py3k, for enabling Python 3 porting mode. This
+ mode will disable all other checkers and will emit warnings and
+ errors for constructs which are invalid or removed in Python 3.
+ * Add 'old-octal-literal' to Python 3 porting checker, emitted when
+ encountering octals with the old syntax.
+ * Add 'implicit-map-evaluation' to Python 3 porting checker, emitted
+ when encountering the use of map builtin, without explicit evaluation.
+2014-07-26 -- 1.3.0
+ * Allow hanging continued indentation for implicitly concatenated
+ strings. Closes issue #232.
+ * Pylint works under Python 2.5 again, and its test suite passes.
+ * Fix some false positives for the cellvar-from-loop warnings.
+ Closes issue #233.
+ * Return new astroid class nodes when the inferencer can detect that
+ that result of a function invocation on a type (like `type` or
+ `abc.ABCMeta`) is requested. Closes #205.
+ * Emit 'undefined-variable' for undefined names when using the
+ Python 3 `metaclass=` argument.
+ * Checkers respect priority now. Close issue #229.
+ * Fix a false positive regarding W0511. Closes issue #149.
+ * Fix unused-import false positive with Python 3 metaclasses (#143).
+ * Don't warn with 'bad-format-character' when encountering
+ the 'a' format on Python 3.
+ * Add multiple checks for PEP 3101 advanced string formatting:
+ 'bad-format-string', 'missing-format-argument-key',
+ 'unused-format-string-argument', 'format-combined-specification',
+ 'missing-format-attribute' and 'invalid-format-index'.
+ * Issue broad-except and bare-except even if the number
+ of except handlers is different than 1. Fixes issue #113.
+ * Issue attribute-defined-outside-init for all cases, not just
+ for the last assignment. Closes issue #262.
+ * Emit 'not-callable' when calling properties. Closes issue #268.
+ * Fix a false positive with unbalanced iterable unpacking,
+ when encountering starred nodes. Closes issue #273.
+ * Add new checks, 'invalid-slice-index' and 'invalid-sequence-index'
+ for invalid sequence and slice indices.
+ * Add 'assigning-non-slot' warning, which detects assignments to
+ attributes not defined in slots.
+ * Don't emit 'no-name-in-module' for ignored modules.
+ Closes issue #223.
+ * Fix an 'unused-variable' false positive, where the variable is
+ assigned through an import. Closes issue #196.
+ * Definition order is considered for classes, function arguments
+ and annotations. Closes issue #257.
+ * Don't emit 'unused-variable' when assigning to a nonlocal.
+ Closes issue #275.
+ * Do not let ImportError propagate from the import checker, leading to crash
+ in some namespace package related cases. Closes issue #203.
+ * Don't emit 'pointless-string-statement' for attribute docstrings.
+ Closes issue #193.
+ * Use the proper mode for pickle when opening and writing the stats file.
+ Closes issue #148.
+ * Don't emit hidden-method message when the attribute has been
+ monkey-patched, you're on your own when you do that.
+ * Only emit attribute-defined-outside-init for definition within the same
+ module as the offended class, avoiding to mangle the output in some cases.
+ * Don't emit 'unnecessary-lambda' if the body of the lambda call contains
+ call chaining. Closes issue #243.
+ * Don't emit 'missing-docstring' when the actual docstring uses `.format`.
+ Closes issue #281.
+2014-04-30 -- 1.2.1
+ * Restore the ability to specify the init-hook option via the
+ configuration file, which was accidentally broken in 1.2.0.
+ * Add a new warning [bad-continuation] for badly indentend continued
+ lines.
+ * Emit [assignment-from-none] when the function contains bare returns.
+ Fixes BitBucket issue #191.
+ * Added a new warning for closing over variables that are
+ defined in loops. Fixes Bitbucket issue #176.
+ * Do not warn about \u escapes in string literals when Unicode literals
+ are used for Python 2.*. Fixes BitBucket issue #151.
+ * Extend the checking for unbalanced-tuple-unpacking and
+ unpacking-non-sequence to instance attribute unpacking as well.
+ * Fix explicit checking of python script (1.2 regression, #219)
+ * Restore --init-hook, renamed accidentally into --init-hooks in 1.2.0
+ (#211)
+ * Add 'indexing-exception' warning, which detects that indexing
+ an exception occurs in Python 2 (behaviour removed in Python 3).
+2014-04-18 -- 1.2.0
+ * Pass the current python paths to pylint process when invoked via
+ epylint. Fixes BitBucket issue #133.
+ * Add -i / --include-ids and -s / --symbols back as completely ignored
+ options. Fixes BitBucket issue #180.
+ * Extend the number of cases in which logging calls are detected. Fixes
+ bitbucket issue #182.
+ * Improve pragma handling to not detect pylint:* strings in non-comments.
+ Fixes BitBucket issue #79.
* Do not crash with UnknownMessage if an unknown message ID/name appears
in disable or enable in the configuration. Patch by Cole Robinson.
@@ -75,6 +470,13 @@ ChangeLog for Pylint
* Don't register the newstyle checker w/ python >= 3
+ * Fix unused-import false positive w/ augment assignment (#78)
+ * Fix access-member-before-definition false negative wrt aug assign (#164)
+ * Do not attempt to analyze non python file, eg .so file (#122)
2013-12-22 -- 1.1.0
* Add new check for use of deprecated pragma directives "pylint:disable-msg"
@@ -135,6 +537,7 @@ ChangeLog for Pylint
* Fix issue #55 (false-positive trailing-whitespace on Windows)
2013-08-06 -- 1.0.0
* Add check for the use of 'exec' function
@@ -1381,6 +1784,3 @@ ChangeLog for Pylint
2003-05-19 -- 0.1
* initial release