language: python branches: # prevent bors temporary branches to be built except: - staging.tmp - trying.tmp env: - UNCERTAINTIES="N" PYTHON="3.6" NUMPY_VERSION=1.14 PANDAS=1 - UNCERTAINTIES="N" PYTHON="3.3" NUMPY_VERSION=1.9.2 PANDAS=0 - UNCERTAINTIES="N" PYTHON="3.4" NUMPY_VERSION=1.11.2 PANDAS=0 - UNCERTAINTIES="N" PYTHON="3.5" NUMPY_VERSION=1.11.2 PANDAS=0 - UNCERTAINTIES="Y" PYTHON="3.5" NUMPY_VERSION=1.11.2 PANDAS=0 - UNCERTAINTIES="N" PYTHON="3.6" NUMPY_VERSION=1.11.2 PANDAS=0 - UNCERTAINTIES="N" PYTHON="2.7" NUMPY_VERSION=0 PANDAS=0 - UNCERTAINTIES="N" PYTHON="3.5" NUMPY_VERSION=0 PANDAS=0 # Test with the latest numpy version - UNCERTAINTIES="N" PYTHON="2.7" NUMPY_VERSION=1.14 PANDAS=0 - UNCERTAINTIES="N" PYTHON="3.4" NUMPY_VERSION=1.14 PANDAS=0 - UNCERTAINTIES="N" PYTHON="3.5" NUMPY_VERSION=1.14 PANDAS=0 - UNCERTAINTIES="Y" PYTHON="3.5" NUMPY_VERSION=1.14 PANDAS=0 - UNCERTAINTIES="N" PYTHON="3.6" NUMPY_VERSION=1.14 PANDAS=0 before_install: - sudo apt-get update - if [[ "$PYTHON" == "2.7" ]]; then wget -O; else wget -O; fi - bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" - hash -r - conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no - conda update -q conda # Useful for debugging any issues with conda - conda info -a # The next couple lines fix a crash with multiprocessing on Travis and are not specific to using Miniconda - sudo rm -rf /dev/shm - sudo ln -s /run/shm /dev/shm - export ENV_NAME=travis install: - conda create --yes -n $ENV_NAME python=$PYTHON pip - source activate $ENV_NAME - if [ $UNCERTAINTIES == 'Y' ]; then pip install 'uncertainties=='; fi - if [ $NUMPY_VERSION != '0' ]; then conda install --yes numpy==$NUMPY_VERSION; fi - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '3.5' && $NUMPY_VERSION == 1.11.2 && $UNCERTAINTIES == "Y" ]]; then pip install babel serialize pyyaml; fi # this is superslow but suck it up until updates to pandas are made - if [[ $PANDAS == '1' ]]; then pip install numpy cython pytest pytest-cov nbval; pip install git+; fi - pip install coveralls script: # if we're doing the pandas tests and hence have pytest available, we can # simply use it to run all the tests - if [[ $PANDAS == '1' ]]; then python -bb -m coverage run -p --source=pint --omit="*test*","*compat*" -m py.test; fi # test notebooks too if pandas available - if [[ $PANDAS == '1' ]]; then pip install -e .; pytest --nbval notebooks/*; fi - if [[ $PANDAS == '0' ]]; then python -bb -m coverage run -p --source=pint --omit="*test*","*compat*","*pandas*" test; fi - coverage combine - coverage report -m after_success: - coveralls --verbose