# After changing this file, check it on: # http://lint.travis-ci.org/ # sudo: false language: python cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip matrix: include: - os: linux python: 3.7 dist: xenial sudo: true env: - OPTIONAL_DEPS=1 - BUILD_DOCS=1 - DEPLOY_DOCS=1 addons: apt: packages: - libgdal-dev - graphviz - texlive - texlive-latex-extra - latexmk - os: linux python: 3.7 dist: xenial sudo: true env: - OPTIONAL_DEPS=1 - MINIMUM_REQUIREMENTS=1 - REPORT_COVERAGE=1 addons: apt: packages: - libgdal-dev - graphviz - os: linux python: 3.7 dist: xenial sudo: true env: - OPTIONAL_DEPS=1 - PIP_FLAGS="--pre" addons: apt: packages: - libgdal-dev - graphviz - os: osx osx_image: xcode7.3 language: generic env: - TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION=3.6.1 - OPTIONAL_DEPS=1 - OSX_PKG_ENV=miniconda - os: osx language: generic env: TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION=3.7 - python: 3.5 - python: 3.6 - python: 3.7 dist: xenial sudo: true before_install: # prepare the system to install prerequisites or dependencies - source tools/travis/before_install.sh - uname -a - printenv - if [[ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]]; then source tools/travis/osx_install.sh; else source tools/travis/linux_install.sh; fi install: # install required packages - pip install --upgrade pip - pip install --retries 3 ${PIP_FLAGS} -r requirements.txt - if [[ "${OPTIONAL_DEPS}" == 1 ]]; then pip install --retries 3 ${PIP_FLAGS} -r requirements/extras.txt; fi # install networkx - printenv PWD - pip install . # show what's installed - python --version - pip list script: - if [[ "${BUILD_DOCS}" == 1 ]]; then source tools/travis/build_docs.sh; fi - source tools/travis/script.sh after_success: - if [[ "${REPORT_COVERAGE}" == 1 ]]; then codecov; fi - if [[ "${BUILD_DOCS}" == 1 && "${DEPLOY_DOCS}" == 1 ]]; then source tools/travis/deploy_docs.sh; fi notifications: email: false