""" pint.formatter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Format units for pint. :copyright: 2016 by Pint Authors, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ from __future__ import annotations import re import warnings from typing import Callable, Dict from .babel_names import _babel_lengths, _babel_units from .compat import babel_parse __JOIN_REG_EXP = re.compile(r"{\d*}") def _join(fmt, iterable): """Join an iterable with the format specified in fmt. The format can be specified in two ways: - PEP3101 format with two replacement fields (eg. '{} * {}') - The concatenating string (eg. ' * ') Parameters ---------- fmt : str iterable : Returns ------- str """ if not iterable: return "" if not __JOIN_REG_EXP.search(fmt): return fmt.join(iterable) miter = iter(iterable) first = next(miter) for val in miter: ret = fmt.format(first, val) first = ret return first _PRETTY_EXPONENTS = "⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹" def _pretty_fmt_exponent(num): """Format an number into a pretty printed exponent. Parameters ---------- num : int Returns ------- str """ # unicode dot operator (U+22C5) looks like a superscript decimal ret = f"{num:n}".replace("-", "⁻").replace(".", "\u22C5") for n in range(10): ret = ret.replace(str(n), _PRETTY_EXPONENTS[n]) return ret #: _FORMATS maps format specifications to the corresponding argument set to #: formatter(). _FORMATS: Dict[str, dict] = { "P": { # Pretty format. "as_ratio": True, "single_denominator": False, "product_fmt": "·", "division_fmt": "/", "power_fmt": "{}{}", "parentheses_fmt": "({})", "exp_call": _pretty_fmt_exponent, }, "L": { # Latex format. "as_ratio": True, "single_denominator": True, "product_fmt": r" \cdot ", "division_fmt": r"\frac[{}][{}]", "power_fmt": "{}^[{}]", "parentheses_fmt": r"\left({}\right)", }, "Lx": {"siopts": "", "pm_fmt": " +- "}, # Latex format with SIunitx. "H": { # HTML format. "as_ratio": True, "single_denominator": True, "product_fmt": r" ", "division_fmt": r"{}/{}", "power_fmt": r"{}{}", "parentheses_fmt": r"({})", }, "": { # Default format. "as_ratio": True, "single_denominator": False, "product_fmt": " * ", "division_fmt": " / ", "power_fmt": "{} ** {}", "parentheses_fmt": r"({})", }, "C": { # Compact format. "as_ratio": True, "single_denominator": False, "product_fmt": "*", # TODO: Should this just be ''? "division_fmt": "/", "power_fmt": "{}**{}", "parentheses_fmt": r"({})", }, } #: _FORMATTERS maps format names to callables doing the formatting _FORMATTERS: Dict[str, Callable] = {} def register_unit_format(name): """register a function as a new format for units The registered function must have a signature of: .. code:: python def new_format(unit, registry, **options): pass Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the new format (to be used in the format mini-language). A error is raised if the new format would overwrite a existing format. Examples -------- .. code:: python @pint.register_unit_format("custom") def format_custom(unit, registry, **options): result = "" # do the formatting return result ureg = pint.UnitRegistry() u = ureg.m / ureg.s ** 2 f"{u:custom}" """ def wrapper(func): if name in _FORMATTERS: raise ValueError(f"format {name!r} already exists") # or warn instead _FORMATTERS[name] = func return wrapper @register_unit_format("P") def format_pretty(unit, registry, **options): return formatter( unit.items(), as_ratio=True, single_denominator=False, product_fmt="·", division_fmt="/", power_fmt="{}{}", parentheses_fmt="({})", exp_call=_pretty_fmt_exponent, **options, ) @register_unit_format("L") def format_latex(unit, registry, **options): preprocessed = { r"\mathrm{{{}}}".format(u.replace("_", r"\_")): p for u, p in unit.items() } formatted = formatter( preprocessed.items(), as_ratio=True, single_denominator=True, product_fmt=r" \cdot ", division_fmt=r"\frac[{}][{}]", power_fmt="{}^[{}]", parentheses_fmt=r"\left({}\right)", **options, ) return formatted.replace("[", "{").replace("]", "}") @register_unit_format("Lx") def format_latex_siunitx(unit, registry, **options): if registry is None: raise ValueError( "Can't format as siunitx without a registry." " This is usually triggered when formatting a instance" ' of the internal `UnitsContainer` with a spec of `"Lx"`' " and might indicate a bug in `pint`." ) formatted = siunitx_format_unit(unit, registry) return rf"\si[]{{{formatted}}}" @register_unit_format("H") def format_html(unit, registry, **options): return formatter( unit.items(), as_ratio=True, single_denominator=True, product_fmt=r" ", division_fmt=r"{}/{}", power_fmt=r"{}{}", parentheses_fmt=r"({})", **options, ) @register_unit_format("D") def format_default(unit, registry, **options): return formatter( unit.items(), as_ratio=True, single_denominator=False, product_fmt=" * ", division_fmt=" / ", power_fmt="{} ** {}", parentheses_fmt=r"({})", **options, ) @register_unit_format("C") def format_compact(unit, registry, **options): return formatter( unit.items(), as_ratio=True, single_denominator=False, product_fmt="*", # TODO: Should this just be ''? division_fmt="/", power_fmt="{}**{}", parentheses_fmt=r"({})", **options, ) def formatter( items, as_ratio=True, single_denominator=False, product_fmt=" * ", division_fmt=" / ", power_fmt="{} ** {}", parentheses_fmt="({0})", exp_call=lambda x: f"{x:n}", locale=None, babel_length="long", babel_plural_form="one", sort=True, ): """Format a list of (name, exponent) pairs. Parameters ---------- items : list a list of (name, exponent) pairs. as_ratio : bool, optional True to display as ratio, False as negative powers. (Default value = True) single_denominator : bool, optional all with terms with negative exponents are collected together. (Default value = False) product_fmt : str the format used for multiplication. (Default value = " * ") division_fmt : str the format used for division. (Default value = " / ") power_fmt : str the format used for exponentiation. (Default value = "{} ** {}") parentheses_fmt : str the format used for parenthesis. (Default value = "({0})") locale : str the locale object as defined in babel. (Default value = None) babel_length : str the length of the translated unit, as defined in babel cldr. (Default value = "long") babel_plural_form : str the plural form, calculated as defined in babel. (Default value = "one") exp_call : callable (Default value = lambda x: f"{x:n}") sort : bool, optional True to sort the formatted units alphabetically (Default value = True) Returns ------- str the formula as a string. """ if not items: return "" if as_ratio: fun = lambda x: exp_call(abs(x)) else: fun = exp_call pos_terms, neg_terms = [], [] if sort: items = sorted(items) for key, value in items: if locale and babel_length and babel_plural_form and key in _babel_units: _key = _babel_units[key] locale = babel_parse(locale) unit_patterns = locale._data["unit_patterns"] compound_unit_patterns = locale._data["compound_unit_patterns"] plural = "one" if abs(value) <= 0 else babel_plural_form if babel_length not in _babel_lengths: other_lengths = [ _babel_length for _babel_length in reversed(_babel_lengths) if babel_length != _babel_length ] else: other_lengths = [] for _babel_length in [babel_length] + other_lengths: pat = unit_patterns.get(_key, {}).get(_babel_length, {}).get(plural) if pat is not None: # Don't remove this positional! This is the format used in Babel key = pat.replace("{0}", "").strip() break division_fmt = compound_unit_patterns.get("per", {}).get( babel_length, division_fmt ) power_fmt = "{}{}" exp_call = _pretty_fmt_exponent if value == 1: pos_terms.append(key) elif value > 0: pos_terms.append(power_fmt.format(key, fun(value))) elif value == -1 and as_ratio: neg_terms.append(key) else: neg_terms.append(power_fmt.format(key, fun(value))) if not as_ratio: # Show as Product: positive * negative terms ** -1 return _join(product_fmt, pos_terms + neg_terms) # Show as Ratio: positive terms / negative terms pos_ret = _join(product_fmt, pos_terms) or "1" if not neg_terms: return pos_ret if single_denominator: neg_ret = _join(product_fmt, neg_terms) if len(neg_terms) > 1: neg_ret = parentheses_fmt.format(neg_ret) else: neg_ret = _join(division_fmt, neg_terms) return _join(division_fmt, [pos_ret, neg_ret]) # Extract just the type from the specification mini-language: see # http://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#format-specification-mini-language # We also add uS for uncertainties. _BASIC_TYPES = frozenset("bcdeEfFgGnosxX%uS") def _parse_spec(spec): result = "" for ch in reversed(spec): if ch == "~" or ch in _BASIC_TYPES: continue elif ch in list(_FORMATTERS.keys()) + ["~"]: if result: raise ValueError("expected ':' after format specifier") else: result = ch elif ch.isalpha(): raise ValueError("Unknown conversion specified " + ch) else: break return result def format_unit(unit, spec, registry=None, **options): # registry may be None to allow formatting `UnitsContainer` objects # in that case, the spec may not be "Lx" if not unit: if spec.endswith("%"): return "" else: return "dimensionless" if not spec: spec = "D" fmt = _FORMATTERS.get(spec) if fmt is None: raise ValueError(f"Unknown conversion specified: {spec}") return fmt(unit, registry=registry, **options) def siunitx_format_unit(units, registry): """Returns LaTeX code for the unit that can be put into an siunitx command.""" def _tothe(power): if isinstance(power, int) or (isinstance(power, float) and power.is_integer()): if power == 1: return "" elif power == 2: return r"\squared" elif power == 3: return r"\cubed" else: return r"\tothe{{{:d}}}".format(int(power)) else: # limit float powers to 3 decimal places return r"\tothe{{{:.3f}}}".format(power).rstrip("0") lpos = [] lneg = [] # loop through all units in the container for unit, power in sorted(units.items()): # remove unit prefix if it exists # siunitx supports \prefix commands lpick = lpos if power >= 0 else lneg prefix = None # TODO: fix this to be fore efficient and detect also aliases. for p in registry._prefixes.values(): p = str(p.name) if len(p) > 0 and unit.find(p) == 0: prefix = p unit = unit.replace(prefix, "", 1) if power < 0: lpick.append(r"\per") if prefix is not None: lpick.append(r"\{}".format(prefix)) lpick.append(r"\{}".format(unit)) lpick.append(r"{}".format(_tothe(abs(power)))) return "".join(lpos) + "".join(lneg) def extract_custom_flags(spec): import re if not spec: return "" # sort by length, with longer items first known_flags = sorted(_FORMATTERS.keys(), key=len, reverse=True) flag_re = re.compile("(" + "|".join(known_flags + ["~"]) + ")") custom_flags = flag_re.findall(spec) return "".join(custom_flags) def remove_custom_flags(spec): for flag in sorted(_FORMATTERS.keys(), key=len, reverse=True) + ["~"]: if flag: spec = spec.replace(flag, "") return spec def split_format(spec, default, separate_format_defaults=True): mspec = remove_custom_flags(spec) uspec = extract_custom_flags(spec) default_mspec = remove_custom_flags(default) default_uspec = extract_custom_flags(default) if separate_format_defaults in (False, None): # should we warn always or only if there was no explicit choice? # Given that we want to eventually remove the flag again, I'd say yes? if spec and separate_format_defaults is None: if not uspec and default_uspec: warnings.warn( ( "The given format spec does not contain a unit formatter." " Falling back to the builtin defaults, but in the future" " the unit formatter specified in the `default_format`" " attribute will be used instead." ), DeprecationWarning, ) if not mspec and default_mspec: warnings.warn( ( "The given format spec does not contain a magnitude formatter." " Falling back to the builtin defaults, but in the future" " the magnitude formatter specified in the `default_format`" " attribute will be used instead." ), DeprecationWarning, ) elif not spec: mspec, uspec = default_mspec, default_uspec else: mspec = mspec if mspec else default_mspec uspec = uspec if uspec else default_uspec return mspec, uspec def vector_to_latex(vec, fmtfun=lambda x: format(x, ".2f")): return matrix_to_latex([vec], fmtfun) def matrix_to_latex(matrix, fmtfun=lambda x: format(x, ".2f")): ret = [] for row in matrix: ret += [" & ".join(fmtfun(f) for f in row)] return r"\begin{pmatrix}%s\end{pmatrix}" % "\\\\ \n".join(ret) def ndarray_to_latex_parts(ndarr, fmtfun=lambda x: format(x, ".2f"), dim=()): if isinstance(fmtfun, str): fmt = fmtfun fmtfun = lambda x: format(x, fmt) if ndarr.ndim == 0: _ndarr = ndarr.reshape(1) return [vector_to_latex(_ndarr, fmtfun)] if ndarr.ndim == 1: return [vector_to_latex(ndarr, fmtfun)] if ndarr.ndim == 2: return [matrix_to_latex(ndarr, fmtfun)] else: ret = [] if ndarr.ndim == 3: header = ("arr[%s," % ",".join("%d" % d for d in dim)) + "%d,:,:]" for elno, el in enumerate(ndarr): ret += [header % elno + " = " + matrix_to_latex(el, fmtfun)] else: for elno, el in enumerate(ndarr): ret += ndarray_to_latex_parts(el, fmtfun, dim + (elno,)) return ret def ndarray_to_latex(ndarr, fmtfun=lambda x: format(x, ".2f"), dim=()): return "\n".join(ndarray_to_latex_parts(ndarr, fmtfun, dim))