[tox] envlist=py34,py33,py32,py31,py27,py26,jython,docs whitelist_externals= rm make [testenv] deps= coverage >=3.3 commands= python selftest.py [] # tox -e oldcov to spot check 2.x version of coverage. However, there is a # doctest that will fail (currently) [testenv:oldcov] basepython=python2.6 deps= coverage < 3 [testenv:docs] basepython=python changedir=doc deps=sphinx>=1.0 commands= make man readme html [testenv:jython] basepython=jython # cannot add coverage as a dep because # it compiles C extensions deps= commands= jython selftest.py [] [testenv:pypy] # cannot add coverage as a dep because # it compiles C extensions deps= [testenv:py31] # TODO(Kumar) put coverage back here once pip gets this bug fixed: # https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/326 deps= commands= rm -fr {toxinidir}/build {envpython} setup.py build_tests {envpython} selftest.py [] [testenv:py32] commands= rm -fr {toxinidir}/build {envpython} setup.py build_tests {envpython} selftest.py [] [testenv:py33] commands= rm -fr {toxinidir}/build {envpython} setup.py build_tests {envpython} selftest.py [] [testenv:py34] commands= rm -fr {toxinidir}/build {envpython} setup.py build_tests {envpython} selftest.py []