# Python modules import time import sys PY_MAJOR_VERSION = sys.version_info[0] # hashlib is only available in Python >= 2.5. I still want to support # older Pythons so I import md5 if hashlib is not available. Fortunately # md5 can masquerade as hashlib for my purposes. try: import hashlib except ImportError: import md5 as hashlib # 3rd party modules import posix_ipc # Utils for this demo import utils utils.say("Oooo 'ello, I'm Mrs. Conclusion!") params = utils.read_params() # Mrs. Premise has already created the message queue. I just need a handle # to it. mq = posix_ipc.MessageQueue(params["MESSAGE_QUEUE_NAME"]) what_i_sent = "" for i in range(0, params["ITERATIONS"]): utils.say("iteration %d" % i) s, _ = mq.receive() s = s.decode() utils.say("Received %s" % s) while s == what_i_sent: # Nothing new; give Mrs. Premise another chance to respond. mq.send(s) s, _ = mq.receive() s = s.decode() utils.say("Received %s" % s) if what_i_sent: if PY_MAJOR_VERSION > 2: what_i_sent = what_i_sent.encode() try: assert(s == hashlib.md5(what_i_sent).hexdigest()) except AssertionError: utils.raise_error(AssertionError, "Message corruption after %d iterations." % i) #else: # When what_i_sent is blank, this is the first message which # I always accept without question. # MD5 the reply and write back to Mrs. Premise. s = hashlib.md5(s.encode()).hexdigest() utils.say("Sending %s" % s) mq.send(s) what_i_sent = s utils.say("") utils.say("%d iterations complete" % (i + 1))