# Downstream tests (Don't be evil) # # Try and not break the libraries below by running their tests too. # # Unfortunately there is no neat way to run downstream tests AFAIK # Until we have a proper downstream testing system we will # stick to this Makefile. #--------------------------- # HOW TO ADD NEW DOWNSTREAM LIBRARIES # # Please specify your library as well as primary contacts. # Since these contacts will be addressed with Github mentions they # need to be Github users (for now)(sorry Bitbucket). # clean: rm -rf .tox rm -rf bottle-oauthlib rm -rf django-oauth-toolkit rm -rf flask-oauthlib rm -rf requests-oauthlib test: tox bottle: #--------------------------- # Library thomsonreuters/bottle-oauthlib # Contacts: Jonathan.Huot cd bottle-oauthlib 2>/dev/null || git clone https://github.com/thomsonreuters/bottle-oauthlib.git cd bottle-oauthlib && sed -i.old 's,deps =,deps= --editable=file://{toxinidir}/../,' tox.ini && sed -i.old '/oauthlib/d' requirements.txt && tox flask: #--------------------------- # Library: lepture/flask-oauthLib # Contacts: lepture,widnyana cd flask-oauthlib 2>/dev/null || git clone https://github.com/lepture/flask-oauthlib.git cd flask-oauthlib && sed -i.old 's,deps =,deps= --editable=file://{toxinidir}/../,' tox.ini && sed -i.old '/oauthlib/d' requirements.txt && tox django: #--------------------------- # Library: evonove/django-oauth-toolkit # Contacts: evonove,masci # (note: has tox.ini already) cd django-oauth-toolkit 2>/dev/null || git clone https://github.com/evonove/django-oauth-toolkit.git cd django-oauth-toolkit && sed -i.old 's,deps =,deps= --editable=file://{toxinidir}/../,' tox.ini && tox -e py27,py35,py36 requests: #--------------------------- # Library requests/requests-oauthlib # Contacts: ib-lundgren,lukasa cd requests-oauthlib 2>/dev/null || git clone https://github.com/requests/requests-oauthlib.git cd requests-oauthlib && sed -i.old 's,deps=,deps = --editable=file://{toxinidir}/../[signedtoken],' tox.ini && sed -i.old '/oauthlib/d' requirements.txt && tox .DEFAULT_GOAL := all .PHONY: clean test bottle django flask requests all: clean test bottle django flask requests