""" pint.facets.context.registry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: 2022 by Pint Authors, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ from __future__ import annotations import functools from collections import ChainMap from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Any, Callable, ContextManager, Dict, Union from ..._typing import F from ...errors import UndefinedUnitError from ...util import find_connected_nodes, find_shortest_path, logger from ..plain import PlainRegistry, UnitDefinition from .definitions import ContextDefinition from .objects import Context, ContextChain # TODO: Put back annotation when possible # registry_cache: "RegistryCache" class ContextCacheOverlay: """Layer on top of the plain UnitRegistry cache, specific to a combination of active contexts which contain unit redefinitions. """ def __init__(self, registry_cache) -> None: self.dimensional_equivalents = registry_cache.dimensional_equivalents self.root_units = {} self.dimensionality = registry_cache.dimensionality self.parse_unit = registry_cache.parse_unit class ContextRegistry(PlainRegistry): """Handle of Contexts. Conversion between units with different dimensions according to previously established relations (contexts). (e.g. in the spectroscopy, conversion between frequency and energy is possible) Capabilities: - Register contexts. - Enable and disable contexts. - Parse @context directive. """ Context = Context def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # Map context name (string) or abbreviation to context. self._contexts: Dict[str, Context] = {} # Stores active contexts. self._active_ctx = ContextChain() # Map context chain to cache self._caches = {} # Map context chain to units override self._context_units = {} super().__init__(**kwargs) # Allow contexts to add override layers to the units self._units = ChainMap(self._units) def _register_definition_adders(self) -> None: super()._register_definition_adders() self._register_adder(ContextDefinition, self.add_context) def add_context(self, context: Union[Context, ContextDefinition]) -> None: """Add a context object to the registry. The context will be accessible by its name and aliases. Notice that this method will NOT enable the context; see :meth:`enable_contexts`. """ if isinstance(context, ContextDefinition): context = Context.from_definition(context, self.get_dimensionality) if not context.name: raise ValueError("Can't add unnamed context to registry") if context.name in self._contexts: logger.warning( "The name %s was already registered for another context.", context.name ) self._contexts[context.name] = context for alias in context.aliases: if alias in self._contexts: logger.warning( "The name %s was already registered for another context", context.name, ) self._contexts[alias] = context def remove_context(self, name_or_alias: str) -> Context: """Remove a context from the registry and return it. Notice that this methods will not disable the context; see :meth:`disable_contexts`. """ context = self._contexts[name_or_alias] del self._contexts[context.name] for alias in context.aliases: del self._contexts[alias] return context def _build_cache(self, loaded_files=None) -> None: super()._build_cache(loaded_files) self._caches[()] = self._cache def _switch_context_cache_and_units(self) -> None: """If any of the active contexts redefine units, create variant self._cache and self._units specific to the combination of active contexts. The next time this method is invoked with the same combination of contexts, reuse the same variant self._cache and self._units as in the previous time. """ del self._units.maps[:-1] units_overlay = any(ctx.redefinitions for ctx in self._active_ctx.contexts) if not units_overlay: # Use the default _cache and _units self._cache = self._caches[()] return key = self._active_ctx.hashable() try: self._cache = self._caches[key] self._units.maps.insert(0, self._context_units[key]) except KeyError: pass # First time using this specific combination of contexts and it contains # unit redefinitions base_cache = self._caches[()] self._caches[key] = self._cache = ContextCacheOverlay(base_cache) self._context_units[key] = units_overlay = {} self._units.maps.insert(0, units_overlay) on_redefinition_backup = self._on_redefinition self._on_redefinition = "ignore" try: for ctx in reversed(self._active_ctx.contexts): for definition in ctx.redefinitions: self._redefine(definition) finally: self._on_redefinition = on_redefinition_backup def _redefine(self, definition: UnitDefinition) -> None: """Redefine a unit from a context""" # Find original definition in the UnitRegistry candidates = self.parse_unit_name(definition.name) if not candidates: raise UndefinedUnitError(definition.name) candidates_no_prefix = [c for c in candidates if not c[0]] if not candidates_no_prefix: raise ValueError(f"Can't redefine a unit with a prefix: {definition.name}") assert len(candidates_no_prefix) == 1 _, name, _ = candidates_no_prefix[0] try: basedef = self._units[name] except KeyError: raise UndefinedUnitError(name) # Rebuild definition as a variant of the plain if basedef.is_base: raise ValueError("Can't redefine a plain unit to a derived one") dims_old = self._get_dimensionality(basedef.reference) dims_new = self._get_dimensionality(definition.reference) if dims_old != dims_new: raise ValueError( f"Can't change dimensionality of {basedef.name} " f"from {dims_old} to {dims_new} in a context" ) # Do not modify in place the original definition, as (1) the context may # be shared by other registries, and (2) it would alter the cache key definition = UnitDefinition( name=basedef.name, defined_symbol=basedef.symbol, aliases=basedef.aliases, reference=definition.reference, converter=definition.converter, ) # Write into the context-specific self._units.maps[0] and self._cache.root_units self.define(definition) def enable_contexts( self, *names_or_contexts: Union[str, Context], **kwargs ) -> None: """Enable contexts provided by name or by object. Parameters ---------- *names_or_contexts : one or more contexts or context names/aliases **kwargs : keyword arguments for the context(s) Examples -------- See :meth:`context` """ # If present, copy the defaults from the containing contexts if self._active_ctx.defaults: kwargs = dict(self._active_ctx.defaults, **kwargs) # For each name, we first find the corresponding context ctxs = [ self._contexts[name] if isinstance(name, str) else name for name in names_or_contexts ] # Check if the contexts have been checked first, if not we make sure # that dimensions are expressed in terms of plain dimensions. for ctx in ctxs: if ctx.checked: continue funcs_copy = dict(ctx.funcs) for (src, dst), func in funcs_copy.items(): src_ = self._get_dimensionality(src) dst_ = self._get_dimensionality(dst) if src != src_ or dst != dst_: ctx.remove_transformation(src, dst) ctx.add_transformation(src_, dst_, func) ctx.checked = True # and create a new one with the new defaults. contexts = tuple(Context.from_context(ctx, **kwargs) for ctx in ctxs) # Finally we add them to the active context. self._active_ctx.insert_contexts(*contexts) self._switch_context_cache_and_units() def disable_contexts(self, n: int = None) -> None: """Disable the last n enabled contexts. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of contexts to disable. Default: disable all contexts. """ self._active_ctx.remove_contexts(n) self._switch_context_cache_and_units() @contextmanager def context(self, *names, **kwargs) -> ContextManager[Context]: """Used as a context manager, this function enables to activate a context which is removed after usage. Parameters ---------- *names : name(s) of the context(s). **kwargs : keyword arguments for the contexts. Examples -------- Context can be called by their name: >>> import pint.facets.context.objects >>> import pint >>> ureg = pint.UnitRegistry() >>> ureg.add_context(pint.facets.context.objects.Context('one')) >>> ureg.add_context(pint.facets.context.objects.Context('two')) >>> with ureg.context('one'): ... pass If a context has an argument, you can specify its value as a keyword argument: >>> with ureg.context('one', n=1): ... pass Multiple contexts can be entered in single call: >>> with ureg.context('one', 'two', n=1): ... pass Or nested allowing you to give different values to the same keyword argument: >>> with ureg.context('one', n=1): ... with ureg.context('two', n=2): ... pass A nested context inherits the defaults from the containing context: >>> with ureg.context('one', n=1): ... # Here n takes the value of the outer context ... with ureg.context('two'): ... pass """ # Enable the contexts. self.enable_contexts(*names, **kwargs) try: # After adding the context and rebuilding the graph, the registry # is ready to use. yield self finally: # Upon leaving the with statement, # the added contexts are removed from the active one. self.disable_contexts(len(names)) def with_context(self, name, **kwargs) -> Callable[[F], F]: """Decorator to wrap a function call in a Pint context. Use it to ensure that a certain context is active when calling a function. Parameters ---------- name : name of the context. **kwargs : keyword arguments for the context Returns ------- callable: the wrapped function. Examples -------- >>> @ureg.with_context('sp') ... def my_cool_fun(wavelength): ... print('This wavelength is equivalent to: %s', wavelength.to('terahertz')) """ def decorator(func): assigned = tuple( attr for attr in functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS if hasattr(func, attr) ) updated = tuple( attr for attr in functools.WRAPPER_UPDATES if hasattr(func, attr) ) @functools.wraps(func, assigned=assigned, updated=updated) def wrapper(*values, **wrapper_kwargs): with self.context(name, **kwargs): return func(*values, **wrapper_kwargs) return wrapper return decorator def _convert(self, value, src, dst, inplace=False): """Convert value from some source to destination units. In addition to what is done by the PlainRegistry, converts between units with different dimensions by following transformation rules defined in the context. Parameters ---------- value : value src : UnitsContainer source units. dst : UnitsContainer destination units. inplace : (Default value = False) Returns ------- callable converted value """ # If there is an active context, we look for a path connecting source and # destination dimensionality. If it exists, we transform the source value # by applying sequentially each transformation of the path. if self._active_ctx: src_dim = self._get_dimensionality(src) dst_dim = self._get_dimensionality(dst) path = find_shortest_path(self._active_ctx.graph, src_dim, dst_dim) if path: src = self.Quantity(value, src) for a, b in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]): src = self._active_ctx.transform(a, b, self, src) value, src = src._magnitude, src._units return super()._convert(value, src, dst, inplace) def _get_compatible_units(self, input_units, group_or_system): src_dim = self._get_dimensionality(input_units) ret = super()._get_compatible_units(input_units, group_or_system) if self._active_ctx: ret = ret.copy() # Do not alter self._cache nodes = find_connected_nodes(self._active_ctx.graph, src_dim) if nodes: for node in nodes: ret |= self._cache.dimensional_equivalents[node] return ret