What's New In 0.10a ------------------- The development release of nose, 0.10a, marks a major change from the 0.9 series in philosophy and implementation. Prior to this release, nose was entirely discovery-centric: it would never run anything that it didn't discover as a test. The test loader in 0.10 has been completely rewritten so that it still supports discovery, but also allows directed test loading. In other words, starting with 0.10, if you tell nose that something is a test, nose will believe you. 0.10 also includes major changes to the plugin API introduced in 0.9. For the most part these are additive and backwards-compatible. Plugins now have many new hooks available at all phases of test loading, running and description. Many features of nose 0.9 that could only be implemented in the core of nose are now plugins: output capture, assert introspection, support for skipped and deprecated tests and for dropping into pdb on error or failures. All of the hooks those plugins use are available for your plugins too, of course. See the `plugin interface reference`_ or `guide to writing plugins`_ for more. There are many other, less user-visible changes under the hood. See http://code.google.com/p/python-nose/wiki/VersionZeroTen for an outline. .. _`plugin interface reference`: doc/plugin_interface.html .. _`guide to writing plugins`: doc/writing_plugins.html