====== Client ====== Unicode Everywhere ------------------ OAuthLib expects you to supply all string-like parameters in unicode. If you're using bytestrings in your library, make sure to do a proper conversion to unicode before sending the strings to oauthlib. Request body ------------ The OAuth 1 spec only covers signing of x-www-url-formencoded information. If you are sending some other kind of data in the body (say, multipart file uploads), these don't count as a body for the purposes of signing. Don't provide the body to Client.sign() if it isn't x-www-url-formencoded data. For convenience, you can pass body data in one of three ways: * a dictionary * an iterable of 2-tuples * a properly-formated x-www-url-formencoded string RSA Signatures -------------- OAuthLib supports the 'RSA-SHA1' signature but does not install the PyCrypto dependency by default. This is not done because PyCrypto is fairly cumbersome to install, especially on Windows. Linux and Mac OS X (?) users can install PyCrypto using pip:: pip install pycrypto Windows users will have to jump through a few hoops. The following links may be helpful: * `Voidspace Python prebuilt binaries for PyCrypto `_ * `Can I install Python Windows packages into virtualenvs `_ * `Compiling pycrypto on Windows 7 (64bit) `_