1.3 --- Like the last, this release was a long time in coming, and wouldn't have been possible at all without the contributions of numerous developers and community members, especially John Szakmeister who not only contributed many fixes, but stepped up to coordinate the entire release. Please check out the changelog to see what's new and who else to thank. If you're interested in the future of nose, please take a look at the nose2 project on github (https://github.com/nose-devs/nose2) or pypi (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/nose2/0.4.5). And lastly if you have the money to spare, please consider donating to the John Hunter memorial fund (http://numfocus.org/johnhunter/). We all give up time with our families to work on free software: so now the free software community that has benefited so much from that time we took can give something back to his family.