from traceback import print_exc from pprint import pformat import pdb from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO from mako.template import Template from webob import Response from .resources import (pecan_image, xregexp_js, syntax_js, syntax_css, theme, brush) debug_template_raw = ''' Pecan - Application Error

pecan logo application error

To disable this interface, set = False


% if not debugging: Want to debug this request?
You can with a Python debugger breakpoint.
% endif

WSGI Environment

''' debug_template = Template(debug_template_raw) __debug_environ__ = None class PdbMiddleware(object): def __init__(self, app, debugger): = app self.debugger = debugger def __call__(self, environ, start_response): try: return, start_response) except: self.debugger() class DebugMiddleware(object): """A WSGI middleware that provides debugging assistance for development environments. To enable the debugging middleware, simply set the ``debug`` flag to ``True`` in your configuration file:: app = { ... 'debug': True, ... } Once enabled, the middleware will automatically catch exceptions raised by your application, and display the Python stack trace and WSGI environment in your browser for easy debugging. To further aid in debugging, the middleware includes the ability to repeat the offending request, automatically inserting a breakpoint, and dropping your console into the Python debugger, ``pdb``. For more information, refer to the `documentation for pdb `_ available on the Python website. :param app: the application to wrap. :param debugger: a callable to start debugging, defaulting to the Python debugger, ``pdb``. """ def __init__(self, app, debugger=pdb.post_mortem): = app self.debugger = debugger def __call__(self, environ, start_response): assert not environ['wsgi.multiprocess'], ( "The DebugMiddleware middleware is not usable in a " "multi-process environment") if environ.get('paste.testing'): return, start_response) # initiate a PDB session if requested global __debug_environ__ debugging = environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/__pecan_initiate_pdb__' if debugging: PdbMiddleware(, self.debugger)( __debug_environ__, start_response ) environ = __debug_environ__ try: return, start_response) except: # save the environ for debugging if not debugging: __debug_environ__ = environ # get a formatted exception out = StringIO() print_exc(file=out) # get formatted WSGI environment formatted_environ = pformat(environ) # render our template result = debug_template.render( traceback=out.getvalue(), environment=formatted_environ, pecan_image=pecan_image, xregexp_js=xregexp_js, syntax_js=syntax_js, brush=brush, syntax_css=syntax_css, theme=theme, debugging=debugging ) # construct and return our response response = Response() response.status_int = 400 response.unicode_body = result return response(environ, start_response)