import logging import os import sys import unittest import nose.plugins from optparse import OptionParser import tempfile from warnings import warn, filterwarnings, resetwarnings from nose import SkipTest from nose.pyversion import unbound_method from nose.config import Config from nose.plugins.attrib import AttributeSelector from nose.plugins.base import Plugin from nose.plugins.cover import Coverage from nose.plugins.doctests import Doctest from import Profile from mock import * class P(Plugin): """Plugin of destiny!""" pass class ErrPlugin(object): def load(self): raise Exception("Failed to load the plugin") class ErrPkgResources(object): def iter_entry_points(self, ep): yield ErrPlugin() # some plugins have 2.4-only features compat_24 = sys.version_info >= (2, 4) class TestBuiltinPlugins(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.p = sys.path[:] def tearDown(self): sys.path = self.p[:] def test_add_options(self): conf = Config() opt = Bucket() parser = MockOptParser() plug = P() plug.add_options(parser) o, d = parser.opts[0] # print d assert o[0] == '--with-p' assert d['action'] == 'store_true' assert not d['default'] assert d['dest'] == 'enable_plugin_p' assert d['help'] == 'Enable plugin P: Plugin of destiny! [NOSE_WITH_P]' opt.enable_plugin_p = True plug.configure(opt, conf) assert plug.enabled class TestDoctestPlugin(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.p = sys.path[:] def tearDown(self): sys.path = self.p[:] def test_add_options(self): # doctest plugin adds some options... conf = Config() opt = Bucket() parser = MockOptParser() plug = Doctest() plug.add_options(parser, {}) o, d = parser.opts[0] assert o[0] == '--with-doctest' o2, d2 = parser.opts[1] assert o2[0] == '--doctest-tests' o3, d3 = parser.opts[2] assert o3[0] == '--doctest-extension' def test_config(self): # test that configuration works properly when both environment # and command line specify a doctest extension parser = OptionParser() env = {'NOSE_DOCTEST_EXTENSION':'ext'} argv = ['--doctest-extension', 'txt'] dtp = Doctest() dtp.add_options(parser, env) options, args = parser.parse_args(argv) print options print args self.assertEqual(options.doctestExtension, ['ext', 'txt']) env = {} parser = OptionParser() dtp.add_options(parser, env) options, args = parser.parse_args(argv) print options print args self.assertEqual(options.doctestExtension, ['txt']) def test_want_file(self): # doctest plugin can select module and/or non-module files conf = Config() opt = Bucket() plug = Doctest() plug.can_configure = True plug.configure(opt, conf) assert plug.wantFile('') assert not plug.wantFile('bar.txt') assert not plug.wantFile('buz.rst') assert not plug.wantFile('') plug.extension = ['.txt', '.rst'] assert plug.wantFile('/path/to/') assert plug.wantFile('/path/to/bar.txt') assert plug.wantFile('/path/to/buz.rst') assert not plug.wantFile('/path/to/') def test_matches(self): # doctest plugin wants tests from all NON-test modules conf = Config() opt = Bucket() plug = Doctest() plug.can_configure = True plug.configure(opt, conf) assert not plug.matches('test') assert plug.matches('foo') def test_collect_pymodule(self): here = os.path.dirname(__file__) support = os.path.join(here, 'support') if not support in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, support) import conf = Config() opt = Bucket() plug = Doctest() plug.can_configure = True plug.configure(opt, conf) suite = plug.loadTestsFromModule( expect = ['[afunc (]'] for test in suite: self.assertEqual(str(test), expect.pop(0)) def test_addresses(self): here = os.path.dirname(__file__) support = os.path.join(here, 'support') if not support in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, support) import conf = Config() opt = Bucket() plug = Doctest() plug.can_configure = True plug.configure(opt, conf) suite = plug.loadTestsFromModule( for test in suite: print test.address() file, mod, call = test.address() self.assertEqual(mod, '') self.assertEqual(call, None) for case in test: print case.address() file, mod, call = case.address() self.assertEqual(mod, '') self.assertEqual(call, 'afunc') def test_collect_txtfile(self): here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) support = os.path.join(here, 'support') fn = os.path.join(support, 'foo', 'doctests.txt') conf = Config() opt = Bucket() plug = Doctest() plug.can_configure = True plug.configure(opt, conf) plug.extension = ['.txt'] suite = plug.loadTestsFromFile(fn) for test in suite: assert str(test).endswith('doctests.txt') assert test.address(), "Test %s has no address" def test_collect_no_collect(self): # bug # we got "iteration over non-sequence" when no files match here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) support = os.path.join(here, 'support') plug = Doctest() for test in plug.loadTestsFromFile(os.path.join(support, 'foo')):"Expected no tests, got %s" % test) class TestAttribPlugin(unittest.TestCase): def test_add_options(self): plug = AttributeSelector() parser = MockOptParser() plug.add_options(parser) expect = [(('-a', '--attr'), {'dest': 'attr', 'action': 'append', 'default': None, 'metavar': 'ATTR', 'help': 'Run only tests that have attributes ' 'specified by ATTR [NOSE_ATTR]'})] if compat_24: expect.append( (('-A', '--eval-attr'), {'dest': 'eval_attr', 'action': 'append', 'default': None, 'metavar': 'EXPR', 'help': 'Run only tests for whose attributes the ' 'Python expression EXPR evaluates to True ' '[NOSE_EVAL_ATTR]'})) self.assertEqual(parser.opts, expect) opt = Bucket() opt.attr = ['!slow'] plug.configure(opt, Config()) assert plug.enabled self.assertEqual(plug.attribs, [[('slow', False)]]) opt.attr = ['fast,quick', 'weird=66'] plug.configure(opt, Config()) self.assertEqual(plug.attribs, [[('fast', True), ('quick', True)], [('weird', '66')]]) # don't die on trailing , opt.attr = [ 'something,' ] plug.configure(opt, Config()) self.assertEqual(plug.attribs, [[('something', True)]] ) if compat_24: opt.attr = None opt.eval_attr = [ 'weird >= 66' ] plug.configure(opt, Config()) self.assertEqual(plug.attribs[0][0][0], 'weird >= 66') assert callable(plug.attribs[0][0][1]) def test_basic_attr(self): def f(): pass f.a = 1 def g(): pass plug = AttributeSelector() plug.attribs = [[('a', True)]] assert plug.wantFunction(f) is not False assert not plug.wantFunction(g) def test_class_attr(self): class TestP: foo = True def h(): pass def i(): pass plug = AttributeSelector() plug.attribs = [[('foo', True)]] assert plug.wantMethod(unbound_method(TestP, TestP.h)) is not False assert plug.wantFunction(i) is False def test_eval_attr(self): if not compat_24: warn("No support for eval attributes in python versions older" " than 2.4") return def f(): pass f.monkey = 2 def g(): pass g.monkey = 6 def h(): pass h.monkey = 5 cnf = Config() opt = Bucket() opt.eval_attr = "monkey > 5" plug = AttributeSelector() plug.configure(opt, cnf) assert not plug.wantFunction(f) assert plug.wantFunction(g) is not False assert not plug.wantFunction(h) def test_attr_a_b(self): def f1(): pass f1.tags = ['a', 'b'] def f2(): pass f2.tags = ['a', 'c'] def f3(): pass f3.tags = ['b', 'c'] def f4(): pass f4.tags = ['c', 'd'] cnf = Config() parser = OptionParser() plug = AttributeSelector() plug.add_options(parser) # OR opt, args = parser.parse_args(['test', '-a', 'tags=a', '-a', 'tags=b']) print opt plug.configure(opt, cnf) assert plug.wantFunction(f1) is None assert plug.wantFunction(f2) is None assert plug.wantFunction(f3) is None assert not plug.wantFunction(f4) # AND opt, args = parser.parse_args(['test', '-a', 'tags=a,tags=b']) print opt plug.configure(opt, cnf) assert plug.wantFunction(f1) is None assert not plug.wantFunction(f2) assert not plug.wantFunction(f3) assert not plug.wantFunction(f4) class TestProfPlugin(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): if not Profile.available(): raise SkipTest('profile plugin not available; skipping') def test_options(self): parser = OptionParser() conf = Config() plug = Profile() plug.add_options(parser, {}) opts = [ o._long_opts[0] for o in parser.option_list ] assert '--profile-sort' in opts assert '--profile-stats-file' in opts assert '--with-profile' in opts assert '--profile-restrict' in opts def test_begin(self): plug = Profile() plug.pfile = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] try: plug.begin() assert finally: plug.finalize(None) def test_prepare_test(self): r = {} class dummy: def runcall(self, f, r): r[1] = f(), "wrapped" def func(): return "func" plug = Profile() = dummy() result = plug.prepareTest(func) try: result(r) assert r[1] == ("func", "wrapped") finally: plug.finalize(None) def test_finalize(self): def func(): pass plug = Profile() plug.begin() plug.prepareTest(func) pfile = plug.pfile try: assert os.path.exists(pfile) finally: plug.finalize(None) assert not os.path.exists(pfile), \ "finalize did not remove temp file %s" % pfile if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()