#: W605:1:10 regex = '\.png$' #: W605:2:1 regex = ''' \.png$ ''' #: W605:2:6 f( '\_' ) #: W605:4:6 """ multi-line literal with \_ somewhere in the middle """ #: Okay regex = r'\.png$' regex = '\\.png$' regex = r''' \.png$ ''' regex = r''' \\.png$ ''' s = '\\' regex = '\w' # noqa regex = ''' \w ''' # noqa #: W606 async = 42 #: W606 await = 42 #: W606 await 42 #: W606 await 'test' #: W606 def async(): pass #: W606 def await(): pass #: W606 class async: pass #: W606 class await: pass #: Okay async def read_data(db): data = await db.fetch('SELECT ...') #: Okay if await fut: pass if (await fut): pass if await fut + 1: pass if (await fut) + 1: pass pair = await fut, 'spam' pair = (await fut), 'spam' with await fut, open(): pass with (await fut), open(): pass await foo()['spam'].baz()() return await coro() return (await coro()) res = await coro() ** 2 res = (await coro()) ** 2 func(a1=await coro(), a2=0) func(a1=(await coro()), a2=0) await foo() + await bar() (await foo()) + (await bar()) -await foo() -(await foo()) (await foo()) await(await foo())