# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. # contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This file is part of logilab-common. # # logilab-common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # logilab-common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with logilab-common. If not, see . """ Unittests for date helpers """ from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main, tag from logilab.common.date import date_range, endOfMonth from logilab.common.date import add_days_worked, nb_open_days, \ get_national_holidays, ustrftime, ticks2datetime from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta try: from mx.DateTime import Date as mxDate, DateTime as mxDateTime, \ now as mxNow, RelativeDateTime, RelativeDate except ImportError: mxDate = mxDateTime = RelativeDateTime = mxNow = None class DateTC(TestCase): datecls = date datetimecls = datetime timedeltacls = timedelta now = datetime.now def test_day(self): """enumerate days""" r = list(date_range(self.datecls(2000, 1, 1), self.datecls(2000, 1, 4))) expected = [self.datecls(2000, 1, 1), self.datecls(2000, 1, 2), self.datecls(2000, 1, 3)] self.assertListEqual(r, expected) r = list(date_range(self.datecls(2000, 1, 31), self.datecls(2000, 2, 3))) expected = [self.datecls(2000, 1, 31), self.datecls(2000, 2, 1), self.datecls(2000, 2, 2)] self.assertListEqual(r, expected) r = list(date_range(self.datecls(2000, 1, 1), self.datecls(2000, 1, 6), 2)) expected = [self.datecls(2000, 1, 1), self.datecls(2000, 1, 3), self.datecls(2000, 1, 5)] self.assertListEqual(r, expected) def test_add_days_worked(self): add = add_days_worked # normal self.assertEqual(add(self.datecls(2008, 1, 3), 1), self.datecls(2008, 1, 4)) # skip week-end self.assertEqual(add(self.datecls(2008, 1, 3), 2), self.datecls(2008, 1, 7)) # skip 2 week-ends self.assertEqual(add(self.datecls(2008, 1, 3), 8), self.datecls(2008, 1, 15)) # skip holiday + week-end self.assertEqual(add(self.datecls(2008, 4, 30), 2), self.datecls(2008, 5, 5)) def test_get_national_holidays(self): holidays = get_national_holidays yield self.assertEqual, holidays(self.datecls(2008, 4, 29), self.datecls(2008, 5, 2)), \ [self.datecls(2008, 5, 1)] yield self.assertEqual, holidays(self.datecls(2008, 5, 7), self.datecls(2008, 5, 8)), [] x = self.datetimecls(2008, 5, 7, 12, 12, 12) yield self.assertEqual, holidays(x, x + self.timedeltacls(days=1)), [] def test_open_days_now_and_before(self): nb = nb_open_days x = self.now() y = x - self.timedeltacls(seconds=1) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, nb, x, y) def assertOpenDays(self, start, stop, expected): got = nb_open_days(start, stop) self.assertEqual(got, expected) def test_open_days_tuesday_friday(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datecls(2008, 3, 4), self.datecls(2008, 3, 7), 3) def test_open_days_day_nextday(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datecls(2008, 3, 4), self.datecls(2008, 3, 5), 1) def test_open_days_friday_monday(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datecls(2008, 3, 7), self.datecls(2008, 3, 10), 1) def test_open_days_friday_monday_with_two_weekends(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datecls(2008, 3, 7), self.datecls(2008, 3, 17), 6) def test_open_days_tuesday_wednesday(self): """week-end + easter monday""" self.assertOpenDays(self.datecls(2008, 3, 18), self.datecls(2008, 3, 26), 5) def test_open_days_friday_saturday(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datecls(2008, 3, 7), self.datecls(2008, 3, 8), 1) def test_open_days_friday_sunday(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datecls(2008, 3, 7), self.datecls(2008, 3, 9), 1) def test_open_days_saturday_sunday(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datecls(2008, 3, 8), self.datecls(2008, 3, 9), 0) def test_open_days_saturday_monday(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datecls(2008, 3, 8), self.datecls(2008, 3, 10), 0) def test_open_days_saturday_tuesday(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datecls(2008, 3, 8), self.datecls(2008, 3, 11), 1) def test_open_days_now_now(self): x = self.now() self.assertOpenDays(x, x, 0) def test_open_days_now_now2(self): x = self.datetimecls(2010, 5, 24) self.assertOpenDays(x, x, 0) def test_open_days_afternoon_before_holiday(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datetimecls(2008, 5, 7, 14), self.datetimecls(2008, 5, 8, 0), 1) def test_open_days_afternoon_before_saturday(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datetimecls(2008, 5, 9, 14), self.datetimecls(2008, 5, 10, 14), 1) def test_open_days_afternoon(self): self.assertOpenDays(self.datetimecls(2008, 5, 6, 14), self.datetimecls(2008, 5, 7, 14), 1) @tag('posix', '1900') def test_ustrftime_before_1900(self): date = self.datetimecls(1328, 3, 12, 6, 30) self.assertEqual(ustrftime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), u'1328-03-12 06:30:00') @tag('posix', '1900') def test_ticks2datetime_before_1900(self): ticks = -2209075200000 date = ticks2datetime(ticks) self.assertEqual(ustrftime(date, '%Y-%m-%d'), u'1899-12-31') class MxDateTC(DateTC): datecls = mxDate datetimecls = mxDateTime timedeltacls = RelativeDateTime now = mxNow def check_mx(self): if mxDate is None: self.skipTest('mx.DateTime is not installed') def setUp(self): self.check_mx() def test_month(self): """enumerate months""" r = list(date_range(self.datecls(2000, 1, 2), self.datecls(2000, 4, 4), endOfMonth)) expected = [self.datecls(2000, 1, 2), self.datecls(2000, 2, 29), self.datecls(2000, 3, 31)] self.assertListEqual(r, expected) r = list(date_range(self.datecls(2000, 11, 30), self.datecls(2001, 2, 3), endOfMonth)) expected = [self.datecls(2000, 11, 30), self.datecls(2000, 12, 31), self.datecls(2001, 1, 31)] self.assertListEqual(r, expected) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest_main()