[build-system] build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta' requires = [ 'setuptools >= 46.4.0', ] [tool.black] line-length = 79 target-version = ['py37', 'py38', 'py39', 'py310'] include = '\.pyi?$' # 'extend-exclude' excludes files or directories in addition to the defaults # A regex preceded with ^/ will apply only to files and directories # in the root of the project. # ( # ^/foo.py # exclude a file named foo.py in the root of the project. # | .*_pb2.py # exclude autogenerated Protocol Buffer files anywhere in the # ) # # project. extend-exclude = ''' ''' [tool.pytest.ini_options] addopts = "-ra -v" [tool.mypy] # For details on each flag, please see the mypy documentation at: # https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config_file.html#config-file # Note: The order of flags listed here should match the order used in mypy's # documentation to make it easier to find the documentation for each flag. # Import Discovery ignore_missing_imports = false # Disallow dynamic typing disallow_any_unimported = true disallow_any_expr = false disallow_any_decorated = true disallow_any_explicit = true disallow_any_generics = true disallow_subclassing_any = true # Untyped definitions and calls disallow_untyped_calls = true disallow_untyped_defs = true disallow_incomplete_defs = true check_untyped_defs = true disallow_untyped_decorators = true # None and Optional handling implicit_optional = false strict_optional = true # Configuring warnings warn_redundant_casts = true warn_unused_ignores = true warn_no_return = true warn_return_any = true warn_unreachable = true # Miscellaneous strictness flags allow_untyped_globals = false allow_redefinition = false local_partial_types = true implicit_reexport = false strict_concatenate = true strict_equality = true strict = true # Configuring error messages show_error_context = true show_column_numbers = true hide_error_codes = false pretty = true color_output = true error_summary = true show_absolute_path = true # Miscellaneous warn_unused_configs = true verbosity = 0 # FIXME: As type annotations are introduced, please remove the appropriate # ignore_errors flag below. New modules should NOT be added here! [[tool.mypy.overrides]] module = [ 'kazoo.client', 'kazoo.exceptions', 'kazoo.handlers.eventlet', 'kazoo.handlers.gevent', 'kazoo.handlers.threading', 'kazoo.handlers.utils', 'kazoo.hosts', 'kazoo.interfaces', 'kazoo.loggingsupport', 'kazoo.protocol.connection', 'kazoo.protocol.paths', 'kazoo.protocol.serialization', 'kazoo.protocol.states', 'kazoo.recipe.barrier', 'kazoo.recipe.cache', 'kazoo.recipe.counter', 'kazoo.recipe.election', 'kazoo.recipe.lease', 'kazoo.recipe.lock', 'kazoo.recipe.partitioner', 'kazoo.recipe.party', 'kazoo.recipe.queue', 'kazoo.recipe.watchers', 'kazoo.retry', 'kazoo.security', 'kazoo.testing.common', 'kazoo.testing.harness', 'kazoo.tests.conftest', 'kazoo.tests.test__connection', 'kazoo.tests.test_barrier', 'kazoo.tests.test_build', 'kazoo.tests.test_cache', 'kazoo.tests.test_client', 'kazoo.tests.test_counter', 'kazoo.tests.test_election', 'kazoo.tests.test_eventlet_handler', 'kazoo.tests.test_exceptions', 'kazoo.tests.test_gevent_handler', 'kazoo.tests.test_hosts', 'kazoo.tests.test_interrupt', 'kazoo.tests.test_lease', 'kazoo.tests.test_lock', 'kazoo.tests.test_partitioner', 'kazoo.tests.test_party', 'kazoo.tests.test_paths', 'kazoo.tests.test_queue', 'kazoo.tests.test_retry', 'kazoo.tests.test_sasl', 'kazoo.tests.test_security', 'kazoo.tests.test_selectors_select', 'kazoo.tests.test_threading_handler', 'kazoo.tests.test_utils', 'kazoo.tests.test_watchers', 'kazoo.tests.util', 'kazoo.version' ] ignore_errors = true