"""Generic resource pool implementation.""" from __future__ import annotations import os from collections import deque from queue import Empty from queue import LifoQueue as _LifoQueue from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from . import exceptions from .utils.compat import register_after_fork from .utils.functional import lazy if TYPE_CHECKING: from types import TracebackType def _after_fork_cleanup_resource(resource): try: resource.force_close_all() except Exception: pass class LifoQueue(_LifoQueue): """Last in first out version of Queue.""" def _init(self, maxsize): self.queue = deque() class Resource: """Pool of resources.""" LimitExceeded = exceptions.LimitExceeded close_after_fork = False def __init__(self, limit=None, preload=None, close_after_fork=None): self._limit = limit self.preload = preload or 0 self._closed = False self.close_after_fork = ( close_after_fork if close_after_fork is not None else self.close_after_fork ) self._resource = LifoQueue() self._dirty = set() if self.close_after_fork and register_after_fork is not None: register_after_fork(self, _after_fork_cleanup_resource) self.setup() def setup(self): raise NotImplementedError('subclass responsibility') def _add_when_empty(self): if self.limit and len(self._dirty) >= self.limit: raise self.LimitExceeded(self.limit) # All taken, put new on the queue and # try get again, this way the first in line # will get the resource. self._resource.put_nowait(self.new()) def acquire(self, block=False, timeout=None): """Acquire resource. Arguments: block (bool): If the limit is exceeded, then block until there is an available item. timeout (float): Timeout to wait if ``block`` is true. Default is :const:`None` (forever). Raises: LimitExceeded: if block is false and the limit has been exceeded. """ if self._closed: raise RuntimeError('Acquire on closed pool') if self.limit: while 1: try: R = self._resource.get(block=block, timeout=timeout) except Empty: self._add_when_empty() else: try: R = self.prepare(R) except BaseException: if isinstance(R, lazy): # not evaluated yet, just put it back self._resource.put_nowait(R) else: # evaluted so must try to release/close first. self.release(R) raise self._dirty.add(R) break else: R = self.prepare(self.new()) def release(): """Release resource so it can be used by another thread. Warnings: The caller is responsible for discarding the object, and to never use the resource again. A new resource must be acquired if so needed. """ self.release(R) R.release = release return R def prepare(self, resource): return resource def close_resource(self, resource): resource.close() def release_resource(self, resource): pass def replace(self, resource): """Replace existing resource with a new instance. This can be used in case of defective resources. """ if self.limit: self._dirty.discard(resource) self.close_resource(resource) def release(self, resource): if self.limit: self._dirty.discard(resource) self._resource.put_nowait(resource) self.release_resource(resource) else: self.close_resource(resource) def collect_resource(self, resource): pass def force_close_all(self): """Close and remove all resources in the pool (also those in use). Used to close resources from parent processes after fork (e.g. sockets/connections). """ if self._closed: return self._closed = True dirty = self._dirty resource = self._resource while 1: # - acquired try: dres = dirty.pop() except KeyError: break try: self.collect_resource(dres) except AttributeError: # Issue #78 pass while 1: # - available # deque supports '.clear', but lists do not, so for that # reason we use pop here, so that the underlying object can # be any object supporting '.pop' and '.append'. try: res = resource.queue.pop() except IndexError: break try: self.collect_resource(res) except AttributeError: pass # Issue #78 def resize(self, limit, force=False, ignore_errors=False, reset=False): prev_limit = self._limit if (self._dirty and 0 < limit < self._limit) and not ignore_errors: if not force: raise RuntimeError( "Can't shrink pool when in use: was={} now={}".format( self._limit, limit)) reset = True self._limit = limit if reset: try: self.force_close_all() except Exception: pass self.setup() if limit < prev_limit: self._shrink_down(collect=limit > 0) def _shrink_down(self, collect=True): class Noop: def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__( self, exc_type: type, exc_val: Exception, exc_tb: TracebackType ) -> None: pass resource = self._resource # Items to the left are last recently used, so we remove those first. with getattr(resource, 'mutex', Noop()): while len(resource.queue) > self.limit: R = resource.queue.popleft() if collect: self.collect_resource(R) @property def limit(self): return self._limit @limit.setter def limit(self, limit): self.resize(limit) if os.environ.get('KOMBU_DEBUG_POOL'): # pragma: no cover _orig_acquire = acquire _orig_release = release _next_resource_id = 0 def acquire(self, *args, **kwargs): import traceback id = self._next_resource_id = self._next_resource_id + 1 print(f'+{id} ACQUIRE {self.__class__.__name__}') r = self._orig_acquire(*args, **kwargs) r._resource_id = id print(f'-{id} ACQUIRE {self.__class__.__name__}') if not hasattr(r, 'acquired_by'): r.acquired_by = [] r.acquired_by.append(traceback.format_stack()) return r def release(self, resource): id = resource._resource_id print(f'+{id} RELEASE {self.__class__.__name__}') r = self._orig_release(resource) print(f'-{id} RELEASE {self.__class__.__name__}') self._next_resource_id -= 1 return r