[tox] envlist = py27,py34,py35,py36,py37,pypy,pypy3,docs,readme [testenv] deps= -rrequirements-test.txt commands= coverage run --source oauthlib -m unittest discover coverage report # tox -e docs to mimick readthedocs build. # as of today, RTD is using python2.7 and doesn't run "setup.py install" [testenv:docs] basepython=python2.7 skipsdist=True deps=sphinx changedir=docs whitelist_externals=make commands=make clean html # tox -e readme to mimick PyPI long_description check [testenv:readme] skipsdist=True deps=readme whitelist_externals=echo commands= python setup.py check -r -s echo setup.py/long description is syntaxly correct