.. _guide-simple: ================== Simple Interface ================== .. contents:: :local: :mod:`kombu.simple` is a simple interface to AMQP queueing. It is only slightly different from the :class:`~Queue.Queue` class in the Python Standard Library, which makes it excellent for users with basic messaging needs. Instead of defining exchanges and queues, the simple classes only requires two arguments, a connection channel and a name. The name is used as the queue, exchange and routing key. If the need arises, you can specify a :class:`~kombu.Queue` as the name argument instead. In addition, the :class:`~kombu.Connection` comes with shortcuts to create simple queues using the current connection:: >>> queue = connection.SimpleQueue('myqueue') >>> # ... do something with queue >>> queue.close() This is equivalent to:: >>> from kombu import SimpleQueue, SimpleBuffer >>> channel = connection.channel() >>> queue = SimpleBuffer(channel) >>> # ... do something with queue >>> channel.close() >>> queue.close() .. _simple-send-receive: Sending and receiving messages ============================== The simple interface defines two classes; :class:`~kombu.simple.SimpleQueue`, and :class:`~kombu.simple.SimpleBuffer`. The former is used for persistent messages, and the latter is used for transient, buffer-like queues. They both have the same interface, so you can use them interchangeably. Here is an example using the :class:`~kombu.simple.SimpleQueue` class to produce and consume logging messages: .. code-block:: python from __future__ import with_statement from socket import gethostname from time import time from kombu import Connection class Logger(object): def __init__(self, connection, queue_name='log_queue', serializer='json', compression=None): self.queue = connection.SimpleQueue(self.queue_name) self.serializer = serializer self.compression = compression def log(self, message, level='INFO', context={}): self.queue.put({'message': message, 'level': level, 'context': context, 'hostname': socket.gethostname(), 'timestamp': time()}, serializer=self.serializer, compression=self.compression) def process(self, callback, n=1, timeout=1): for i in xrange(n): log_message = self.queue.get(block=True, timeout=1) entry = log_message.payload # deserialized data. callback(entry) log_message.ack() # remove message from queue def close(self): self.queue.close() if __name__ == '__main__': from contextlib import closing with Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//') as conn: with closing(Logger(connection)) as logger: # Send message logger.log('Error happened while encoding video', level='ERROR', context={'filename': 'cutekitten.mpg'}) # Consume and process message # This is the callback called when a log message is # received. def dump_entry(entry): date = datetime.fromtimestamp(entry['timestamp']) print('[%s %s %s] %s %r' % (date, entry['hostname'], entry['level'], entry['message'], entry['context'])) # Process a single message using the callback above. logger.process(dump_entry, n=1)