#!/usr/bin/env python """ "**Pycco**" is a Python port of [Docco](http://jashkenas.github.com/docco/): the original quick-and-dirty, hundred-line-long, literate-programming-style documentation generator. It produces HTML that displays your comments alongside your code. Comments are passed through [Markdown][markdown] and [SmartyPants][smartypants][^extensions], while code is passed through [Pygments](http://pygments.org/) for syntax highlighting. [markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax [smartypants]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/footnotes/ [^extensions]: Three extensions to Markdown are available: 1. [SmartyPants][smarty] 2. [Fenced code blocks][fences] 3. [Footnotes][footnotes] [smarty]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/smarty/ [fences]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/fenced_code_blocks/ [footnotes]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/footnotes/ This page is the result of running Pycco against its own source file. If you install Pycco, you can run it from the command-line: pycco src/*.py This will generate linked HTML documentation for the named source files, saving it into a `docs` folder by default. The [source for Pycco](https://github.com/pycco-docs/pycco) is available on GitHub, and released under the MIT license. To install Pycco, simply pip install pycco Or, to install the latest source git clone git://github.com/pycco-docs/pycco.git cd pycco python setup.py install """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function # Import our external dependencies. import argparse import os import re import sys import time from os import path import pygments from pygments import formatters, lexers from markdown import markdown from pycco.generate_index import generate_index from pycco.languages import supported_languages from pycco_resources import css as pycco_css # This module contains all of our static resources. from pycco_resources import pycco_template # === Main Documentation Generation Functions === def generate_documentation(source, outdir=None, preserve_paths=True, language=None, encoding="utf8"): """ Generate the documentation for a source file by reading it in, splitting it up into comment/code sections, highlighting them for the appropriate language, and merging them into an HTML template. """ if not outdir: raise TypeError("Missing the required 'outdir' keyword argument.") code = open(source, "rb").read().decode(encoding) return _generate_documentation(source, code, outdir, preserve_paths, language) def _generate_documentation(file_path, code, outdir, preserve_paths, language): """ Helper function to allow documentation generation without file handling. """ language = get_language(file_path, code, language_name=language) sections = parse(code, language) highlight(sections, language, preserve_paths=preserve_paths, outdir=outdir) return generate_html(file_path, sections, preserve_paths=preserve_paths, outdir=outdir) def parse(code, language): """ Given a string of source code, parse out each comment and the code that follows it, and create an individual **section** for it. Sections take the form: { "docs_text": ..., "docs_html": ..., "code_text": ..., "code_html": ..., "num": ... } """ lines = code.split("\n") sections = [] has_code = docs_text = code_text = "" if lines[0].startswith("#!"): lines.pop(0) if language["name"] == "python": for linenum, line in enumerate(lines[:2]): if re.search(r'coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)', lines[linenum]): lines.pop(linenum) break def save(docs, code): if docs or code: sections.append({ "docs_text": docs, "code_text": code }) # Setup the variables to get ready to check for multiline comments multi_line = False multi_string = False multistart, multiend = language.get("multistart"), language.get("multiend") comment_matcher = language['comment_matcher'] for line in lines: process_as_code = False # Only go into multiline comments section when one of the delimiters is # found to be at the start of a line if multistart and multiend \ and any(line.lstrip().startswith(delim) or line.rstrip().endswith(delim) for delim in (multistart, multiend)): multi_line = not multi_line if multi_line \ and line.strip().endswith(multiend) \ and len(line.strip()) > len(multiend): multi_line = False if not line.strip().startswith(multistart) and not multi_line \ or multi_string: process_as_code = True if multi_string: multi_line = False multi_string = False else: multi_string = True else: # Get rid of the delimiters so that they aren't in the final # docs line = line.replace(multistart, '') line = line.replace(multiend, '') docs_text += line.strip() + '\n' indent_level = re.match(r"\s*", line).group(0) if has_code and docs_text.strip(): save(docs_text, code_text[:-1]) code_text = code_text.split('\n')[-1] has_code = docs_text = '' elif multi_line: # Remove leading spaces if re.match(r' {{{:d}}}'.format(len(indent_level)), line): docs_text += line[len(indent_level):] + '\n' else: docs_text += line + '\n' elif re.match(comment_matcher, line): if has_code: save(docs_text, code_text) has_code = docs_text = code_text = '' docs_text += re.sub(comment_matcher, "", line) + "\n" else: process_as_code = True if process_as_code: if code_text and any(line.lstrip().startswith(x) for x in ['class ', 'def ', '@']): if not code_text.lstrip().startswith("@"): save(docs_text, code_text) code_text = has_code = docs_text = '' has_code = True code_text += line + '\n' save(docs_text, code_text) return sections # === Preprocessing the comments === def preprocess(comment, preserve_paths=True, outdir=None): """ Add cross-references before having the text processed by markdown. It's possible to reference another file, like this : `[[main.py]]` which renders [[main.py]]. You can also reference a specific section of another file, like this: `[[main.py#highlighting-the-source-code]]` which renders as [[main.py#highlighting-the-source-code]]. Sections have to be manually declared; they are written on a single line, and surrounded by equals signs: `=== like this ===` """ if not outdir: raise TypeError("Missing the required 'outdir' keyword argument.") def sanitize_section_name(name): return "-".join(name.lower().strip().split(" ")) def replace_crossref(match): # Check if the match contains an anchor if '#' in match.group(1): name, anchor = match.group(1).split('#') return " [{}]({}#{})".format(name, path.basename(destination(name, preserve_paths=preserve_paths, outdir=outdir)), anchor) else: return " [{}]({})".format(match.group(1), path.basename(destination(match.group(1), preserve_paths=preserve_paths, outdir=outdir))) def replace_section_name(match): """ Replace equals-sign-formatted section names with anchor links. """ return '{lvl} {name}'.format( lvl=re.sub('=', '#', match.group(1)), id=sanitize_section_name(match.group(2)), name=match.group(2) ) comment = re.sub(r'^([=]+)([^=]+)[=]*\s*$', replace_section_name, comment) comment = re.sub(r'(?{}DIVIDER\n*'.format(comment_symbol) ) # Get the Pygments Lexer for this language. l["lexer"] = lexers.get_lexer_by_name(language_name) for entry in supported_languages.values(): compile_language(entry) def get_language(source, code, language_name=None): """ Get the current language we're documenting, based on the extension. """ if language_name is not None: for entry in supported_languages.values(): if entry["name"] == language_name: return entry else: raise ValueError("Unknown forced language: {}".format(language_name)) if source: m = re.match(r'.*(\..+)', os.path.basename(source)) if m and m.group(1) in supported_languages: return supported_languages[m.group(1)] try: language_name = lexers.guess_lexer(code).name.lower() for entry in supported_languages.values(): if entry["name"] == language_name: return entry else: raise ValueError() except ValueError: # If pygments can't find any lexers, it will raise its own # subclass of ValueError. We will catch it and raise ours # for consistency. raise ValueError("Can't figure out the language!") def destination(filepath, preserve_paths=True, outdir=None): """ Compute the destination HTML path for an input source file path. If the source is `lib/example.py`, the HTML will be at `docs/example.html`. """ dirname, filename = path.split(filepath) if not outdir: raise TypeError("Missing the required 'outdir' keyword argument.") try: name = re.sub(r"\.[^.]*$", "", filename) except ValueError: name = filename if preserve_paths: name = path.join(dirname, name) dest = path.join(outdir, u"{}.html".format(name)) # If `join` is passed an absolute path, it will ignore any earlier path # elements. We will force outdir to the beginning of the path to avoid # writing outside our destination. if not dest.startswith(outdir): dest = outdir + os.sep + dest return dest def shift(list, default): """ Shift items off the front of the `list` until it is empty, then return `default`. """ try: return list.pop(0) except IndexError: return default def remove_control_chars(s): # Sanitization regexp copied from # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/92438/stripping-non-printable-characters-from-a-string-in-python from pycco.compat import pycco_unichr control_chars = ''.join( map(pycco_unichr, list(range(0, 32)) + list(range(127, 160)))) control_char_re = re.compile(u'[{}]'.format(re.escape(control_chars))) return control_char_re.sub('', s) def ensure_directory(directory): """ Sanitize directory string and ensure that the destination directory exists. """ directory = remove_control_chars(directory) if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) return directory # The start of each Pygments highlight block. highlight_start = "

# The end of each Pygments highlight block.
highlight_end = "
" def _flatten_sources(sources): """ This function will iterate through the list of sources and if a directory is encountered it will walk the tree for any files. """ _sources = [] for source in sources: if os.path.isdir(source): for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(source): _sources.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames]) else: _sources.append(source) return _sources def process(sources, preserve_paths=True, outdir=None, language=None, encoding="utf8", index=False, skip=False): """ For each source file passed as argument, generate the documentation. """ if not outdir: raise TypeError("Missing the required 'directory' keyword argument.") # Make a copy of sources given on the command line. `main()` needs the # original list when monitoring for changed files. sources = sorted(_flatten_sources(sources)) # Proceed to generating the documentation. if sources: outdir = ensure_directory(outdir) css = open(path.join(outdir, "pycco.css"), "wb") css.write(pycco_css.encode(encoding)) css.close() generated_files = [] def next_file(): s = sources.pop(0) dest = destination(s, preserve_paths=preserve_paths, outdir=outdir) try: os.makedirs(path.split(dest)[0]) except OSError: pass try: with open(dest, "wb") as f: f.write(generate_documentation(s, preserve_paths=preserve_paths, outdir=outdir, language=language, encoding=encoding)) print("pycco: {} -> {}".format(s, dest)) generated_files.append(dest) except (ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e: if skip: print("pycco [FAILURE]: {}, {}".format(s, e)) else: raise if sources: next_file() next_file() if index: with open(path.join(outdir, "index.html"), "wb") as f: f.write(generate_index(generated_files, outdir)) __all__ = ("process", "generate_documentation") def monitor(sources, opts): """ Monitor each source file and re-generate documentation on change. """ # The watchdog modules are imported in `main()` but we need to re-import # here to bring them into the local namespace. import watchdog.events import watchdog.observers # Watchdog operates on absolute paths, so map those to original paths # as specified on the command line. absolute_sources = dict((os.path.abspath(source), source) for source in sources) class RegenerateHandler(watchdog.events.FileSystemEventHandler): """ A handler for recompiling files which triggered watchdog events. """ def on_modified(self, event): """ Regenerate documentation for a file which triggered an event. """ # Re-generate documentation from a source file if it was listed on # the command line. Watchdog monitors whole directories, so other # files may cause notifications as well. if event.src_path in absolute_sources: process([absolute_sources[event.src_path]], outdir=opts.outdir, preserve_paths=opts.paths) # Set up an observer which monitors all directories for files given on # the command line and notifies the handler defined above. event_handler = RegenerateHandler() observer = watchdog.observers.Observer() directories = set(os.path.split(source)[0] for source in sources) for directory in directories: observer.schedule(event_handler, path=directory) # Run the file change monitoring loop until the user hits Ctrl-C. observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join() def main(): """ Hook spot for the console script. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-p', '--paths', action='store_true', help='Preserve path structure of original files') parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', action='store', type=str, dest='outdir', default='docs', help='The output directory that the rendered files should go to.') parser.add_argument('-w', '--watch', action='store_true', help='Watch original files and re-generate documentation on changes') parser.add_argument('-l', '--force-language', action='store', type=str, dest='language', default=None, help='Force the language for the given files') parser.add_argument('-i', '--generate_index', action='store_true', help='Generate an index.html document with sitemap content') parser.add_argument('-s', '--skip-bad-files', '-e', '--ignore-errors', action='store_true', dest='skip_bad_files', help='Continue processing after hitting a bad file') parser.add_argument('sources', nargs='*') args = parser.parse_args() if args.outdir == '': outdir = '.' else: outdir = args.outdir process(args.sources, outdir=outdir, preserve_paths=args.paths, language=args.language, index=args.generate_index, skip=args.skip_bad_files) # If the -w / \-\-watch option was present, monitor the source directories # for changes and re-generate documentation for source files whenever they # are modified. if args.watch: try: import watchdog.events import watchdog.observers # noqa except ImportError: sys.exit('The -w/--watch option requires the watchdog package.') monitor(args.sources, args) # Run the script. if __name__ == "__main__": main()