1.3.1 ----- It's been nearly a year since the last release, and this one brings about 30+ fixes--a couple of the big ones include better Unicode support when capturing output and compatibility with Python 3.4. Thank you to all those who contributed to this release, and a special thanks goes to Thomas Kluyver for all the code reviews and insights while sorting out Unicode-related issues. See the CHANGELOG for the details of what was fixed and the person to thank for fixing it. It's also time to acknowledge that nose 1.x is in maintenance mode. We will not be looking to add any features, and you should seriously consider looking at nose2 as the way forward. If you're interested in the future of nose, please take a look at the nose2 project on github (https://github.com/nose-devs/nose2) or pypi (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/nose2/0.4.7). And lastly if you have the money to spare, please consider donating to the John Hunter memorial fund (http://numfocus.org/johnhunter/). We all give up time with our families to work on free software: so now the free software community that has benefited so much from that time we took can give something back to his family.