"""%prog [OPTIONS] [testfile [testpattern]] examples: pytest path/to/mytests.py pytest path/to/mytests.py TheseTests pytest path/to/mytests.py TheseTests.test_thisone pytest one (will run both test_thisone and test_thatone) pytest path/to/mytests.py -s not (will skip test_notthisone) pytest --coverage test_foo.py (only if logilab.devtools is available) """ import os, sys import os.path as osp from time import time, clock from logilab.common.fileutils import abspath_listdir from logilab.common import testlib import doctest import unittest import imp import __builtin__ try: import django from logilab.common.modutils import modpath_from_file, load_module_from_modpath DJANGO_FOUND = True except ImportError: DJANGO_FOUND = False ## coverage hacks, do not read this, do not read this, do not read this # hey, but this is an aspect, right ?!!! class TraceController(object): nesting = 0 def pause_tracing(cls): if not cls.nesting: cls.tracefunc = getattr(sys, '__settrace__', sys.settrace) cls.oldtracer = getattr(sys, '__tracer__', None) sys.__notrace__ = True cls.tracefunc(None) cls.nesting += 1 pause_tracing = classmethod(pause_tracing) def resume_tracing(cls): cls.nesting -= 1 assert cls.nesting >= 0 if not cls.nesting: cls.tracefunc(cls.oldtracer) delattr(sys, '__notrace__') resume_tracing = classmethod(resume_tracing) pause_tracing = TraceController.pause_tracing resume_tracing = TraceController.resume_tracing def nocoverage(func): if hasattr(func, 'uncovered'): return func func.uncovered = True def not_covered(*args, **kwargs): pause_tracing() try: return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: resume_tracing() not_covered.uncovered = True return not_covered ## end of coverage hacks # monkeypatch unittest and doctest (ouch !) unittest.TestCase = testlib.TestCase unittest.main = testlib.unittest_main unittest._TextTestResult = testlib.SkipAwareTestResult unittest.TextTestRunner = testlib.SkipAwareTextTestRunner unittest.TestLoader = testlib.NonStrictTestLoader unittest.TestProgram = testlib.SkipAwareTestProgram if sys.version_info >= (2, 4): doctest.DocTestCase.__bases__ = (testlib.TestCase,) else: unittest.FunctionTestCase.__bases__ = (testlib.TestCase,) def this_is_a_testfile(filename): """returns True if `filename` seems to be a test file""" filename = osp.basename(filename) return ((filename.startswith('unittest') or filename.startswith('test') or filename.startswith('smoketest')) and filename.endswith('.py')) def this_is_a_testdir(dirpath): """returns True if `filename` seems to be a test directory""" return osp.basename(dirpath) in ('test', 'tests', 'unittests') def autopath(projdir=os.getcwd()): """try to find project's root and add it to sys.path""" curdir = osp.abspath(projdir) previousdir = curdir while this_is_a_testdir(curdir) or \ osp.isfile(osp.join(curdir, '__init__.py')): newdir = osp.normpath(osp.join(curdir, os.pardir)) if newdir == curdir: break previousdir = curdir curdir = newdir else: sys.path.insert(0, curdir) sys.path.insert(0, '') return previousdir class GlobalTestReport(object): """this class holds global test statistics""" def __init__(self): self.ran = 0 self.skipped = 0 self.failures = 0 self.errors = 0 self.ttime = 0 self.ctime = 0 self.modulescount = 0 self.errmodules = [] def feed(self, filename, testresult, ttime, ctime): """integrates new test information into internal statistics""" ran = testresult.testsRun self.ran += ran self.skipped += len(getattr(testresult, 'skipped', ())) self.failures += len(testresult.failures) self.errors += len(testresult.errors) self.ttime += ttime self.ctime += ctime self.modulescount += 1 if not testresult.wasSuccessful(): problems = len(testresult.failures) + len(testresult.errors) self.errmodules.append((filename[:-3], problems, ran)) def failed_to_test_module(self, filename): """called when the test module could not be imported by unittest """ self.errors += 1 self.errmodules.append((filename[:-3], 1, 1)) def __str__(self): """this is just presentation stuff""" line1 = ['Ran %s test cases in %.2fs (%.2fs CPU)' % (self.ran, self.ttime, self.ctime)] if self.errors: line1.append('%s errors' % self.errors) if self.failures: line1.append('%s failures' % self.failures) if self.skipped: line1.append('%s skipped' % self.skipped) modulesok = self.modulescount - len(self.errmodules) if self.errors or self.failures: line2 = '%s modules OK (%s failed)' % (modulesok, len(self.errmodules)) descr = ', '.join(['%s [%s/%s]' % info for info in self.errmodules]) line3 = '\nfailures: %s' % descr else: line2 = 'All %s modules OK' % modulesok line3 = '' return '%s\n%s%s' % (', '.join(line1), line2, line3) def remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir): """remove all modules from cache that come from `testdir` This is used to avoid strange side-effects when using the testall() mode of pytest. For instance, if we run pytest on this tree:: A/test/test_utils.py B/test/test_utils.py we **have** to clean sys.modules to make sure the correct test_utils module is ran in B """ for modname, mod in sys.modules.items(): if mod is None: continue if not hasattr(mod, '__file__'): # this is the case of some built-in modules like sys, imp, marshal continue modfile = mod.__file__ # if modfile is not an asbolute path, it was probably loaded locally # during the tests if not osp.isabs(modfile) or modfile.startswith(testdir): del sys.modules[modname] class PyTester(object): """encaspulates testrun logic""" def __init__(self, cvg): self.tested_files = [] self.report = GlobalTestReport() self.cvg = cvg def show_report(self): """prints the report and returns appropriate exitcode""" # everything has been ran, print report print "*" * 79 print self.report return self.report.failures + self.report.errors def testall(self, exitfirst=False): """walks trhough current working directory, finds something which can be considered as a testdir and runs every test there """ for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()): for skipped in ('CVS', '.svn', '.hg'): if skipped in dirs: dirs.remove(skipped) basename = osp.basename(dirname) if basename in ('test', 'tests'): print "going into", dirname # we found a testdir, let's explore it ! self.testonedir(dirname, exitfirst) dirs[:] = [] def testonedir(self, testdir, exitfirst=False): """finds each testfile in the `testdir` and runs it""" for filename in abspath_listdir(testdir): if this_is_a_testfile(filename): # run test and collect information prog = self.testfile(filename, batchmode=True) if exitfirst and (prog is None or not prog.result.wasSuccessful()): break # clean local modules remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir) def testfile(self, filename, batchmode=False): """runs every test in `filename` :param filename: an absolute path pointing to a unittest file """ here = os.getcwd() dirname = osp.dirname(filename) if dirname: os.chdir(dirname) modname = osp.basename(filename)[:-3] try: print >>sys.stderr, (' %s ' % osp.basename(filename)).center(70, '=') except TypeError: # < py 2.4 bw compat print >>sys.stderr, (' %s ' % osp.basename(filename)).center(70) try: try: tstart, cstart = time(), clock() testprog = testlib.unittest_main(modname, batchmode=batchmode, cvg=self.cvg) tend, cend = time(), clock() ttime, ctime = (tend - tstart), (cend - cstart) self.report.feed(filename, testprog.result, ttime, ctime) return testprog except SystemExit: raise except Exception, exc: self.report.failed_to_test_module(filename) print 'unhandled exception occured while testing', modname import traceback traceback.print_exc() return None finally: if dirname: os.chdir(here) class DjangoTester(PyTester): def __init__(self, cvg): super(DjangoTester, self).__init__(cvg) def load_django_settings(self, dirname): """try to find project's setting and load it""" curdir = osp.abspath(dirname) previousdir = curdir while not osp.isfile(osp.join(curdir, 'settings.py')) and \ osp.isfile(osp.join(curdir, '__init__.py')): newdir = osp.normpath(osp.join(curdir, os.pardir)) if newdir == curdir: raise AssertionError('could not find settings.py') previousdir = curdir curdir = newdir # late django initialization settings = load_module_from_modpath(modpath_from_file(osp.join(curdir, 'settings.py'))) from django.core.management import setup_environ setup_environ(settings) settings.DEBUG = False self.settings = settings # add settings dir to pythonpath since it's the project's root if curdir not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(1, curdir) def before_testfile(self): # Those imports must be done **after** setup_environ was called from django.test.utils import setup_test_environment from django.test.utils import create_test_db setup_test_environment() create_test_db(verbosity=0) self.dbname = self.settings.TEST_DATABASE_NAME def after_testfile(self): # Those imports must be done **after** setup_environ was called from django.test.utils import teardown_test_environment from django.test.utils import destroy_test_db teardown_test_environment() print 'destroying', self.dbname destroy_test_db(self.dbname, verbosity=0) def testall(self, exitfirst=False): """walks trhough current working directory, finds something which can be considered as a testdir and runs every test there """ for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()): for skipped in ('CVS', '.svn', '.hg'): if skipped in dirs: dirs.remove(skipped) if 'tests.py' in files: self.testonedir(dirname, exitfirst) dirs[:] = [] else: basename = osp.basename(dirname) if basename in ('test', 'tests'): print "going into", dirname # we found a testdir, let's explore it ! self.testonedir(dirname, exitfirst) dirs[:] = [] def testonedir(self, testdir, exitfirst=False): """finds each testfile in the `testdir` and runs it""" # special django behaviour : if tests are splited in several files, # remove the main tests.py file and tests each test file separately testfiles = [fpath for fpath in abspath_listdir(testdir) if this_is_a_testfile(fpath)] if len(testfiles) > 1: try: testfiles.remove(osp.join(testdir, 'tests.py')) except ValueError: pass for filename in testfiles: # run test and collect information prog = self.testfile(filename, batchmode=True) if exitfirst and (prog is None or not prog.result.wasSuccessful()): break # clean local modules remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir) def testfile(self, filename, batchmode=False): """runs every test in `filename` :param filename: an absolute path pointing to a unittest file """ here = os.getcwd() dirname = osp.dirname(filename) if dirname: os.chdir(dirname) self.load_django_settings(dirname) modname = osp.basename(filename)[:-3] print >>sys.stderr, (' %s ' % osp.basename(filename)).center(70, '=') try: try: tstart, cstart = time(), clock() self.before_testfile() testprog = testlib.unittest_main(modname, batchmode=batchmode, cvg=self.cvg) tend, cend = time(), clock() ttime, ctime = (tend - tstart), (cend - cstart) self.report.feed(filename, testprog.result, ttime, ctime) return testprog except SystemExit: raise except Exception, exc: import traceback traceback.print_exc() self.report.failed_to_test_module(filename) print 'unhandled exception occured while testing', modname print 'error: %s' % exc return None finally: self.after_testfile() if dirname: os.chdir(here) def parseargs(): """Parse the command line and return (options processed), (options to pass to unittest_main()), (explicitfile or None). """ from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage=__doc__) newargs = [] def rebuild_cmdline(option, opt, value, parser): """carry the option to unittest_main""" newargs.append(opt) def rebuild_and_store(option, opt, value, parser): """carry the option to unittest_main and store the value on current parser """ newargs.append(opt) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, True) # pytest options parser.add_option('-t', dest='testdir', default=None, help="directory where the tests will be found") parser.add_option('-d', dest='dbc', default=False, action="store_true", help="enable design-by-contract") # unittest_main options provided and passed through pytest parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', callback=rebuild_cmdline, action="callback", help="Verbose output") parser.add_option('-i', '--pdb', callback=rebuild_and_store, dest="pdb", action="callback", help="Enable test failure inspection (conflicts with --coverage)") parser.add_option('-x', '--exitfirst', callback=rebuild_and_store, dest="exitfirst", action="callback", help="Exit on first failure " "(only make sense when pytest run one test file)") parser.add_option('-c', '--capture', callback=rebuild_cmdline, action="callback", help="Captures and prints standard out/err only on errors " "(only make sense when pytest run one test file)") parser.add_option('-p', '--printonly', # XXX: I wish I could use the callback action but it # doesn't seem to be able to get the value # associated to the option action="store", dest="printonly", default=None, help="Only prints lines matching specified pattern (implies capture) " "(only make sense when pytest run one test file)") parser.add_option('-s', '--skip', # XXX: I wish I could use the callback action but it # doesn't seem to be able to get the value # associated to the option action="store", dest="skipped", default=None, help="test names matching this name will be skipped " "to skip several patterns, use commas") parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', callback=rebuild_cmdline, action="callback", help="Minimal output") try: from logilab.devtools.lib.coverage import Coverage parser.add_option('--coverage', dest="coverage", default=False, action="store_true", help="run tests with pycoverage (conflicts with --pdb)") except ImportError: pass if DJANGO_FOUND: parser.add_option('-J', '--django', dest='django', default=False, action="store_true", help='use pytest for django test cases') # parse the command line options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.pdb and getattr(options, 'coverage', False): parser.error("'pdb' and 'coverage' options are exclusive") filenames = [arg for arg in args if arg.endswith('.py')] if filenames: if len(filenames) > 1: parser.error("only one filename is acceptable") explicitfile = filenames[0] args.remove(explicitfile) else: explicitfile = None # someone wants DBC testlib.ENABLE_DBC = options.dbc if options.printonly: newargs.extend(['--printonly', options.printonly]) if options.skipped: newargs.extend(['--skip', options.skipped]) # append additional args to the new sys.argv and let unittest_main # do the rest newargs += args return options, newargs, explicitfile def run(): rootdir = autopath() options, newargs, explicitfile = parseargs() # mock a new command line sys.argv[1:] = newargs covermode = getattr(options, 'coverage', None) cvg = None if covermode: # control_import_coverage(rootdir) from logilab.devtools.lib.coverage import Coverage cvg = Coverage([rootdir]) cvg.erase() cvg.start() if DJANGO_FOUND and options.django: tester = DjangoTester(cvg) else: tester = PyTester(cvg) try: try: if explicitfile: tester.testfile(explicitfile) elif options.testdir: tester.testonedir(options.testdir, options.exitfirst) else: tester.testall(options.exitfirst) except SystemExit: raise except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: errcode = tester.show_report() if covermode: cvg.stop() cvg.save() here = osp.abspath(os.getcwd()) if this_is_a_testdir(here): morfdir = osp.normpath(osp.join(here, '..')) else: morfdir = here print "computing code coverage (%s), this might take some time" % \ morfdir cvg.annotate([morfdir]) cvg.report([morfdir], False) sys.exit(errcode)