Supported features and platforms ================================ OAuth 1 is fully supported per the RFC for both clients and providers. Extensions and variations that are outside the spec are not supported. - HMAC-SHA1, RSA-SHA1 and plaintext signatures. - Signature placement in header, url or body. OAuth 2 client and provider support for - Authorization Code Grant - Implicit Grant - Client Credentials Grant - Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant - Refresh Tokens - Bearer Tokens - Draft MAC tokens - Token Revocation with support for SAML2 and JWT tokens, dynamic client registration and more to come. Supported platforms ------------------- OAuthLib is mainly developed/tested on 64 bit Linux but works on Unix (incl. OS X) and Windows as well. Unless you are using the RSA features of OAuth 1 you should be able to use OAuthLib on any platform that supports Python. If you use RSA you are limited to the platforms supported by `cryptography`_. .. _`cryptography`: