import re from mako import compat from mako import exceptions from mako import parsetree from mako import util from mako.lexer import Lexer from mako.template import Template from .util.assertions import assert_raises_message from .util.assertions import eq_ from .util.fixtures import TemplateTest from .util.helpers import flatten_result # create fake parsetree classes which are constructed # exactly as the repr() of a real parsetree object. # this allows us to use a Python construct as the source # of a comparable repr(), which is also hit by the 2to3 tool. def repr_arg(x): if isinstance(x, dict): return util.sorted_dict_repr(x) else: return repr(x) def _as_unicode(arg): if isinstance(arg, dict): return {k: _as_unicode(v) for k, v in arg.items()} else: return arg Node = None TemplateNode = None ControlLine = None Text = None Code = None Comment = None Expression = None _TagMeta = None Tag = None IncludeTag = None NamespaceTag = None TextTag = None DefTag = None BlockTag = None CallTag = None CallNamespaceTag = None InheritTag = None PageTag = None # go through all the elements in parsetree and build out # mocks of them for cls in list(parsetree.__dict__.values()): if isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, parsetree.Node): clsname = cls.__name__ exec( ( """ class %s: def __init__(self, *args): self.args = [_as_unicode(arg) for arg in args] def __repr__(self): return "%%s(%%s)" %% ( self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(repr_arg(x) for x in self.args) ) """ % clsname ), locals(), ) # NOTE: most assertion expressions were generated, then formatted # by PyTidy, hence the dense formatting. class LexerTest(TemplateTest): def _compare(self, node, expected): eq_(repr(node), repr(expected)) def test_text_and_tag(self): template = """ Hello world <%def name="foo()"> this is a def. and some more text. """ node = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( node, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("""\nHello world\n """, (1, 1)), DefTag( "def", {"name": "foo()"}, (3, 9), [ Text( "\n this is a def.\n ", (3, 28), ) ], ), Text("""\n\n and some more text.\n""", (5, 16)), ], ), ) def test_unclosed_tag(self): template = """ <%def name="foo()"> other text """ try: Lexer(template).parse() assert False except exceptions.SyntaxException: eq_( str(compat.exception_as()), "Unclosed tag: <%def> at line: 5 char: 9", ) def test_onlyclosed_tag(self): template = """ <%def name="foo()"> foo hi. """ self.assertRaises(exceptions.SyntaxException, Lexer(template).parse) def test_noexpr_allowed(self): template = """ <%namespace name="${foo}"/> """ self.assertRaises(exceptions.CompileException, Lexer(template).parse) def test_unmatched_tag(self): template = """ <%namespace name="bar"> <%def name="foo()"> foo hi. """ self.assertRaises(exceptions.SyntaxException, Lexer(template).parse) def test_nonexistent_tag(self): template = """ <%lala x="5"/> """ self.assertRaises(exceptions.CompileException, Lexer(template).parse) def test_wrongcase_tag(self): template = """ <%DEF name="foo()"> """ self.assertRaises(exceptions.CompileException, Lexer(template).parse) def test_percent_escape(self): template = """ %% some whatever. %% more some whatever % if foo: % endif """ node = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( node, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("""\n\n""", (1, 1)), Text("""% some whatever.\n\n""", (3, 2)), Text(" %% more some whatever\n", (5, 2)), ControlLine("if", "if foo:", False, (6, 1)), ControlLine("if", "endif", True, (7, 1)), Text(" ", (8, 1)), ], ), ) def test_old_multiline_comment(self): template = """#*""" node = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare(node, TemplateNode({}, [Text("""#*""", (1, 1))])) def test_text_tag(self): template = """ ## comment % if foo: hi % endif <%text> # more code % more code <%illegal compionent>/> <%def name="laal()">def <%def name="foo()">this is foo % if bar: code % endif """ node = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( node, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n", (1, 1)), Comment("comment", (2, 1)), ControlLine("if", "if foo:", False, (3, 1)), Text(" hi\n", (4, 1)), ControlLine("if", "endif", True, (5, 1)), Text(" ", (6, 1)), TextTag( "text", {}, (6, 9), [ Text( "\n # more code\n\n " " % more code\n " "<%illegal compionent>/>\n" ' <%def name="laal()">def' "\n\n\n ", (6, 16), ) ], ), Text("\n\n ", (14, 17)), DefTag( "def", {"name": "foo()"}, (16, 9), [Text("this is foo", (16, 28))], ), Text("\n\n", (16, 46)), ControlLine("if", "if bar:", False, (18, 1)), Text(" code\n", (19, 1)), ControlLine("if", "endif", True, (20, 1)), Text(" ", (21, 1)), ], ), ) def test_def_syntax(self): template = """ <%def lala> hi """ self.assertRaises(exceptions.CompileException, Lexer(template).parse) def test_def_syntax_2(self): template = """ <%def name="lala"> hi """ self.assertRaises(exceptions.CompileException, Lexer(template).parse) def test_whitespace_equals(self): template = """ <%def name = "adef()" > adef """ node = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( node, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n ", (1, 1)), DefTag( "def", {"name": "adef()"}, (2, 13), [ Text( """\n adef\n """, (2, 36), ) ], ), Text("\n ", (4, 20)), ], ), ) def test_ns_tag_closed(self): template = """ <%self:go x="1" y="2" z="${'hi' + ' ' + 'there'}"/> """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text( """ """, (1, 1), ), CallNamespaceTag( "self:go", {"x": "1", "y": "2", "z": "${'hi' + ' ' + 'there'}"}, (3, 13), [], ), Text("\n ", (3, 64)), ], ), ) def test_ns_tag_empty(self): template = """ <%form:option value=""> """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n ", (1, 1)), CallNamespaceTag( "form:option", {"value": ""}, (2, 13), [] ), Text("\n ", (2, 51)), ], ), ) def test_ns_tag_open(self): template = """ <%self:go x="1" y="${process()}"> this is the body """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text( """ """, (1, 1), ), CallNamespaceTag( "self:go", {"x": "1", "y": "${process()}"}, (3, 13), [ Text( """ this is the body """, (3, 46), ) ], ), Text("\n ", (5, 24)), ], ), ) def test_expr_in_attribute(self): """test some slightly trickier expressions. you can still trip up the expression parsing, though, unless we integrated really deeply somehow with AST.""" template = """ <%call expr="foo>bar and 'lala' or 'hoho'"/> <%call expr='foolala and "x" + "y"'/> """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n ", (1, 1)), CallTag( "call", {"expr": "foo>bar and 'lala' or 'hoho'"}, (2, 13), [], ), Text("\n ", (2, 57)), CallTag( "call", {"expr": 'foolala and "x" + "y"'}, (3, 13), [], ), Text("\n ", (3, 64)), ], ), ) def test_pagetag(self): template = """ <%page cached="True", args="a, b"/> some template """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n ", (1, 1)), PageTag( "page", {"args": "a, b", "cached": "True"}, (2, 13), [] ), Text( """ some template """, (2, 48), ), ], ), ) def test_nesting(self): template = """ <%namespace name="ns"> <%def name="lala(hi, there)"> <%call expr="something()"/> """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text( """ """, (1, 1), ), NamespaceTag( "namespace", {"name": "ns"}, (3, 9), [ Text("\n ", (3, 31)), DefTag( "def", {"name": "lala(hi, there)"}, (4, 13), [ Text("\n ", (4, 42)), CallTag( "call", {"expr": "something()"}, (5, 17), [], ), Text("\n ", (5, 44)), ], ), Text("\n ", (6, 20)), ], ), Text( """ """, (7, 22), ), ], ), ) def test_code(self): template = """text <% print("hi") for x in range(1,5): print(x) %> more text <%! import foo %> """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("text\n ", (1, 1)), Code( '\nprint("hi")\nfor x in range(1,5):\n ' "print(x)\n \n", False, (2, 5), ), Text("\nmore text\n ", (6, 7)), Code("\nimport foo\n \n", True, (8, 5)), Text("\n", (10, 7)), ], ), ) def test_code_and_tags(self): template = """ <%namespace name="foo"> <%def name="x()"> this is x <%def name="y()"> this is y <% result = [] data = get_data() for x in data: result.append(x+7) %> result: <%call expr="foo.x(result)"/> """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n", (1, 1)), NamespaceTag( "namespace", {"name": "foo"}, (2, 1), [ Text("\n ", (2, 24)), DefTag( "def", {"name": "x()"}, (3, 5), [ Text( """\n this is x\n """, (3, 22), ) ], ), Text("\n ", (5, 12)), DefTag( "def", {"name": "y()"}, (6, 5), [ Text( """\n this is y\n """, (6, 22), ) ], ), Text("\n", (8, 12)), ], ), Text("""\n\n""", (9, 14)), Code( """\nresult = []\ndata = get_data()\n""" """for x in data:\n result.append(x+7)\n\n""", False, (11, 1), ), Text("""\n\n result: """, (16, 3)), CallTag("call", {"expr": "foo.x(result)"}, (18, 13), []), Text("\n", (18, 42)), ], ), ) def test_expression(self): template = """ this is some ${text} and this is ${textwith | escapes, moreescapes} <%def name="hi()"> give me ${foo()} and ${bar()} ${hi()} """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n this is some ", (1, 1)), Expression("text", [], (2, 22)), Text(" and this is ", (2, 29)), Expression( "textwith ", ["escapes", "moreescapes"], (2, 42) ), Text("\n ", (2, 76)), DefTag( "def", {"name": "hi()"}, (3, 9), [ Text("\n give me ", (3, 27)), Expression("foo()", [], (4, 21)), Text(" and ", (4, 29)), Expression("bar()", [], (4, 34)), Text("\n ", (4, 42)), ], ), Text("\n ", (5, 16)), Expression("hi()", [], (6, 9)), Text("\n", (6, 16)), ], ), ) def test_tricky_expression(self): template = """ ${x and "|" or "hi"} """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n\n ", (1, 1)), Expression('x and "|" or "hi"', [], (3, 13)), Text("\n ", (3, 33)), ], ), ) template = r""" ${hello + '''heres '{|}' text | | }''' | escape1} ${'Tricky string: ' + '\\\"\\\'|\\'} """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n\n ", (1, 1)), Expression( "hello + '''heres '{|}' text | | }''' ", ["escape1"], (3, 13), ), Text("\n ", (3, 62)), Expression( r"""'Tricky string: ' + '\\\"\\\'|\\'""", [], (4, 13) ), Text("\n ", (4, 49)), ], ), ) def test_tricky_code(self): template = """<% print('hi %>') %>""" nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode({}, [Code("print('hi %>') \n", False, (1, 1))]) ) def test_tricky_code_2(self): template = """<% # someone's comment %> """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Code( """ # someone's comment """, False, (1, 1), ), Text("\n ", (3, 3)), ], ), ) def test_tricky_code_3(self): template = """<% print('hi') # this is a comment # another comment x = 7 # someone's '''comment print(''' there ''') # someone else's comment %> '''and now some text '''""" nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Code( """ print('hi') # this is a comment # another comment x = 7 # someone's '''comment print(''' there ''') # someone else's comment """, False, (1, 1), ), Text(" '''and now some text '''", (10, 3)), ], ), ) def test_tricky_code_4(self): template = """<% foo = "\\"\\\\" %>""" nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode({}, [Code("""foo = "\\"\\\\" \n""", False, (1, 1))]), ) def test_tricky_code_5(self): template = """before ${ {'key': 'value'} } after""" nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("before ", (1, 1)), Expression(" {'key': 'value'} ", [], (1, 8)), Text(" after", (1, 29)), ], ), ) def test_tricky_code_6(self): template = """before ${ (0x5302 | 0x0400) } after""" nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("before ", (1, 1)), Expression(" (0x5302 | 0x0400) ", [], (1, 8)), Text(" after", (1, 30)), ], ), ) def test_control_lines(self): template = """ text text la la % if foo(): mroe text la la blah blah % endif and osme more stuff % for l in range(1,5): tex tesl asdl l is ${l} kfmas d % endfor tetx text """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("""\ntext text la la\n""", (1, 1)), ControlLine("if", "if foo():", False, (3, 1)), Text(" mroe text la la blah blah\n", (4, 1)), ControlLine("if", "endif", True, (5, 1)), Text("""\n and osme more stuff\n""", (6, 1)), ControlLine("for", "for l in range(1,5):", False, (8, 1)), Text(" tex tesl asdl l is ", (9, 1)), Expression("l", [], (9, 24)), Text(" kfmas d\n", (9, 28)), ControlLine("for", "endfor", True, (10, 1)), Text(""" tetx text\n\n""", (11, 1)), ], ), ) def test_control_lines_2(self): template = """% for file in requestattr['toc'].filenames: x % endfor """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ ControlLine( "for", "for file in requestattr['toc'].filenames:", False, (1, 1), ), Text(" x\n", (2, 1)), ControlLine("for", "endfor", True, (3, 1)), ], ), ) def test_long_control_lines(self): template = """ % for file in \\ requestattr['toc'].filenames: x % endfor """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n", (1, 1)), ControlLine( "for", "for file in \\\n " "requestattr['toc'].filenames:", False, (2, 1), ), Text(" x\n", (4, 1)), ControlLine("for", "endfor", True, (5, 1)), Text(" ", (6, 1)), ], ), ) def test_unmatched_control(self): template = """ % if foo: % for x in range(1,5): % endif """ assert_raises_message( exceptions.SyntaxException, "Keyword 'endif' doesn't match keyword 'for' at line: 5 char: 1", Lexer(template).parse, ) def test_unmatched_control_2(self): template = """ % if foo: % for x in range(1,5): % endfor """ assert_raises_message( exceptions.SyntaxException, "Unterminated control keyword: 'if' at line: 3 char: 1", Lexer(template).parse, ) def test_unmatched_control_3(self): template = """ % if foo: % for x in range(1,5): % endlala % endif """ assert_raises_message( exceptions.SyntaxException, "Keyword 'endlala' doesn't match keyword 'for' at line: 5 char: 1", Lexer(template).parse, ) def test_ternary_control(self): template = """ % if x: hi % elif y+7==10: there % elif lala: lala % else: hi % endif """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n", (1, 1)), ControlLine("if", "if x:", False, (2, 1)), Text(" hi\n", (3, 1)), ControlLine("elif", "elif y+7==10:", False, (4, 1)), Text(" there\n", (5, 1)), ControlLine("elif", "elif lala:", False, (6, 1)), Text(" lala\n", (7, 1)), ControlLine("else", "else:", False, (8, 1)), Text(" hi\n", (9, 1)), ControlLine("if", "endif", True, (10, 1)), ], ), ) def test_integration(self): template = """<%namespace name="foo" file="somefile.html"/> ## inherit from foobar.html <%inherit file="foobar.html"/> <%def name="header()">
<%def name="footer()">
% for j in data(): % for x in j: % endfor % endfor
Hello ${x| h}
""" nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ NamespaceTag( "namespace", {"file": "somefile.html", "name": "foo"}, (1, 1), [], ), Text("\n", (1, 46)), Comment("inherit from foobar.html", (2, 1)), InheritTag("inherit", {"file": "foobar.html"}, (3, 1), []), Text("""\n\n""", (3, 31)), DefTag( "def", {"name": "header()"}, (5, 1), [Text("""\n
\n""", (5, 23))], ), Text("\n", (7, 8)), DefTag( "def", {"name": "footer()"}, (8, 1), [Text("""\n
\n""", (8, 23))], ), Text("""\n\n\n""", (10, 8)), ControlLine("for", "for j in data():", False, (13, 1)), Text(" \n", (14, 1)), ControlLine("for", "for x in j:", False, (15, 1)), Text(" \n", (16, 30)), ControlLine("for", "endfor", True, (17, 1)), Text(" \n", (18, 1)), ControlLine("for", "endfor", True, (19, 1)), Text("
Hello ", (16, 1)), Expression("x", ["h"], (16, 23)), Text("
\n", (20, 1)), ], ), ) def test_comment_after_statement(self): template = """ % if x: #comment hi % else: #next hi % endif #end """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n", (1, 1)), ControlLine("if", "if x: #comment", False, (2, 1)), Text(" hi\n", (3, 1)), ControlLine("else", "else: #next", False, (4, 1)), Text(" hi\n", (5, 1)), ControlLine("if", "endif #end", True, (6, 1)), ], ), ) def test_crlf(self): template = util.read_file(self._file_path("crlf.html")) nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\r\n\r\n", (1, 1)), PageTag( "page", {"args": "a=['foo',\n 'bar']"}, (3, 1), [], ), Text("\r\n\r\nlike the name says.\r\n\r\n", (4, 26)), ControlLine("for", "for x in [1,2,3]:", False, (8, 1)), Text(" ", (9, 1)), Expression("x", [], (9, 9)), ControlLine("for", "endfor", True, (10, 1)), Text("\r\n", (11, 1)), Expression( "trumpeter == 'Miles' and " "trumpeter or \\\n 'Dizzy'", [], (12, 1), ), Text("\r\n\r\n", (13, 15)), DefTag( "def", {"name": "hi()"}, (15, 1), [Text("\r\n hi!\r\n", (15, 19))], ), Text("\r\n\r\n\r\n", (17, 8)), ], ), ) assert ( flatten_result(Template(template).render()) == """ like the name says. 1 2 3 Dizzy """ ) def test_comments(self): template = """ ## a comment # also not a comment ## this is a comment this is ## not a comment <%doc> multiline comment hi """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text( """\n\n""", (1, 1), ), Comment("a comment", (6, 1)), Text("""\n# also not a comment\n\n""", (7, 1)), Comment("this is a comment", (10, 1)), Text("""\nthis is ## not a comment\n\n""", (11, 1)), Comment(""" multiline\ncomment\n""", (14, 1)), Text( """ hi """, (16, 8), ), ], ), ) def test_docs(self): template = """ <%doc> this is a comment <%def name="foo()"> <%doc> this is the foo func """ nodes = Lexer(template).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("\n ", (1, 1)), Comment( """\n this is a comment\n """, (2, 9) ), Text("\n ", (4, 16)), DefTag( "def", {"name": "foo()"}, (5, 9), [ Text("\n ", (5, 28)), Comment( """\n this is the foo func\n""" """ """, (6, 13), ), Text("\n ", (8, 20)), ], ), Text("\n ", (9, 16)), ], ), ) def test_preprocess(self): def preproc(text): return re.sub(r"(?<=\n)\s*#[^#]", "##", text) template = """ hi # old style comment # another comment """ nodes = Lexer(template, preprocessor=preproc).parse() self._compare( nodes, TemplateNode( {}, [ Text("""\n hi\n""", (1, 1)), Comment("old style comment", (3, 1)), Comment("another comment", (4, 1)), ], ), )