""" pint.util ~~~~~~~~~ Miscellaneous functions for pint. :copyright: 2016 by Pint Authors, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ from __future__ import annotations import logging import math import operator import re from collections.abc import Mapping, Iterable, Iterator from fractions import Fraction from functools import lru_cache, partial from logging import NullHandler from numbers import Number from token import NAME, NUMBER import tokenize from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, TypeAlias, Callable, TypeVar, Any, ) from collections.abc import Hashable, Generator from .compat import NUMERIC_TYPES, tokenizer from .errors import DefinitionSyntaxError from .formatting import format_unit from .pint_eval import build_eval_tree from ._typing import PintScalar if TYPE_CHECKING: from ._typing import Quantity, UnitLike, Self from .registry import UnitRegistry logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.addHandler(NullHandler()) T = TypeVar("T") TH = TypeVar("TH", bound=Hashable) ItMatrix: TypeAlias = Iterable[Iterable[PintScalar]] Matrix: TypeAlias = list[list[PintScalar]] def _noop(x: T) -> T: return x def matrix_to_string( matrix: ItMatrix, row_headers: Iterable[str] | None = None, col_headers: Iterable[str] | None = None, fmtfun: Callable[ [ PintScalar, ], str, ] = "{:0.0f}".format, ) -> str: """Return a string representation of a matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix A matrix given as an iterable of an iterable of numbers. row_headers An iterable of strings to serve as row headers. (default = None, meaning no row headers are printed.) col_headers An iterable of strings to serve as column headers. (default = None, meaning no col headers are printed.) fmtfun A callable to convert a number into string. (default = `"{:0.0f}".format`) Returns ------- str String representation of the matrix. """ ret: list[str] = [] if col_headers: ret.append(("\t" if row_headers else "") + "\t".join(col_headers)) if row_headers: ret += [ rh + "\t" + "\t".join(fmtfun(f) for f in row) for rh, row in zip(row_headers, matrix) ] else: ret += ["\t".join(fmtfun(f) for f in row) for row in matrix] return "\n".join(ret) def transpose(matrix: ItMatrix) -> Matrix: """Return the transposed version of a matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix A matrix given as an iterable of an iterable of numbers. Returns ------- Matrix The transposed version of the matrix. """ return [list(val) for val in zip(*matrix)] def matrix_apply( matrix: ItMatrix, func: Callable[ [ PintScalar, ], PintScalar, ], ) -> Matrix: """Apply a function to individual elements within a matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix A matrix given as an iterable of an iterable of numbers. func A callable that converts a number to another. Returns ------- A new matrix in which each element has been replaced by new one. """ return [[func(x) for x in row] for row in matrix] def column_echelon_form( matrix: ItMatrix, ntype: type = Fraction, transpose_result: bool = False ) -> tuple[Matrix, Matrix, list[int]]: """Calculate the column echelon form using Gaussian elimination. Parameters ---------- matrix A 2D matrix as nested list. ntype The numerical type to use in the calculation. (default = Fraction) transpose_result Indicates if the returned matrix should be transposed. (default = False) Returns ------- ech_matrix Column echelon form. id_matrix Transformed identity matrix. swapped Swapped rows. """ _transpose = transpose if transpose_result else _noop ech_matrix = matrix_apply( transpose(matrix), lambda x: ntype.from_float(x) if isinstance(x, float) else ntype(x), # type: ignore ) rows, cols = len(ech_matrix), len(ech_matrix[0]) # M = [[ntype(x) for x in row] for row in M] id_matrix: list[list[PintScalar]] = [ # noqa: E741 [ntype(1) if n == nc else ntype(0) for nc in range(rows)] for n in range(rows) ] swapped: list[int] = [] lead = 0 for r in range(rows): if lead >= cols: return _transpose(ech_matrix), _transpose(id_matrix), swapped s = r while ech_matrix[s][lead] == 0: # type: ignore s += 1 if s != rows: continue s = r lead += 1 if cols == lead: return _transpose(ech_matrix), _transpose(id_matrix), swapped ech_matrix[s], ech_matrix[r] = ech_matrix[r], ech_matrix[s] id_matrix[s], id_matrix[r] = id_matrix[r], id_matrix[s] swapped.append(s) lv = ech_matrix[r][lead] ech_matrix[r] = [mrx / lv for mrx in ech_matrix[r]] id_matrix[r] = [mrx / lv for mrx in id_matrix[r]] for s in range(rows): if s == r: continue lv = ech_matrix[s][lead] ech_matrix[s] = [ iv - lv * rv for rv, iv in zip(ech_matrix[r], ech_matrix[s]) ] id_matrix[s] = [iv - lv * rv for rv, iv in zip(id_matrix[r], id_matrix[s])] lead += 1 return _transpose(ech_matrix), _transpose(id_matrix), swapped def pi_theorem(quantities: dict[str, Any], registry: UnitRegistry | None = None): """Builds dimensionless quantities using the Buckingham π theorem Parameters ---------- quantities : dict mapping between variable name and units registry : (default value = None) Returns ------- type a list of dimensionless quantities expressed as dicts """ # Preprocess input and build the dimensionality Matrix quant = [] dimensions = set() if registry is None: getdim = _noop non_int_type = float else: getdim = registry.get_dimensionality non_int_type = registry.non_int_type for name, value in quantities.items(): if isinstance(value, str): value = ParserHelper.from_string(value, non_int_type=non_int_type) if isinstance(value, dict): dims = getdim(registry.UnitsContainer(value)) elif not hasattr(value, "dimensionality"): dims = getdim(value) else: dims = value.dimensionality if not registry and any(not key.startswith("[") for key in dims): logger.warning( "A non dimension was found and a registry was not provided. " "Assuming that it is a dimension name: {}.".format(dims) ) quant.append((name, dims)) dimensions = dimensions.union(dims.keys()) dimensions = list(dimensions) # Calculate dimensionless quantities matrix = [ [dimensionality[dimension] for name, dimensionality in quant] for dimension in dimensions ] ech_matrix, id_matrix, pivot = column_echelon_form(matrix, transpose_result=False) # Collect results # Make all numbers integers and minimize the number of negative exponents. # Remove zeros results = [] for rowm, rowi in zip(ech_matrix, id_matrix): if any(el != 0 for el in rowm): continue max_den = max(f.denominator for f in rowi) neg = -1 if sum(f < 0 for f in rowi) > sum(f > 0 for f in rowi) else 1 results.append( { q[0]: neg * f.numerator * max_den / f.denominator for q, f in zip(quant, rowi) if f.numerator != 0 } ) return results def solve_dependencies( dependencies: dict[TH, set[TH]] ) -> Generator[set[TH], None, None]: """Solve a dependency graph. Parameters ---------- dependencies : dependency dictionary. For each key, the value is an iterable indicating its dependencies. Yields ------ set iterator of sets, each containing keys of independents tasks dependent only of the previous tasks in the list. Raises ------ ValueError if a cyclic dependency is found. """ while dependencies: # values not in keys (items without dep) t = {i for v in dependencies.values() for i in v} - dependencies.keys() # and keys without value (items without dep) t.update(k for k, v in dependencies.items() if not v) # can be done right away if not t: raise ValueError( "Cyclic dependencies exist among these items: {}".format( ", ".join(repr(x) for x in dependencies.items()) ) ) # and cleaned up dependencies = {k: v - t for k, v in dependencies.items() if v} yield t def find_shortest_path( graph: dict[TH, set[TH]], start: TH, end: TH, path: list[TH] | None = None ): """Find shortest path between two nodes within a graph. Parameters ---------- graph A graph given as a mapping of nodes to a set of all connected nodes to it. start Starting node. end End node. path Path to prepend to the one found. (default = None, empty path.) Returns ------- list[TH] The shortest path between two nodes. """ path = (path or []) + [start] if start == end: return path # TODO: raise ValueError when start not in graph if start not in graph: return None shortest = None for node in graph[start]: if node not in path: newpath = find_shortest_path(graph, node, end, path) if newpath: if not shortest or len(newpath) < len(shortest): shortest = newpath return shortest def find_connected_nodes( graph: dict[TH, set[TH]], start: TH, visited: set[TH] | None = None ) -> set[TH] | None: """Find all nodes connected to a start node within a graph. Parameters ---------- graph A graph given as a mapping of nodes to a set of all connected nodes to it. start Starting node. visited Mutable set to collect visited nodes. (default = None, empty set) Returns ------- set[TH] The shortest path between two nodes. """ # TODO: raise ValueError when start not in graph if start not in graph: return None visited = visited or set() visited.add(start) for node in graph[start]: if node not in visited: find_connected_nodes(graph, node, visited) return visited class udict(dict[str, PintScalar]): """Custom dict implementing __missing__.""" def __missing__(self, key: str): return 0 def copy(self: Self) -> Self: return udict(self) class UnitsContainer(Mapping[str, PintScalar]): """The UnitsContainer stores the product of units and their respective exponent and implements the corresponding operations. UnitsContainer is a read-only mapping. All operations (even in place ones) Parameters ---------- non_int_type Numerical type used for non integer values. """ __slots__ = ("_d", "_hash", "_one", "_non_int_type") _d: udict _hash: int | None _one: PintScalar _non_int_type: type def __init__(self, *args, non_int_type: type | None = None, **kwargs) -> None: if args and isinstance(args[0], UnitsContainer): default_non_int_type = args[0]._non_int_type else: default_non_int_type = float self._non_int_type = non_int_type or default_non_int_type if self._non_int_type is float: self._one = 1 else: self._one = self._non_int_type("1") d = udict(*args, **kwargs) self._d = d for key, value in d.items(): if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError(f"key must be a str, not {type(key)}") if not isinstance(value, Number): raise TypeError(f"value must be a number, not {type(value)}") if not isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, self._non_int_type): d[key] = self._non_int_type(value) self._hash = None def copy(self: Self) -> Self: """Create a copy of this UnitsContainer.""" return self.__copy__() def add(self: Self, key: str, value: Number) -> Self: """Create a new UnitsContainer adding value to the value existing for a given key. Parameters ---------- key unit to which the value will be added. value value to be added. Returns ------- UnitsContainer A copy of this container. """ newval = self._d[key] + value new = self.copy() if newval: new._d[key] = newval else: new._d.pop(key) new._hash = None return new def remove(self: Self, keys: Iterable[str]) -> Self: """Create a new UnitsContainer purged from given entries. Parameters ---------- keys Iterable of keys (units) to remove. Returns ------- UnitsContainer A copy of this container. """ new = self.copy() for k in keys: new._d.pop(k) new._hash = None return new def rename(self: Self, oldkey: str, newkey: str) -> Self: """Create a new UnitsContainer in which an entry has been renamed. Parameters ---------- oldkey Existing key (unit). newkey New key (unit). Returns ------- UnitsContainer A copy of this container. """ new = self.copy() new._d[newkey] = new._d.pop(oldkey) new._hash = None return new def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self._d) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._d) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> PintScalar: return self._d[key] def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool: return key in self._d def __hash__(self) -> int: if self._hash is None: self._hash = hash(frozenset(self._d.items())) return self._hash # Only needed by pickle protocol 0 and 1 (used by pytables) def __getstate__(self) -> tuple[udict, PintScalar, type]: return self._d, self._one, self._non_int_type def __setstate__(self, state: tuple[udict, PintScalar, type]): self._d, self._one, self._non_int_type = state self._hash = None def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, UnitsContainer): # UnitsContainer.__hash__(self) is not the same as hash(self); see # ParserHelper.__hash__ and __eq__. # Different hashes guarantee that the actual contents are different, but # identical hashes give no guarantee of equality. # e.g. in CPython, hash(-1) == hash(-2) if UnitsContainer.__hash__(self) != UnitsContainer.__hash__(other): return False other = other._d elif isinstance(other, str): try: other = ParserHelper.from_string(other, self._non_int_type) except DefinitionSyntaxError: return False other = other._d return dict.__eq__(self._d, other) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__format__("") def __repr__(self) -> str: tmp = "{%s}" % ", ".join( [f"'{key}': {value}" for key, value in sorted(self._d.items())] ) return f"" def __format__(self, spec: str) -> str: return format_unit(self, spec) def format_babel(self, spec: str, registry=None, **kwspec) -> str: return format_unit(self, spec, registry=registry, **kwspec) def __copy__(self): # Skip expensive health checks performed by __init__ out = object.__new__(self.__class__) out._d = self._d.copy() out._hash = self._hash out._non_int_type = self._non_int_type out._one = self._one return out def __mul__(self, other: Any): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): err = "Cannot multiply UnitsContainer by {}" raise TypeError(err.format(type(other))) new = self.copy() for key, value in other.items(): new._d[key] += value if new._d[key] == 0: del new._d[key] new._hash = None return new __rmul__ = __mul__ def __pow__(self, other: Any): if not isinstance(other, NUMERIC_TYPES): err = "Cannot power UnitsContainer by {}" raise TypeError(err.format(type(other))) new = self.copy() for key, value in new._d.items(): new._d[key] *= other new._hash = None return new def __truediv__(self, other: Any): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): err = "Cannot divide UnitsContainer by {}" raise TypeError(err.format(type(other))) new = self.copy() for key, value in other.items(): new._d[key] -= value if new._d[key] == 0: del new._d[key] new._hash = None return new def __rtruediv__(self, other: Any): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__) and other != 1: err = "Cannot divide {} by UnitsContainer" raise TypeError(err.format(type(other))) return self**-1 class ParserHelper(UnitsContainer): """The ParserHelper stores in place the product of variables and their respective exponent and implements the corresponding operations. It also provides a scaling factor. For example: `3 * m ** 2` becomes ParserHelper(3, m=2) Briefly is a UnitsContainer with a scaling factor. ParserHelper is a read-only mapping. All operations (even in place ones) WARNING : The hash value used does not take into account the scale attribute so be careful if you use it as a dict key and then two unequal object can have the same hash. Parameters ---------- scale Scaling factor. (default = 1) **kwargs Used to populate the dict of units and exponents. """ __slots__ = ("scale",) scale: PintScalar def __init__(self, scale: PintScalar = 1, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.scale = scale @classmethod def from_word(cls, input_word: str, non_int_type: type = float) -> ParserHelper: """Creates a ParserHelper object with a single variable with exponent one. Equivalent to: ParserHelper(1, {input_word: 1}) Parameters ---------- input_word non_int_type Numerical type used for non integer values. """ if non_int_type is float: return cls(1, [(input_word, 1)], non_int_type=non_int_type) else: ONE = non_int_type("1") return cls(ONE, [(input_word, ONE)], non_int_type=non_int_type) @classmethod def eval_token(cls, token: tokenize.TokenInfo, non_int_type: type = float): token_type = token.type token_text = token.string if token_type == NUMBER: if non_int_type is float: try: return int(token_text) except ValueError: return float(token_text) else: return non_int_type(token_text) elif token_type == NAME: return ParserHelper.from_word(token_text, non_int_type=non_int_type) else: raise Exception("unknown token type") @classmethod @lru_cache def from_string(cls, input_string: str, non_int_type: type = float) -> ParserHelper: """Parse linear expression mathematical units and return a quantity object. Parameters ---------- input_string non_int_type Numerical type used for non integer values. """ if not input_string: return cls(non_int_type=non_int_type) input_string = string_preprocessor(input_string) if "[" in input_string: input_string = input_string.replace("[", "__obra__").replace( "]", "__cbra__" ) reps = True else: reps = False gen = tokenizer(input_string) ret = build_eval_tree(gen).evaluate( partial(cls.eval_token, non_int_type=non_int_type) ) if isinstance(ret, Number): return cls(ret, non_int_type=non_int_type) if reps: ret = cls( ret.scale, { key.replace("__obra__", "[").replace("__cbra__", "]"): value for key, value in ret.items() }, non_int_type=non_int_type, ) for k in list(ret): if k.lower() == "nan": del ret._d[k] ret.scale = non_int_type(math.nan) return ret def __copy__(self): new = super().__copy__() new.scale = self.scale return new def copy(self): return self.__copy__() def __hash__(self): if self.scale != 1: mess = "Only scale 1 ParserHelper instance should be considered hashable" raise ValueError(mess) return super().__hash__() # Only needed by pickle protocol 0 and 1 (used by pytables) def __getstate__(self): return super().__getstate__() + (self.scale,) def __setstate__(self, state): super().__setstate__(state[:-1]) self.scale = state[-1] def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, ParserHelper): return self.scale == other.scale and super().__eq__(other) elif isinstance(other, str): return self == ParserHelper.from_string(other, self._non_int_type) elif isinstance(other, Number): return self.scale == other and not len(self._d) return self.scale == 1 and super().__eq__(other) def operate(self, items, op=operator.iadd, cleanup: bool = True): d = udict(self._d) for key, value in items: d[key] = op(d[key], value) if cleanup: keys = [key for key, value in d.items() if value == 0] for key in keys: del d[key] return self.__class__(self.scale, d, non_int_type=self._non_int_type) def __str__(self): tmp = "{%s}" % ", ".join( [f"'{key}': {value}" for key, value in sorted(self._d.items())] ) return f"{self.scale} {tmp}" def __repr__(self): tmp = "{%s}" % ", ".join( [f"'{key}': {value}" for key, value in sorted(self._d.items())] ) return f"" def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): new = self.add(other, self._one) elif isinstance(other, Number): new = self.copy() new.scale *= other elif isinstance(other, self.__class__): new = self.operate(other.items()) new.scale *= other.scale else: new = self.operate(other.items()) return new __rmul__ = __mul__ def __pow__(self, other): d = self._d.copy() for key in self._d: d[key] *= other return self.__class__(self.scale**other, d, non_int_type=self._non_int_type) def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): new = self.add(other, -1) elif isinstance(other, Number): new = self.copy() new.scale /= other elif isinstance(other, self.__class__): new = self.operate(other.items(), operator.sub) new.scale /= other.scale else: new = self.operate(other.items(), operator.sub) return new __floordiv__ = __truediv__ def __rtruediv__(self, other): new = self.__pow__(-1) if isinstance(other, str): new = new.add(other, self._one) elif isinstance(other, Number): new.scale *= other elif isinstance(other, self.__class__): new = self.operate(other.items(), operator.add) new.scale *= other.scale else: new = new.operate(other.items(), operator.add) return new #: List of regex substitution pairs. _subs_re_list = [ ("\N{DEGREE SIGN}", "degree"), (r"([\w\.\-\+\*\\\^])\s+", r"\1 "), # merge multiple spaces (r"({}) squared", r"\1**2"), # Handle square and cube (r"({}) cubed", r"\1**3"), (r"cubic ({})", r"\1**3"), (r"square ({})", r"\1**2"), (r"sq ({})", r"\1**2"), ( r"\b([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)(?=[e|E][a-zA-Z]|[a-df-zA-DF-Z])", r"\1*", ), # Handle numberLetter for multiplication (r"([\w\.\)])\s+(?=[\w\(])", r"\1*"), # Handle space for multiplication ] #: Compiles the regex and replace {} by a regex that matches an identifier. _subs_re = [ (re.compile(a.format(r"[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*")), b) for a, b in _subs_re_list ] _pretty_table = str.maketrans("⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹·⁻", "0123456789*-") _pretty_exp_re = re.compile(r"(⁻?[⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹]+(?:\.[⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹]*)?)") def string_preprocessor(input_string: str) -> str: input_string = input_string.replace(",", "") input_string = input_string.replace(" per ", "/") for a, b in _subs_re: input_string = a.sub(b, input_string) input_string = _pretty_exp_re.sub(r"**(\1)", input_string) # Replace pretty format characters input_string = input_string.translate(_pretty_table) # Handle caret exponentiation input_string = input_string.replace("^", "**") return input_string def _is_dim(name: str) -> bool: return name[0] == "[" and name[-1] == "]" class SharedRegistryObject: """Base class for object keeping a reference to the registree. Such object are for now Quantity and Unit, in a number of places it is that an object from this class has a '_units' attribute. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ _REGISTRY: ClassVar[UnitRegistry] _units: UnitsContainer def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): inst = object.__new__(cls) if not hasattr(cls, "_REGISTRY"): # Base class, not subclasses dynamically by # UnitRegistry._init_dynamic_classes from . import application_registry inst._REGISTRY = application_registry.get() return inst def _check(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Check if the other object use a registry and if so that it is the same registry. Parameters ---------- other Returns ------- bool Raises ------ ValueError if other don't use the same unit registry. """ if self._REGISTRY is getattr(other, "_REGISTRY", None): return True elif isinstance(other, SharedRegistryObject): mess = "Cannot operate with {} and {} of different registries." raise ValueError( mess.format(self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__) ) else: return False class PrettyIPython: """Mixin to add pretty-printers for IPython""" default_format: str def _repr_html_(self) -> str: if "~" in self.default_format: return f"{self:~H}" return f"{self:H}" def _repr_latex_(self) -> str: if "~" in self.default_format: return f"${self:~L}$" return f"${self:L}$" def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle: bool): if "~" in self.default_format: p.text(f"{self:~P}") else: p.text(f"{self:P}") def to_units_container( unit_like: UnitLike | Quantity, registry: UnitRegistry | None = None ) -> UnitsContainer: """Convert a unit compatible type to a UnitsContainer. Parameters ---------- unit_like Quantity or Unit to infer the plain units from. registry If provided, uses the registry's UnitsContainer and parse_unit_name. If None, uses the registry attached to unit_like. Returns ------- UnitsContainer """ mro = type(unit_like).mro() if UnitsContainer in mro: return unit_like elif SharedRegistryObject in mro: return unit_like._units elif str in mro: if registry: return registry._parse_units(unit_like) else: return ParserHelper.from_string(unit_like) elif dict in mro: if registry: return registry.UnitsContainer(unit_like) else: return UnitsContainer(unit_like) def infer_base_unit( unit_like: UnitLike | Quantity, registry: UnitRegistry | None = None ) -> UnitsContainer: """ Given a Quantity or UnitLike, give the UnitsContainer for it's plain units. Parameters ---------- unit_like Quantity or Unit to infer the plain units from. registry If provided, uses the registry's UnitsContainer and parse_unit_name. If None, uses the registry attached to unit_like. Returns ------- UnitsContainer Raises ------ ValueError The unit_like did not reference a registry, and no registry was provided. """ d = udict() original_units = to_units_container(unit_like, registry) if registry is None and hasattr(unit_like, "_REGISTRY"): registry = unit_like._REGISTRY if registry is None: raise ValueError("No registry provided.") for unit_name, power in original_units.items(): candidates = registry.parse_unit_name(unit_name) assert len(candidates) == 1 _, base_unit, _ = candidates[0] d[base_unit] += power # remove values that resulted in a power of 0 nonzero_dict = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v != 0} return registry.UnitsContainer(nonzero_dict) def getattr_maybe_raise(obj: Any, item: str): """Helper function invoked at start of all overridden ``__getattr__``. Raise AttributeError if the user tries to ask for a _ or __ attribute, *unless* it is immediately followed by a number, to enable units encompassing constants, such as ``L / _100km``. Parameters ---------- item attribute to be found. Raises ------ AttributeError """ # Double-underscore attributes are tricky to detect because they are # automatically prefixed with the class name - which may be a subclass of obj if ( item.endswith("__") or len(item.lstrip("_")) == 0 or (item.startswith("_") and not item.lstrip("_")[0].isdigit()) ): raise AttributeError(f"{obj!r} object has no attribute {item!r}") def iterable(y: Any) -> bool: """Check whether or not an object can be iterated over.""" try: iter(y) except TypeError: return False return True def sized(y: Any) -> bool: """Check whether or not an object has a defined length.""" try: len(y) except TypeError: return False return True def create_class_with_registry(registry: UnitRegistry, base_class: type) -> type: """Create new class inheriting from base_class and filling _REGISTRY class attribute with an actual instanced registry. """ return type(base_class.__name__, (base_class,), dict(_REGISTRY=registry))