# modified copy of some functions from test/regrtest.py from PyXml """Copyright (c) 2003-2006 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE). http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr Run tests. This will find all modules whose name match a given prefix in the test directory, and run them. Various command line options provide additional facilities. Command line options: -v: verbose -- run tests in verbose mode with output to stdout -q: quiet -- don't print anything except if a test fails -t: testdir -- directory where the tests will be found -x: exclude -- add a test to exclude -p: profile -- profiled execution -c: capture -- capture standard out/err during tests -d: dbc -- enable design-by-contract If no non-option arguments are present, prefixes used are 'test', 'regrtest', 'smoketest' and 'unittest'. """ import sys import os, os.path as osp import re import time import getopt import traceback import unittest import difflib import types from warnings import warn from compiler.consts import CO_GENERATOR try: import readline except ImportError: readline = None # PRINT_ = file('stdout.txt', 'w').write try: from test import test_support except ImportError: # not always available class TestSupport: def unload(self, test): pass test_support = TestSupport() from logilab.common.deprecation import class_renamed, deprecated_function, \ obsolete from logilab.common.compat import set, enumerate from logilab.common.modutils import load_module_from_name __all__ = ['main', 'unittest_main', 'find_tests', 'run_test', 'spawn'] DEFAULT_PREFIXES = ('test', 'regrtest', 'smoketest', 'unittest', 'func', 'validation') ENABLE_DBC = False def main(testdir=None, exitafter=True): """Execute a test suite. This also parses command-line options and modifies its behaviour accordingly. tests -- a list of strings containing test names (optional) testdir -- the directory in which to look for tests (optional) Users other than the Python test suite will certainly want to specify testdir; if it's omitted, the directory containing the Python test suite is searched for. If the tests argument is omitted, the tests listed on the command-line will be used. If that's empty, too, then all *.py files beginning with test_ will be used. """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hvqx:t:pcd', ['help']) except getopt.error, msg: print msg print __doc__ return 2 verbose = 0 quiet = False profile = False exclude = [] capture = 0 for o, a in opts: if o == '-v': verbose += 1 elif o == '-q': quiet = True verbose = 0 elif o == '-x': exclude.append(a) elif o == '-t': testdir = a elif o == '-p': profile = True elif o == '-c': capture += 1 elif o == '-d': global ENABLE_DBC ENABLE_DBC = True elif o in ('-h', '--help'): print __doc__ sys.exit(0) args = [item.rstrip('.py') for item in args] exclude = [item.rstrip('.py') for item in exclude] if testdir is not None: os.chdir(testdir) sys.path.insert(0, '') tests = find_tests('.', args or DEFAULT_PREFIXES, excludes=exclude) # Tell tests to be moderately quiet test_support.verbose = verbose if profile: print >> sys.stderr, '** profiled run' from hotshot import Profile prof = Profile('stones.prof') start_time, start_ctime = time.time(), time.clock() good, bad, skipped, all_result = prof.runcall(run_tests, tests, quiet, verbose, None, capture) end_time, end_ctime = time.time(), time.clock() prof.close() else: start_time, start_ctime = time.time(), time.clock() good, bad, skipped, all_result = run_tests(tests, quiet, verbose, None, capture) end_time, end_ctime = time.time(), time.clock() if not quiet: print '*'*80 if all_result: print 'Ran %s test cases in %0.2fs (%0.2fs CPU)' % (all_result.testsRun, end_time - start_time, end_ctime - start_ctime), if all_result.errors: print ', %s errors' % len(all_result.errors), if all_result.failures: print ', %s failed' % len(all_result.failures), if all_result.skipped: print ', %s skipped' % len(all_result.skipped), print if good: if not bad and not skipped and len(good) > 1: print "All", print _count(len(good), "test"), "OK." if bad: print _count(len(bad), "test"), "failed:", print ', '.join(bad) if skipped: print _count(len(skipped), "test"), "skipped:", print ', '.join(['%s (%s)' % (test, msg) for test, msg in skipped]) if profile: from hotshot import stats stats = stats.load('stones.prof') stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls') stats.print_stats(30) if exitafter: sys.exit(len(bad) + len(skipped)) else: sys.path.pop(0) return len(bad) main = obsolete("testlib.main() is obsolete, use the pytest tool instead")(main) def run_tests(tests, quiet, verbose, runner=None, capture=0): """ execute a list of tests return a 3-uple with : _ the list of passed tests _ the list of failed tests _ the list of skipped tests """ good = [] bad = [] skipped = [] all_result = None for test in tests: if not quiet: print print '-'*80 print "Executing", test result = run_test(test, verbose, runner, capture) if type(result) is type(''): # an unexpected error occured skipped.append( (test, result)) else: if all_result is None: all_result = result else: all_result.testsRun += result.testsRun all_result.failures += result.failures all_result.errors += result.errors all_result.skipped += result.skipped if result.errors or result.failures: bad.append(test) if verbose: print "test", test, \ "failed -- %s errors, %s failures" % ( len(result.errors), len(result.failures)) else: good.append(test) return good, bad, skipped, all_result def find_tests(testdir, prefixes=DEFAULT_PREFIXES, suffix=".py", excludes=(), remove_suffix=True): """ Return a list of all applicable test modules. """ tests = [] for name in os.listdir(testdir): if not suffix or name.endswith(suffix): for prefix in prefixes: if name.startswith(prefix): if remove_suffix and name.endswith(suffix): name = name[:-len(suffix)] if name not in excludes: tests.append(name) tests.sort() return tests def run_test(test, verbose, runner=None, capture=0): """ Run a single test. test -- the name of the test verbose -- if true, print more messages """ test_support.unload(test) try: m = load_module_from_name(test, path=sys.path) # m = __import__(test, globals(), locals(), sys.path) try: suite = m.suite if callable(suite): suite = suite() except AttributeError: loader = unittest.TestLoader() suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(m) if runner is None: runner = SkipAwareTextTestRunner(capture=capture) # verbosity=0) return runner.run(suite) except KeyboardInterrupt, v: raise KeyboardInterrupt, v, sys.exc_info()[2] except: # raise type, value = sys.exc_info()[:2] msg = "test %s crashed -- %s : %s" % (test, type, value) if verbose: traceback.print_exc() return msg def _count(n, word): """format word according to n""" if n == 1: return "%d %s" % (n, word) else: return "%d %ss" % (n, word) ## PostMortem Debug facilities ##### from pdb import Pdb class Debugger(Pdb): def __init__(self, tcbk): Pdb.__init__(self) self.reset() while tcbk.tb_next is not None: tcbk = tcbk.tb_next self._tcbk = tcbk self._histfile = osp.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".pdbhist") def setup_history_file(self): if readline is not None: try: readline.read_history_file(self._histfile) except IOError: pass def start(self): self.interaction(self._tcbk.tb_frame, self._tcbk) def setup(self, frame, tcbk): self.setup_history_file() Pdb.setup(self, frame, tcbk) def set_quit(self): if readline is not None: readline.write_history_file(self._histfile) Pdb.set_quit(self) def start_interactive_mode(debuggers, descrs): """starts an interactive shell so that the user can inspect errors """ if len(debuggers) == 1: # don't ask for test name if there's only one failure debuggers[0].start() else: while True: testindex = 0 print "Choose a test to debug:" print "\n".join(['\t%s : %s' % (i, descr) for i, descr in enumerate(descrs)]) print "Type 'exit' (or ^D) to quit" print try: todebug = raw_input('Enter a test name: ') if todebug.strip().lower() == 'exit': print break else: try: testindex = int(todebug) debugger = debuggers[testindex] except (ValueError, IndexError): print "ERROR: invalid test number %r" % (todebug,) else: debugger.start() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): print break # test utils ################################################################## from cStringIO import StringIO class SkipAwareTestResult(unittest._TextTestResult): def __init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity, exitfirst=False, capture=0, printonly=None, pdbmode=False, cvg=None): super(SkipAwareTestResult, self).__init__(stream, descriptions, verbosity) self.skipped = [] self.debuggers = [] self.descrs = [] self.exitfirst = exitfirst self.capture = capture self.printonly = printonly self.pdbmode = pdbmode self.cvg = cvg self.pdbclass = Debugger ## def startTest(self, test): ## "Called when the given test is about to be run" ## if self.cvg: ## self.cvg.start() ## return super(SkipAwareTestResult, self).startTest(test) ## def stopTest(self, test): ## "Called when the given test has been run" ## ret = super(SkipAwareTestResult, self).startTest(test) ## if self.cvg: ## self.cvg.stop() ## return ret def _create_pdb(self, test_descr): if self.pdbmode: self.debuggers.append(self.pdbclass(sys.exc_info()[2])) self.descrs.append(test_descr) def addError(self, test, err): exc_type, exc, tcbk = err if exc_type == TestSkipped: self.addSkipped(test, exc) else: if self.exitfirst: self.shouldStop = True super(SkipAwareTestResult, self).addError(test, err) self._create_pdb(self.getDescription(test)) def addFailure(self, test, err): if self.exitfirst: self.shouldStop = True super(SkipAwareTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err) self._create_pdb(self.getDescription(test)) def addSkipped(self, test, reason): self.skipped.append((test, reason)) if self.showAll: self.stream.writeln("SKIPPED") elif self.dots: self.stream.write('S') def printErrors(self): super(SkipAwareTestResult, self).printErrors() self.printSkippedList() def printSkippedList(self): for test, err in self.skipped: self.stream.writeln(self.separator1) self.stream.writeln("%s: %s" % ('SKIPPED', self.getDescription(test))) self.stream.writeln("\t%s" % err) def printErrorList(self, flavour, errors): for test, err in errors: self.stream.writeln(self.separator1) self.stream.writeln("%s: %s" % (flavour,self.getDescription(test))) self.stream.writeln(self.separator2) self.stream.writeln("%s" % err) try: output, errput = test.captured_output() except AttributeError: pass # original unittest else: if output: self.stream.writeln(self.separator2) self.stream.writeln("captured stdout".center(len(self.separator2))) self.stream.writeln(self.separator2) self.stream.writeln(output) else: self.stream.writeln('no stdout'.center(len(self.separator2))) if errput: self.stream.writeln(self.separator2) self.stream.writeln("captured stderr".center(len(self.separator2))) self.stream.writeln(self.separator2) self.stream.writeln(errput) else: self.stream.writeln('no stderr'.center(len(self.separator2))) class SkipAwareTextTestRunner(unittest.TextTestRunner): def __init__(self, stream=sys.stderr, verbosity=1, exitfirst=False, capture=False, printonly=None, pdbmode=False, cvg=None): super(SkipAwareTextTestRunner, self).__init__(stream=stream, verbosity=verbosity) self.exitfirst = exitfirst self.capture = capture self.printonly = printonly self.pdbmode = pdbmode self.cvg = cvg def _makeResult(self): return SkipAwareTestResult(self.stream, self.descriptions, self.verbosity, self.exitfirst, self.capture, self.printonly, self.pdbmode, self.cvg) class keywords(dict): """keyword args (**kwargs) support for generative tests""" class starargs(tuple): """variable arguments (*args) for generative tests""" def __new__(cls, *args): return tuple.__new__(cls, args) class NonStrictTestLoader(unittest.TestLoader): """ overrides default testloader to be able to omit classname when specifying tests to run on command line. For example, if the file test_foo.py contains :: class FooTC(TestCase): def test_foo1(self): # ... def test_foo2(self): # ... def test_bar1(self): # ... class BarTC(TestCase): def test_bar2(self): # ... python test_foo.py will run the 3 tests in FooTC python test_foo.py FooTC will run the 3 tests in FooTC python test_foo.py test_foo will run test_foo1 and test_foo2 python test_foo.py test_foo1 will run test_foo1 python test_foo.py test_bar will run FooTC.test_bar1 and BarTC.test_bar2 """ def __init__(self): self.skipped_patterns = [] def loadTestsFromNames(self, names, module=None): suites = [] for name in names: suites.extend(self.loadTestsFromName(name, module)) return self.suiteClass(suites) def _collect_tests(self, module): tests = {} for obj in vars(module).values(): if issubclass(type(obj), (types.ClassType, type)) and \ issubclass(obj, unittest.TestCase): classname = obj.__name__ methodnames = [] if self._this_is_skipped(classname): continue # obj is a TestCase class for attrname in dir(obj): if attrname.startswith(self.testMethodPrefix): attr = getattr(obj, attrname) if callable(attr): for pattern in self.skipped_patterns: if pattern in attrname: break else: methodnames.append(attrname) # keep track of class (obj) for convenience tests[classname] = (obj, methodnames) return tests def loadTestsFromSuite(self, module, suitename): try: suite = getattr(module, suitename)() except AttributeError: return [] assert hasattr(suite, '_tests'), \ "%s.%s is not a valid TestSuite" % (module.__name__, suitename) # python2.3 does not implement __iter__ on suites, we need to return # _tests explicitly return suite._tests def loadTestsFromName(self, name, module=None): parts = name.split('.') if module is None or len(parts) > 2: # let the base class do its job here return [super(NonStrictTestLoader, self).loadTestsFromName(name)] tests = self._collect_tests(module) # import pprint # pprint.pprint(tests) collected = [] if len(parts) == 1: pattern = parts[0] if callable(getattr(module, pattern, None)) and pattern not in tests: # consider it as a suite return self.loadTestsFromSuite(module, pattern) if pattern in tests: # case python unittest_foo.py MyTestTC klass, methodnames = tests[pattern] for methodname in methodnames: collected = [klass(methodname) for methodname in methodnames] else: # case python unittest_foo.py something for klass, methodnames in tests.values(): collected += [klass(methodname) for methodname in methodnames if self._test_should_be_collected(methodname, pattern)] elif len(parts) == 2: # case "MyClass.test_1" classname, pattern = parts klass, methodnames = tests.get(classname, (None, [])) for methodname in methodnames: collected = [klass(methodname) for methodname in methodnames if self._test_should_be_collected(methodname, pattern)] return collected def _test_should_be_collected(self, methodname, pattern): """returns True if matches >>> self._test_should_be_collected('test_foobar', 'foo') True >>> self._test_should_be_collected('testfoobar', 'foo') True >>> self._test_should_be_collected('test_foobar', 'test_foo') True >>> self._test_should_be_collected('test_foobar', 'testfoo') False """ return pattern in methodname def _this_is_skipped(self, testedname): for pattern in self.skipped_patterns: if pattern in testedname: return True return False def getTestCaseNames(self, testCaseClass): """Return a sorted sequence of method names found within testCaseClass """ if self._this_is_skipped(testCaseClass.__name__): return [] testnames = super(NonStrictTestLoader, self).getTestCaseNames(testCaseClass) return [testname for testname in testnames if not self._this_is_skipped(testname)] class SkipAwareTestProgram(unittest.TestProgram): # XXX: don't try to stay close to unittest.py, use optparse USAGE = """\ Usage: %(progName)s [options] [test] [...] Options: -h, --help Show this message -v, --verbose Verbose output -i, --pdb Enable test failure inspection -x, --exitfirst Exit on first failure -c, --capture Captures and prints standard out/err only on errors -p, --printonly Only prints lines matching specified pattern (implies capture) -s, --skip skip test matching this pattern (no regexp for now) -q, --quiet Minimal output Examples: %(progName)s - run default set of tests %(progName)s MyTestSuite - run suite 'MyTestSuite' %(progName)s MyTestCase.testSomething - run MyTestCase.testSomething %(progName)s MyTestCase - run all 'test*' test methods in MyTestCase """ def __init__(self, module='__main__', defaultTest=None, batchmode=False, cvg=None): self.batchmode = batchmode self.cvg = cvg # if cvg: # cvg.start() super(SkipAwareTestProgram, self).__init__( module=module, defaultTest=defaultTest, testLoader=NonStrictTestLoader()) # if cvg: # cvg.stop() def parseArgs(self, argv): self.pdbmode = False self.exitfirst = False self.capture = 0 self.printonly = None skipped_patterns = [] import getopt try: options, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'hHvixqcp:s:', ['help','verbose','quiet', 'pdb', 'exitfirst', 'capture', 'printonly=', 'skip=']) for opt, value in options: if opt in ('-h','-H','--help'): self.usageExit() if opt in ('-i', '--pdb'): self.pdbmode = True if opt in ('-x', '--exitfirst'): self.exitfirst = True if opt in ('-q','--quiet'): self.verbosity = 0 if opt in ('-v','--verbose'): self.verbosity = 2 if opt in ('-c', '--capture'): self.capture += 1 if opt in ('-p', '--printonly'): self.printonly = re.compile(value) if opt in ('-s', '--skip'): skipped_patterns = [pat.strip() for pat in value.split(',')] self.testLoader.skipped_patterns = skipped_patterns if self.printonly is not None: self.capture += 1 if len(args) == 0 and self.defaultTest is None: suitefunc = getattr(self.module, 'suite', None) if isinstance(suitefunc, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)): self.test = self.module.suite() else: self.test = self.testLoader.loadTestsFromModule(self.module) return if len(args) > 0: self.testNames = args else: self.testNames = (self.defaultTest,) self.createTests() except getopt.error, msg: self.usageExit(msg) def runTests(self): self.testRunner = SkipAwareTextTestRunner(verbosity=self.verbosity, exitfirst=self.exitfirst, capture=self.capture, printonly=self.printonly, pdbmode=self.pdbmode, cvg=self.cvg) result = self.testRunner.run(self.test) if os.environ.get('PYDEBUG'): warn("PYDEBUG usage is deprecated, use -i / --pdb instead", DeprecationWarning) self.pdbmode = True if result.debuggers and self.pdbmode: start_interactive_mode(result.debuggers, result.descrs) if not self.batchmode: sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful()) self.result = result class FDCapture: """adapted from py lib (http://codespeak.net/py) Capture IO to/from a given os-level filedescriptor. """ def __init__(self, fd, attr='stdout', printonly=None): self.targetfd = fd self.tmpfile = os.tmpfile() # self.maketempfile() self.printonly = printonly # save original file descriptor self._savefd = os.dup(fd) # override original file descriptor os.dup2(self.tmpfile.fileno(), fd) # also modify sys module directly self.oldval = getattr(sys, attr) setattr(sys, attr, self) # self.tmpfile) self.attr = attr def write(self, msg): # msg might be composed of several lines for line in msg.splitlines(): line += '\n' # keepdend=True is not enough if self.printonly is None or self.printonly.search(line) is None: self.tmpfile.write(line) else: os.write(self._savefd, line) ## def maketempfile(self): ## tmpf = os.tmpfile() ## fd = os.dup(tmpf.fileno()) ## newf = os.fdopen(fd, tmpf.mode, 0) # No buffering ## tmpf.close() ## return newf def restore(self): """restore original fd and returns captured output""" # hack hack hack self.tmpfile.flush() try: ref_file = getattr(sys, '__%s__' % self.attr) ref_file.flush() except AttributeError: pass if hasattr(self.oldval, 'flush'): self.oldval.flush() # restore original file descriptor os.dup2(self._savefd, self.targetfd) # restore sys module setattr(sys, self.attr, self.oldval) # close backup descriptor os.close(self._savefd) # go to beginning of file and read it self.tmpfile.seek(0) return self.tmpfile.read() def _capture(which='stdout', printonly=None): """private method, should not be called directly (cf. capture_stdout() and capture_stderr()) """ assert which in ('stdout', 'stderr'), "Can only capture stdout or stderr, not %s" % which if which == 'stdout': fd = 1 else: fd = 2 return FDCapture(fd, which, printonly) def capture_stdout(printonly=None): """captures the standard output returns a handle object which has a `restore()` method. The restore() method returns the captured stdout and restores it """ return _capture('stdout', printonly) def capture_stderr(printonly=None): """captures the standard error output returns a handle object which has a `restore()` method. The restore() method returns the captured stderr and restores it """ return _capture('stderr', printonly) def unittest_main(module='__main__', defaultTest=None, batchmode=False, cvg=None): """use this functon if you want to have the same functionality as unittest.main""" return SkipAwareTestProgram(module, defaultTest, batchmode, cvg) class TestSkipped(Exception): """raised when a test is skipped""" def is_generator(function): flags = function.func_code.co_flags return flags & CO_GENERATOR def parse_generative_args(params): args = [] varargs = () kwargs = {} flags = 0 # 2 <=> starargs, 4 <=> kwargs for param in params: if isinstance(param, starargs): varargs = param if flags: raise TypeError('found starargs after keywords !') flags |= 2 args += list(varargs) elif isinstance(param, keywords): kwargs = param if flags & 4: raise TypeError('got multiple keywords parameters') flags |= 4 elif flags & 2 or flags & 4: raise TypeError('found parameters after kwargs or args') else: args.append(param) return args, kwargs class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): """unittest.TestCase with some additional methods""" capture = False pdbclass = Debugger def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): super(TestCase, self).__init__(methodName) # internal API changed in python2.5 if sys.version_info >= (2, 5): self.__exc_info = self._exc_info self.__testMethodName = self._testMethodName else: # let's give easier access to _testMethodName to every subclasses self._testMethodName = self.__testMethodName self._captured_stdout = "" self._captured_stderr = "" self._out = [] self._err = [] self._current_test_descr = None def set_description(self, descr): """sets the current test's description. This can be useful for generative tests because it allows to specify a description per yield """ self._current_test_descr = descr # override default's unittest.py feature def shortDescription(self): """override default unitest shortDescription to handle correctly generative tests """ if self._current_test_descr is not None: return self._current_test_descr return super(TestCase, self).shortDescription() def captured_output(self): return self._captured_stdout.strip(), self._captured_stderr.strip() def _start_capture(self): if self.capture: self.start_capture() def _stop_capture(self): self._force_output_restore() def start_capture(self, printonly=None): self._out.append(capture_stdout(printonly or self._printonly)) self._err.append(capture_stderr(printonly or self._printonly)) def printonly(self, pattern, flags=0): rgx = re.compile(pattern, flags) if self._out: self._out[-1].printonly = rgx self._err[-1].printonly = rgx else: self.start_capture(printonly=rgx) def stop_capture(self): if self._out: _out = self._out.pop() _err = self._err.pop() return _out.restore(), _err.restore() return '', '' def _force_output_restore(self): while self._out: self._captured_stdout += self._out.pop().restore() self._captured_stderr += self._err.pop().restore() def quiet_run(self, result, func, *args, **kwargs): self._start_capture() try: func(*args, **kwargs) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): self._stop_capture() raise except: self._stop_capture() result.addError(self, self.__exc_info()) return False self._stop_capture() return True def __call__(self, result=None): """rewrite TestCase.__call__ to support generative tests This is mostly a copy/paste from unittest.py (i.e same variable names, same logic, except for the generative tests part) """ if result is None: result = self.defaultTestResult() result.pdbclass = self.pdbclass # if self.capture is True here, it means it was explicitly specified # in the user's TestCase class. If not, do what was asked on cmd line self.capture = self.capture or getattr(result, 'capture', False) self._printonly = getattr(result, 'printonly', None) # if result.cvg: # result.cvg.start() result.startTest(self) testMethod = getattr(self, self.__testMethodName) try: if not self.quiet_run(result, self.setUp): return # generative tests if is_generator(testMethod.im_func): success = self._proceed_generative(result, testMethod) else: status = self._proceed(result, testMethod) success = (status == 0) if not self.quiet_run(result, self.tearDown): return if success: result.addSuccess(self) finally: # if result.cvg: # result.cvg.stop() result.stopTest(self) def _proceed_generative(self, result, testfunc, args=()): # cancel startTest()'s increment result.testsRun -= 1 self._start_capture() try: for params in testfunc(): if not isinstance(params, (tuple, list)): params = (params,) func = params[0] args, kwargs = parse_generative_args(params[1:]) # increment test counter manually result.testsRun += 1 status = self._proceed(result, func, args, kwargs) if status == 0: result.addSuccess(self) success = True else: success = False if status == 2: result.shouldStop = True if result.shouldStop: # either on error or on exitfirst + error break except: # if an error occurs between two yield result.addError(self, self.__exc_info()) success = False self._stop_capture() return success def _proceed(self, result, testfunc, args=(), kwargs=None): """proceed the actual test returns 0 on success, 1 on failure, 2 on error Note: addSuccess can't be called here because we have to wait for tearDown to be successfully executed to declare the test as successful """ self._start_capture() kwargs = kwargs or {} try: testfunc(*args, **kwargs) self._stop_capture() except self.failureException: self._stop_capture() result.addFailure(self, self.__exc_info()) return 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: self._stop_capture() raise except: self._stop_capture() result.addError(self, self.__exc_info()) return 2 return 0 def defaultTestResult(self): return SkipAwareTestResult() def skip(self, msg=None): msg = msg or 'test was skipped' raise TestSkipped(msg) skipped_test = deprecated_function(skip) def assertDictEquals(self, d1, d2): """compares two dicts If the two dict differ, the first difference is shown in the error message """ d1 = d1.copy() msgs = [] for key, value in d2.items(): try: if d1[key] != value: msgs.append('%r != %r for key %r' % (d1[key], value, key)) del d1[key] except KeyError: msgs.append('missing %r key' % key) if d1: msgs.append('d2 is lacking %r' % d1) if msgs: self.fail('\n'.join(msgs)) assertDictEqual = assertDictEquals def assertSetEquals(self, got, expected): """compares two iterables and shows difference between both""" got, expected = list(got), list(expected) self.assertEquals(len(got), len(expected)) got, expected = set(got), set(expected) if got != expected: missing = expected - got unexpected = got - expected self.fail('\tunexepected: %s\n\tmissing: %s' % (unexpected, missing)) assertSetEqual = assertSetEquals def assertListEquals(self, l1, l2): """compares two lists If the two list differ, the first difference is shown in the error message """ _l1 = l1[:] for i, value in enumerate(l2): try: if _l1[0] != value: from pprint import pprint pprint(l1) pprint(l2) self.fail('%r != %r for index %d' % (_l1[0], value, i)) del _l1[0] except IndexError: msg = 'l1 has only %d elements, not %s (at least %r missing)' self.fail(msg % (i, len(l2), value)) if _l1: self.fail('l2 is lacking %r' % _l1) assertListEqual = assertListEquals def assertLinesEquals(self, l1, l2): """assert list of lines are equal""" self.assertListEquals(l1.splitlines(), l2.splitlines()) assertLineEqual = assertLinesEquals def assertXMLWellFormed(self, stream): """asserts the XML stream is well-formed (no DTD conformance check)""" from xml.sax import make_parser, SAXParseException parser = make_parser() try: parser.parse(stream) except SAXParseException: self.fail('XML stream not well formed') assertXMLValid = deprecated_function(assertXMLWellFormed, 'assertXMLValid renamed to more precise assertXMLWellFormed') def assertXMLStringWellFormed(self, xml_string): """asserts the XML string is well-formed (no DTD conformance check)""" stream = StringIO(xml_string) self.assertXMLWellFormed(stream) assertXMLStringValid = deprecated_function( assertXMLStringWellFormed, 'assertXMLStringValid renamed to more precise assertXMLStringWellFormed') def _difftext(self, lines1, lines2, junk=None): junk = junk or (' ', '\t') # result is a generator result = difflib.ndiff(lines1, lines2, charjunk=lambda x: x in junk) read = [] for line in result: read.append(line) # lines that don't start with a ' ' are diff ones if not line.startswith(' '): self.fail(''.join(read + list(result))) def assertTextEquals(self, text1, text2, junk=None): """compare two multiline strings (using difflib and splitlines())""" self._difftext(text1.splitlines(True), text2.splitlines(True), junk) assertTextEqual = assertTextEquals def assertStreamEqual(self, stream1, stream2, junk=None): """compare two streams (using difflib and readlines())""" # if stream2 is stream2, readlines() on stream1 will also read lines # in stream2, so they'll appear different, although they're not if stream1 is stream2: return # make sure we compare from the beginning of the stream stream1.seek(0) stream2.seek(0) # ocmpare self._difftext(stream1.readlines(), stream2.readlines(), junk) def assertFileEqual(self, fname1, fname2, junk=(' ', '\t')): """compares two files using difflib""" self.assertStreamEqual(file(fname1), file(fname2), junk) def assertIsInstance(self, obj, klass, msg=None): """compares two files using difflib""" if msg is None: msg = '%s is not an instance of %s but of %s' % (obj, klass, type(obj)) self.assert_(isinstance(obj, klass), msg) import doctest class SkippedSuite(unittest.TestSuite): def test(self): """just there to trigger test execution""" print 'goiooo' self.skipped_test('doctest module has no DocTestSuite class') # DocTestFinder was introduced in python2.4 if sys.version_info >= (2, 4): class DocTestFinder(doctest.DocTestFinder): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.skipped = kwargs.pop('skipped', ()) doctest.DocTestFinder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def _get_test(self, obj, name, module, globs, source_lines): """override default _get_test method to be able to skip tests according to skipped attribute's value Note: Python (<=2.4) use a _name_filter which could be used for that purpose but it's no longer available in 2.5 Python 2.5 seems to have a [SKIP] flag """ if getattr(obj, '__name__', '') in self.skipped: return None return doctest.DocTestFinder._get_test(self, obj, name, module, globs, source_lines) else: # this is a hack to make skipped work with python <= 2.3 class DocTestFinder(object): def __init__(self, skipped): self.skipped = skipped self.original_find_tests = doctest._find_tests doctest._find_tests = self._find_tests def _find_tests(self, module, prefix=None): tests = [] for testinfo in self.original_find_tests(module, prefix): testname, _, _, _ = testinfo # testname looks like A.B.C.function_name testname = testname.split('.')[-1] if testname not in self.skipped: tests.append(testinfo) return tests class DocTest(TestCase): """trigger module doctest I don't know how to make unittest.main consider the DocTestSuite instance without this hack """ skipped = () def __call__(self, result=None): try: finder = DocTestFinder(skipped=self.skipped) if sys.version_info >= (2, 4): suite = doctest.DocTestSuite(self.module, test_finder=finder) else: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite(self.module) except AttributeError: suite = SkippedSuite() return suite.run(result) run = __call__ def test(self): """just there to trigger test execution""" MAILBOX = None class MockSMTP: """fake smtplib.SMTP""" def __init__(self, host, port): self.host = host self.port = port global MAILBOX self.reveived = MAILBOX = [] def set_debuglevel(self, debuglevel): """ignore debug level""" def sendmail(self, fromaddr, toaddres, body): """push sent mail in the mailbox""" self.reveived.append((fromaddr, toaddres, body)) def quit(self): """ignore quit""" class MockConfigParser: """fake ConfigParser.ConfigParser""" def __init__(self, options): self.options = options def get(self, section, option): """return option in section""" return self.options[section][option] def has_option(self, section, option): """ask if option exists in section""" try: return self.get(section, option) or 1 except KeyError: return 0 class MockConnection: """fake DB-API 2.0 connexion AND cursor (i.e. cursor() return self)""" def __init__(self, results): self.received = [] self.states = [] self.results = results def cursor(self): return self def execute(self, query, args=None): self.received.append( (query, args) ) def fetchone(self): return self.results[0] def fetchall(self): return self.results def commit(self): self.states.append( ('commit', len(self.received)) ) def rollback(self): self.states.append( ('rollback', len(self.received)) ) def close(self): pass MockConnexion = class_renamed('MockConnexion', MockConnection) def mock_object(**params): """creates an object using params to set attributes >>> option = mock_object(verbose=False, index=range(5)) >>> option.verbose False >>> option.index [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] """ return type('Mock', (), params)() def create_files(paths, chroot): """creates directories and files found in :param path: list of relative paths to files or directories :param chroot: the root directory in which paths will be created >>> from os.path import isdir, isfile >>> isdir('/tmp/a') False >>> create_files(['a/b/foo.py', 'a/b/c/', 'a/b/c/d/e.py'], '/tmp') >>> isdir('/tmp/a') True >>> isdir('/tmp/a/b/c') True >>> isfile('/tmp/a/b/c/d/e.py') True >>> isfile('/tmp/a/b/foo.py') True """ dirs, files = set(), set() for path in paths: path = osp.join(chroot, path) filename = osp.basename(path) # path is a directory path if filename == '': dirs.add(path) # path is a filename path else: dirs.add(osp.dirname(path)) files.add(path) for dirpath in dirs: if not osp.isdir(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) for filepath in files: file(filepath, 'w').close() def enable_dbc(*args): """ Without arguments, return True if contracts can be enabled and should be enabled (see option -d), return False otherwise. With arguments, return False if contracts can't or shouldn't be enabled, otherwise weave ContractAspect with items passed as arguments. """ if not ENABLE_DBC: return False try: from logilab.aspects.weaver import weaver from logilab.aspects.lib.contracts import ContractAspect except ImportError: sys.stderr.write('Warning: logilab.aspects is not available. Contracts disabled.') return False for arg in args: weaver.weave_module(arg, ContractAspect) return True class AttrObject: # XXX cf mock_object def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs)