import logging import os import sys import unittest import nose.plugins from optparse import OptionParser import tempfile from warnings import warn, filterwarnings, resetwarnings from nose import SkipTest from nose.pyversion import unbound_method from nose.config import Config from nose.plugins.attrib import AttributeSelector from nose.plugins.base import Plugin from nose.plugins.cover import Coverage from nose.plugins.doctests import Doctest from nose.plugins.failuredetail import FailureDetail from import Profile from mock import * class P(Plugin): """Plugin of destiny!""" pass class ErrPlugin(object): def load(self): raise Exception("Failed to load the plugin") class ErrPkgResources(object): def iter_entry_points(self, ep): yield ErrPlugin() # some plugins have 2.4-only features compat_24 = sys.version_info >= (2, 4) class TestBuiltinPlugins(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.p = sys.path[:] def tearDown(self): sys.path = self.p[:] def test_add_options(self): conf = Config() opt = Bucket() parser = MockOptParser() plug = P() plug.add_options(parser) o, d = parser.opts[0] # print d assert o[0] == '--with-p' assert d['action'] == 'store_true' assert not d['default'] assert d['dest'] == 'enable_plugin_p' assert d['help'] == 'Enable plugin P: Plugin of destiny! [NOSE_WITH_P]' opt.enable_plugin_p = True plug.configure(opt, conf) assert plug.enabled class TestDoctestPlugin(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.p = sys.path[:] def tearDown(self): sys.path = self.p[:] def test_add_options(self): # doctest plugin adds some options... conf = Config() opt = Bucket() parser = MockOptParser() plug = Doctest() plug.add_options(parser, {}) o, d = parser.opts[0] assert o[0] == '--with-doctest' o2, d2 = parser.opts[1] assert o2[0] == '--doctest-tests' o3, d3 = parser.opts[2] assert o3[0] == '--doctest-extension' def test_config(self): # test that configuration works properly when both environment # and command line specify a doctest extension parser = OptionParser() env = {'NOSE_DOCTEST_EXTENSION':'ext'} argv = ['--doctest-extension', 'txt'] dtp = Doctest() dtp.add_options(parser, env) options, args = parser.parse_args(argv) print options print args self.assertEqual(options.doctestExtension, ['ext', 'txt']) env = {} parser = OptionParser() dtp.add_options(parser, env) options, args = parser.parse_args(argv) print options print args self.assertEqual(options.doctestExtension, ['txt']) def test_want_file(self): # doctest plugin can select module and/or non-module files conf = Config() opt = Bucket() plug = Doctest() plug.can_configure = True plug.configure(opt, conf) assert plug.wantFile('') assert not plug.wantFile('bar.txt') assert not plug.wantFile('buz.rst') assert not plug.wantFile('') plug.extension = ['.txt', '.rst'] assert plug.wantFile('/path/to/') assert plug.wantFile('/path/to/bar.txt') assert plug.wantFile('/path/to/buz.rst') assert not plug.wantFile('/path/to/') def test_matches(self): # doctest plugin wants tests from all NON-test modules conf = Config() opt = Bucket() plug = Doctest() plug.can_configure = True plug.configure(opt, conf) assert not plug.matches('test') assert plug.matches('foo') def test_collect_pymodule(self): here = os.path.dirname(__file__) support = os.path.join(here, 'support') if not support in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, support) import conf = Config() opt = Bucket() plug = Doctest() plug.can_configure = True plug.configure(opt, conf) suite = plug.loadTestsFromModule( expect = ['[afunc (]'] for test in suite: self.assertEqual(str(test), expect.pop(0)) def test_addresses(self): here = os.path.dirname(__file__) support = os.path.join(here, 'support') if not support in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, support) import conf = Config() opt = Bucket() plug = Doctest() plug.can_configure = True plug.configure(opt, conf) suite = plug.loadTestsFromModule( for test in suite: print test.address() file, mod, call = test.address() self.assertEqual(mod, '') self.assertEqual(call, None) for case in test: print case.address() file, mod, call = case.address() self.assertEqual(mod, '') self.assertEqual(call, 'afunc') def test_collect_txtfile(self): here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) support = os.path.join(here, 'support') fn = os.path.join(support, 'foo', 'doctests.txt') conf = Config() opt = Bucket() plug = Doctest() plug.can_configure = True plug.configure(opt, conf) plug.extension = ['.txt'] suite = plug.loadTestsFromFile(fn) for test in suite: assert str(test).endswith('doctests.txt') assert test.address(), "Test %s has no address" def test_collect_no_collect(self): # bug # we got "iteration over non-sequence" when no files match here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) support = os.path.join(here, 'support') plug = Doctest() for test in plug.loadTestsFromFile(os.path.join(support, 'foo')):"Expected no tests, got %s" % test) class TestAttribPlugin(unittest.TestCase): def test_add_options(self): plug = AttributeSelector() parser = MockOptParser() plug.add_options(parser) expect = [(('-a', '--attr'), {'dest': 'attr', 'action': 'append', 'default': None, 'metavar': 'ATTR', 'help': 'Run only tests that have attributes ' 'specified by ATTR [NOSE_ATTR]'})] if compat_24: expect.append( (('-A', '--eval-attr'), {'dest': 'eval_attr', 'action': 'append', 'default': None, 'metavar': 'EXPR', 'help': 'Run only tests for whose attributes the ' 'Python expression EXPR evaluates to True ' '[NOSE_EVAL_ATTR]'})) self.assertEqual(parser.opts, expect) opt = Bucket() opt.attr = ['!slow'] plug.configure(opt, Config()) assert plug.enabled self.assertEqual(plug.attribs, [[('slow', False)]]) opt.attr = ['fast,quick', 'weird=66'] plug.configure(opt, Config()) self.assertEqual(plug.attribs, [[('fast', True), ('quick', True)], [('weird', '66')]]) # don't die on trailing , opt.attr = [ 'something,' ] plug.configure(opt, Config()) self.assertEqual(plug.attribs, [[('something', True)]] ) if compat_24: opt.attr = None opt.eval_attr = [ 'weird >= 66' ] plug.configure(opt, Config()) self.assertEqual(plug.attribs[0][0][0], 'weird >= 66') assert callable(plug.attribs[0][0][1]) def test_basic_attr(self): def f(): pass f.a = 1 def g(): pass plug = AttributeSelector() plug.attribs = [[('a', True)]] assert plug.wantFunction(f) is not False assert not plug.wantFunction(g) def test_class_attr(self): class TestP: foo = True def h(): pass def i(): pass plug = AttributeSelector() plug.attribs = [[('foo', True)]] assert plug.wantMethod(unbound_method(TestP, TestP.h)) is not False assert plug.wantFunction(i) is False def test_eval_attr(self): if not compat_24: warn("No support for eval attributes in python versions older" " than 2.4") return def f(): pass f.monkey = 2 def g(): pass g.monkey = 6 def h(): pass h.monkey = 5 cnf = Config() opt = Bucket() opt.eval_attr = "monkey > 5" plug = AttributeSelector() plug.configure(opt, cnf) assert not plug.wantFunction(f) assert plug.wantFunction(g) is not False assert not plug.wantFunction(h) def test_attr_a_b(self): def f1(): pass f1.tags = ['a', 'b'] def f2(): pass f2.tags = ['a', 'c'] def f3(): pass f3.tags = ['b', 'c'] def f4(): pass f4.tags = ['c', 'd'] cnf = Config() parser = OptionParser() plug = AttributeSelector() plug.add_options(parser) # OR opt, args = parser.parse_args(['test', '-a', 'tags=a', '-a', 'tags=b']) print opt plug.configure(opt, cnf) assert plug.wantFunction(f1) is None assert plug.wantFunction(f2) is None assert plug.wantFunction(f3) is None assert not plug.wantFunction(f4) # AND opt, args = parser.parse_args(['test', '-a', 'tags=a,tags=b']) print opt plug.configure(opt, cnf) assert plug.wantFunction(f1) is None assert not plug.wantFunction(f2) assert not plug.wantFunction(f3) assert not plug.wantFunction(f4) class TestFailureDetailPlugin(unittest.TestCase): def test_formatFailure(self): class DummyError(Exception): pass try: raise DummyError except DummyError: exc_info = sys.exc_info() plug = FailureDetail() (ec, ev, tb) = plug.formatFailure(self, exc_info) assert exc_info[0] is ec assert exc_info[2] is tb assert self.tbinfo is not None exc_info = (exc_info[0], exc_info[1], None) # Try without traceback (ec, ev, tb) = plug.formatFailure(self, exc_info) assert self.tbinfo is None class TestProfPlugin(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): if not Profile.available(): raise SkipTest('profile plugin not available; skipping') def test_options(self): parser = OptionParser() conf = Config() plug = Profile() plug.add_options(parser, {}) opts = [ o._long_opts[0] for o in parser.option_list ] assert '--profile-sort' in opts assert '--profile-stats-file' in opts assert '--with-profile' in opts assert '--profile-restrict' in opts def test_begin(self): plug = Profile() plug.pfile = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] try: plug.begin() assert finally: plug.finalize(None) def test_prepare_test(self): r = {} class dummy: def runcall(self, f, r): r[1] = f(), "wrapped" def func(): return "func" plug = Profile() = dummy() result = plug.prepareTest(func) try: result(r) assert r[1] == ("func", "wrapped") finally: plug.finalize(None) def test_finalize(self): def func(): pass plug = Profile() plug.begin() plug.prepareTest(func) pfile = plug.pfile try: assert os.path.exists(pfile) finally: plug.finalize(None) assert not os.path.exists(pfile), \ "finalize did not remove temp file %s" % pfile if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()