"""Optimize globals in certain functions by binding their names to values provided in a dictionnary. :copyright: 2002-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr :license: General Public License version 2 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" from warnings import warn warn('logilab.common.bind module is deprecated and will disappear in a near release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) # TODO: unit tests # * this module provide a function bind(func,vars) which replaces every # global variable 'm' by the value vars['m'] if such value exists in dict from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT from new import code as make_code, function as make_function import inspect LOAD_GLOBAL = 116 LOAD_CONST = 100 EXTENDED_ARG = 143 STORE_GLOBAL = 97 def bind_code(co, globals): """ Take a code object and a dictionnary and returns a new code object where the opcodes LOAD_GLOBAL are replaced by LOAD_CONST whenever the global's name appear in the dictionnary """ consts = list(co.co_consts) assigned = {} code = co.co_code new_code = "" n = len(code) i = 0 while i < n: c = code[i] op = ord(c) i += 1 if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1]) * 256 i += 2 else: oparg = None if op == LOAD_GLOBAL: name = co.co_names[oparg] if globals.has_key(name): k = assigned.get(name, None) if k == None: k = len(consts) assigned[name] = len(consts) consts.append(globals[name]) op = LOAD_CONST oparg = k new_code += chr(op) if oparg is not None: new_code += chr(oparg & 255) new_code += chr( (oparg>>8) & 255 ) return make_code(co.co_argcount, co.co_nlocals, co.co_stacksize, co.co_flags, new_code, tuple(consts), co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename, co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab ) def bind(f, globals): """Returns a new function whose code object has been bound by bind_code()""" newcode = bind_code(f.func_code, globals) defaults = f.func_defaults or () return make_function(newcode, f.func_globals, f.func_name, defaults) if type(__builtins__) == dict: builtins = __builtins__ else: builtins = __builtins__.__dict__ bind_code_opt = bind(bind_code, builtins ) bind_code_opt = bind(bind_code_opt, globals() ) def optimize_module(m, global_consts): if not inspect.ismodule(m): raise TypeError d = {} for i in global_consts: v = m.__dict__.get(i) d[i] = v builtins = m.__builtins__ for name, f in m.__dict__.items(): if inspect.isfunction(f): f = bind(f, builtins) if d: f = bind(f, d) m.__dict__[name] = f def analyze_code(co, globals, consts_dict, consts_list): """Take a code object and a dictionnary and returns a new code object where the opcodes LOAD_GLOBAL are replaced by LOAD_CONST whenever the global's name appear in the dictionnary""" modified_globals = [] for c in co.co_consts: if c not in consts_list: consts_list.append(c) modified = [] code = co.co_code new_code = "" n = len(code) i = 0 extended_arg = 0 while i < n: c = code[i] op = ord(c) i += 1 if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 i += 2 else: oparg = None if op == EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg*65536L if op == LOAD_GLOBAL: name = co.co_names[oparg] if globals.has_key(name): k = consts_dict.get(name, None) if k == None: k = len(consts_list) consts_dict[name] = k consts_list.append(globals[name]) if op == STORE_GLOBAL: name = co.co_names[oparg] if globals.has_key(name): modified_globals.append(name) return modified_globals def rewrite_code(co, consts_dict, consts_tuple): """Take a code object and a dictionnary and returns a new code object where the opcodes LOAD_GLOBAL are replaced by LOAD_CONST whenever the global's name appear in the dictionnary""" code = co.co_code new_code = "" n = len(code) i = 0 consts_list = list(consts_tuple) while i < n: c = code[i] op = ord(c) i += 1 extended_arg = 0 if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256+extended_arg extended_arg = 0 i += 2 else: oparg = None if op == EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg*65536L elif op == LOAD_GLOBAL: name = co.co_names[oparg] k = consts_dict.get(name) if k is not None: op = LOAD_CONST oparg = k elif op == LOAD_CONST: val = co.co_consts[oparg] oparg = consts_list.index(val) new_code += chr(op) if oparg is not None: new_code += chr(oparg & 255) new_code += chr( (oparg>>8) & 255 ) return make_code(co.co_argcount, co.co_nlocals, co.co_stacksize, co.co_flags, new_code, consts_tuple, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename, co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab ) def optimize_module_2(m, globals_consts, bind_builtins=1): if not inspect.ismodule(m): raise TypeError consts_dict = {} consts_list = [] if type(globals_consts) == list or type(globals_consts) == tuple: globals = {} for i in globals_consts: v = m.__dict__.get(i) globals[i] = v else: globals = globals_consts if bind_builtins: for builtin_name, builtin_value in m.__builtins__.items(): # this way it is possible to redefine a builtin in globals_consts globals.setdefault(builtin_name, builtin_value) functions = {} for name, f in m.__dict__.items(): if inspect.isfunction(f): functions[name] = f analyze_code(f.func_code, globals, consts_dict, consts_list) consts_list = tuple(consts_list) for name, f in functions.items(): newcode = rewrite_code(f.func_code, consts_dict, consts_list) defaults = f.func_defaults or () m.__dict__[name] = make_function(newcode, f.func_globals, f.func_name, defaults) def run_bench(n): from time import time t = time() g = globals() for i in range(n): test = bind(bind_code, g) t1 = time()-t bind2 = bind(bind, {'bind_code':bind_code_opt}) t = time() for i in range(n): test=bind2(bind_code, g) t2 = time()-t print "1 regular version", t1 print "2 optimized version", t2 print "ratio (1-2)/1 : %f %%" % (100.*(t1-t2)/t1) def test_pystone(): from test import pystone for _ in range(5): pystone.main() optimize_module(pystone, ('TRUE','FALSE','Proc0','Proc1','Proc2','Proc3', 'Proc4','Proc5','Proc6','Proc7','Proc8','Func1', ' Func2','Func3')) optimize_module(pystone, builtins.keys()) for _ in range(5): pystone.main() if __name__ == "__main__": run_bench(1000)