OAuthLib ======== *A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic.* .. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/idangazit/oauthlib.png?branch=master OAuth often seems complicated and difficult-to-implement. There are several prominent libraries for signing OAuth requests, but they all suffer from one or both of the following: 1. They predate the `OAuth 1.0 spec`_, AKA RFC 5849. 2. They assume the usage of a specific HTTP request library. .. _`OAuth 1.0 spec`: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849 OAuthLib is a generic utility which implements the logic of OAuth without assuming a specific HTTP request object. Use it to graft OAuth support onto your favorite HTTP library. If you're a maintainer of such a library, write a thin veneer on top of OAuthLib and get OAuth support for very little effort. Interested in making OAuth requests? ------------------------------------ Then you might be more interested in using `requests`_ which has OAuthLib powered OAuth support built-in. See the `requests OAuth examples`_ for how you can get started. .. _`requests`: https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests .. _`requests OAuth examples`: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/quickstart/#oauth-authentication License ------- OAuthLib is yours to use and abuse according to the terms of the BSD license. Check the LICENSE file for full details. Changelog --------- *OAuthLib is in active development, with most of OAuth1 complete and OAuth2 already in the works.* 0.3.2: Fixed #62, all Python 3 tests pass. 0.3.1: Python 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 support (experimental) 0.3.0: Initial OAuth 2 client support 0.2.1: Exclude non urlencoded bodies during request verification 0.2.0: OAuth provider support 0.1.4: soft dependency on PyCrypto 0.1.3: use python-rsa instead of pycrypto. 0.1.1 / 0.1.2: Fix installation of pycrypto dependency. 0.1.0: OAuth 1 client functionality seems to be working. Hooray! 0.0.x: In the beginning, there was the word.