path: root/pygments
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Diffstat (limited to 'pygments')
4 files changed, 53 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index e93cf5a8..3d76abaa 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ class RubyLexer(ExtendedRegexLexer):
(r":'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String.Symbol),
(r"'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String.Single),
(r':"', String.Symbol, 'simple-sym'),
- (r'([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(:)(?!:)',
+ (r'([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(:)(?!:)',
bygroups(String.Symbol, Punctuation)), # Since Ruby 1.9
(r'"', String.Double, 'simple-string'),
(r'(?<!\.)`', String.Backtick, 'simple-backtick'),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 8b5d5964..e07656a4 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, include, bygroups, using, \
from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
Number, Punctuation
-from pygments.util import get_choice_opt
from pygments import unistring as uni
@@ -937,114 +936,65 @@ class CeylonLexer(RegexLexer):
class KotlinLexer(RegexLexer):
- For `Kotlin <>`_
+ For `Kotlin <>`_
source code.
- Additional options accepted:
- `unicodelevel`
- Determines which Unicode characters this lexer allows for identifiers.
- The possible values are:
- * ``none`` -- only the ASCII letters and numbers are allowed. This
- is the fastest selection.
- * ``basic`` -- all Unicode characters from the specification except
- category ``Lo`` are allowed.
- * ``full`` -- all Unicode characters as specified in the C# specs
- are allowed. Note that this means a considerable slowdown since the
- ``Lo`` category has more than 40,000 characters in it!
- The default value is ``basic``.
*New in Pygments 1.5.*
name = 'Kotlin'
aliases = ['kotlin']
filenames = ['*.kt']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-kotlin'] # inferred
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-kotlin']
flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE
- # for the range of allowed unicode characters in identifiers,
- # see
- levels = {
- 'none': '@?[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*',
- 'basic': ('@?[_' + uni.Lu + uni.Ll + uni.Lt + uni.Lm + uni.Nl + ']' +
- '[' + uni.Lu + uni.Ll + uni.Lt + uni.Lm + uni.Nl +
- uni.Nd + uni.Pc + uni.Cf + uni.Mn + uni.Mc + ']*'),
- 'full': ('@?(?:_|[^' +
- uni.allexcept('Lu', 'Ll', 'Lt', 'Lm', 'Lo', 'Nl') + '])'
- + '[^' + uni.allexcept('Lu', 'Ll', 'Lt', 'Lm', 'Lo', 'Nl',
- 'Nd', 'Pc', 'Cf', 'Mn', 'Mc') + ']*'),
- }
+ kt_name = ('@?[_' + uni.Lu + uni.Ll + uni.Lt + uni.Lm + uni.Nl + ']' +
+ '[' + uni.Lu + uni.Ll + uni.Lt + uni.Lm + uni.Nl + uni.Nd +
+ uni.Pc + uni.Cf + uni.Mn + uni.Mc + ']*')
+ kt_id = '(' + kt_name + '|`' + kt_name + '`)'
- tokens = {}
- token_variants = True
- for levelname, cs_ident in levels.items():
- tokens[levelname] = {
- 'root': [
- # method names
- (r'^([ \t]*(?:' + cs_ident + r'(?:\[\])?\s+)+?)' # return type
- r'(' + cs_ident + ')' # method name
- r'(\s*)(\()', # signature start
- bygroups(using(this), Name.Function, Text, Punctuation)),
- (r'^\s*\[.*?\]', Name.Attribute),
- (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
- (r'\\\n', Text), # line continuation
- (r'//.*?\n', Comment.Single),
- (r'/[*](.|\n)*?[*]/', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'\n', Text),
- (r'[~!%^&*()+=|\[\]:;,.<>/?-]', Punctuation),
- (r'[{}]', Punctuation),
- (r'@"(""|[^"])*"', String),
- (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"\n])*["\n]', String),
- (r"'\\.'|'[^\\]'", String.Char),
- (r"[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-][0-9]+)?"
- r"[flFLdD]?|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?", Number),
- (r'#[ \t]*(if|endif|else|elif|define|undef|'
- r'line|error|warning|region|endregion|pragma)\b.*?\n',
- Comment.Preproc),
- (r'\b(extern)(\s+)(alias)\b', bygroups(Keyword, Text,
- Keyword)),
- (r'(abstract|as|break|catch|'
- r'fun|continue|default|delegate|'
- r'do|else|enum|extern|false|finally|'
- r'fixed|for|goto|if|implicit|in|interface|'
- r'internal|is|lock|null|'
- r'out|override|private|protected|public|readonly|'
- r'ref|return|sealed|sizeof|'
- r'when|this|throw|true|try|typeof|'
- r'unchecked|unsafe|virtual|void|while|'
- r'get|set|new|partial|yield|val|var)\b', Keyword),
- (r'(global)(::)', bygroups(Keyword, Punctuation)),
- (r'(bool|byte|char|decimal|double|dynamic|float|int|long|'
- r'short)\b\??', Keyword.Type),
- (r'(class|struct)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'class'),
- (r'(package|using)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'package'),
- (cs_ident, Name),
- ],
- 'class': [
- (cs_ident, Name.Class, '#pop')
- ],
- 'package': [
- (r'(?=\()', Text, '#pop'), # using (resource)
- ('(' + cs_ident + r'|\.)+', Name.Namespace, '#pop')
- ]
- }
- def __init__(self, **options):
- level = get_choice_opt(options, 'unicodelevel', self.tokens.keys(),
- 'basic')
- if level not in self._all_tokens:
- # compile the regexes now
- self._tokens = self.__class__.process_tokendef(level)
- else:
- self._tokens = self._all_tokens[level]
- RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options)
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'^\s*\[.*?\]', Name.Attribute),
+ (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
+ (r'\\\n', Text), # line continuation
+ (r'//.*?\n', Comment.Single),
+ (r'/[*].*?[*]/', Comment.Multiline),
+ (r'\n', Text),
+ (r'::|!!|\?[:.]', Operator),
+ (r'[~!%^&*()+=|\[\]:;,.<>/?-]', Punctuation),
+ (r'[{}]', Punctuation),
+ (r'@"(""|[^"])*"', String),
+ (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"\n])*["\n]', String),
+ (r"'\\.'|'[^\\]'", String.Char),
+ (r"[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-][0-9]+)?[flFL]?|"
+ r"0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?", Number),
+ (r'(class)(\s+)(object)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword)),
+ (r'(class|trait|object)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'class'),
+ (r'(package|import)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'package'),
+ (r'(val|var)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'property'),
+ (r'(fun)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text), 'function'),
+ (r'(abstract|annotation|as|break|by|catch|class|continue|do|else|'
+ r'enum|false|final|finally|for|fun|get|if|import|in|inner|'
+ r'internal|is|null|object|open|out|override|package|private|'
+ r'protected|public|reified|return|set|super|this|throw|trait|'
+ r'true|try|type|val|var|vararg|when|where|while|This)\b', Keyword),
+ (kt_id, Name),
+ ],
+ 'package': [
+ (r'\S+', Name.Namespace, '#pop')
+ ],
+ 'class': [
+ (kt_id, Name.Class, '#pop')
+ ],
+ 'property': [
+ (kt_id, Name.Property, '#pop')
+ ],
+ 'function': [
+ (kt_id, Name.Function, '#pop')
+ ],
+ }
class XtendLexer(RegexLexer):
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 10598fb4..6c5075a3 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -1780,6 +1780,7 @@ class GherkinLexer(RegexLexer):
'examples_table_header': [
(r"\s+\|\s*$", Keyword, "#pop:2"),
+ (r"\\\|", Name.Variable),
(r"\s*\|", Keyword),
(r"[^\|]", Name.Variable),
@@ -1822,6 +1823,7 @@ class GherkinLexer(RegexLexer):
'table_content': [
(r"\s+\|\s*$", Keyword, "#pop"),
+ (r"\\\|", String),
(r"\s*\|", Keyword),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 142fef57..e2a12046 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -2442,10 +2442,10 @@ class CoffeeScriptLexer(RegexLexer):
#(r'^(?=\s|/|<!--)', Text, 'slashstartsregex'),
- r'\|\||\\(?=\n)|(<<|>>>?|==?|!=?|'
- r'=(?!>)|-(?!>)|[<>+*`%&\|\^/])=?',
+ r'\|\||\\(?=\n)|'
+ r'(<<|>>>?|==?(?!>)|!=?|=(?!>)|-(?!>)|[<>+*`%&\|\^/])=?',
Operator, 'slashstartsregex'),
- (r'(?:\([^()]+\))?\s*[=-]>', Name.Function),
+ (r'(?:\([^()]*\))?\s*[=-]>', Name.Function),
(r'[{(\[;,]', Punctuation, 'slashstartsregex'),
(r'[})\].]', Punctuation),