"""Unit tests for the :mod:`networkx.algorithms.tree.operations` module. """ import networkx as nx from networkx.utils import nodes_equal, edges_equal class TestJoin: """Unit tests for the :func:`networkx.tree.join` function.""" def test_empty_sequence(self): """Tests that joining the empty sequence results in the tree with one node. """ T = nx.join([]) assert len(T) == 1 assert T.number_of_edges() == 0 def test_single(self): """Tests that joining just one tree yields a tree with one more node. """ T = nx.empty_graph(1) actual = nx.join([(T, 0)]) expected = nx.path_graph(2) assert nodes_equal(list(expected), list(actual)) assert edges_equal(list(expected.edges()), list(actual.edges())) def test_basic(self): """Tests for joining multiple subtrees at a root node.""" trees = [(nx.full_rary_tree(2, 2 ** 2 - 1), 0) for i in range(2)] actual = nx.join(trees) expected = nx.full_rary_tree(2, 2 ** 3 - 1) assert nx.is_isomorphic(actual, expected)