"""Carrot compatibility interface. See https://pypi.org/project/carrot/ for documentation. """ from __future__ import annotations from itertools import count from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from . import messaging from .entity import Exchange, Queue if TYPE_CHECKING: from types import TracebackType __all__ = ('Publisher', 'Consumer') # XXX compat attribute entry_to_queue = Queue.from_dict def _iterconsume(connection, consumer, no_ack=False, limit=None): consumer.consume(no_ack=no_ack) for iteration in count(0): # for infinity if limit and iteration >= limit: break yield connection.drain_events() class Publisher(messaging.Producer): """Carrot compatible producer.""" exchange = '' exchange_type = 'direct' routing_key = '' durable = True auto_delete = False _closed = False def __init__(self, connection, exchange=None, routing_key=None, exchange_type=None, durable=None, auto_delete=None, channel=None, **kwargs): if channel: connection = channel self.exchange = exchange or self.exchange self.exchange_type = exchange_type or self.exchange_type self.routing_key = routing_key or self.routing_key if auto_delete is not None: self.auto_delete = auto_delete if durable is not None: self.durable = durable if not isinstance(self.exchange, Exchange): self.exchange = Exchange(name=self.exchange, type=self.exchange_type, routing_key=self.routing_key, auto_delete=self.auto_delete, durable=self.durable) super().__init__(connection, self.exchange, **kwargs) def send(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.publish(*args, **kwargs) def close(self): super().close() self._closed = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None ) -> None: self.close() @property def backend(self): return self.channel class Consumer(messaging.Consumer): """Carrot compatible consumer.""" queue = '' exchange = '' routing_key = '' exchange_type = 'direct' durable = True exclusive = False auto_delete = False _closed = False def __init__(self, connection, queue=None, exchange=None, routing_key=None, exchange_type=None, durable=None, exclusive=None, auto_delete=None, **kwargs): self.backend = connection.channel() if durable is not None: self.durable = durable if exclusive is not None: self.exclusive = exclusive if auto_delete is not None: self.auto_delete = auto_delete self.queue = queue or self.queue self.exchange = exchange or self.exchange self.exchange_type = exchange_type or self.exchange_type self.routing_key = routing_key or self.routing_key exchange = Exchange(self.exchange, type=self.exchange_type, routing_key=self.routing_key, auto_delete=self.auto_delete, durable=self.durable) queue = Queue(self.queue, exchange=exchange, routing_key=self.routing_key, durable=self.durable, exclusive=self.exclusive, auto_delete=self.auto_delete) super().__init__(self.backend, queue, **kwargs) def revive(self, channel): self.backend = channel super().revive(channel) def close(self): self.cancel() self.backend.close() self._closed = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None ) -> None: self.close() def __iter__(self): return self.iterqueue(infinite=True) def fetch(self, no_ack=None, enable_callbacks=False): if no_ack is None: no_ack = self.no_ack message = self.queues[0].get(no_ack) if message: if enable_callbacks: self.receive(message.payload, message) return message def process_next(self): raise NotImplementedError('Use fetch(enable_callbacks=True)') def discard_all(self, filterfunc=None): if filterfunc is not None: raise NotImplementedError( 'discard_all does not implement filters') return self.purge() def iterconsume(self, limit=None, no_ack=None): return _iterconsume(self.connection, self, no_ack, limit) def wait(self, limit=None): it = self.iterconsume(limit) return list(it) def iterqueue(self, limit=None, infinite=False): for items_since_start in count(): # for infinity item = self.fetch() if (not infinite and item is None) or \ (limit and items_since_start >= limit): break yield item class ConsumerSet(messaging.Consumer): def __init__(self, connection, from_dict=None, consumers=None, channel=None, **kwargs): if channel: self._provided_channel = True self.backend = channel else: self._provided_channel = False self.backend = connection.channel() queues = [] if consumers: for consumer in consumers: queues.extend(consumer.queues) if from_dict: for queue_name, queue_options in from_dict.items(): queues.append(Queue.from_dict(queue_name, **queue_options)) super().__init__(self.backend, queues, **kwargs) def iterconsume(self, limit=None, no_ack=False): return _iterconsume(self.connection, self, no_ack, limit) def discard_all(self): return self.purge() def add_consumer_from_dict(self, queue, **options): return self.add_queue(Queue.from_dict(queue, **options)) def add_consumer(self, consumer): for queue in consumer.queues: self.add_queue(queue) def revive(self, channel): self.backend = channel super().revive(channel) def close(self): self.cancel() if not self._provided_channel: self.channel.close()