"""Kazoo testing harnesses""" import atexit import logging import os import uuid import unittest from kazoo.client import KazooClient from kazoo.exceptions import KazooException from kazoo.protocol.connection import _CONNECTION_DROP, _SESSION_EXPIRED from kazoo.protocol.states import KazooState from kazoo.testing.common import ZookeeperCluster log = logging.getLogger(__name__) CLUSTER = None CLUSTER_CONF = None CLUSTER_DEFAULTS = { "ZOOKEEPER_PORT_OFFSET": 20000, "ZOOKEEPER_CLUSTER_SIZE": 3, "ZOOKEEPER_OBSERVER_START_ID": -1, "ZOOKEEPER_LOCAL_SESSION_RO": "false", } def get_global_cluster(): global CLUSTER, CLUSTER_CONF cluster_conf = { k: os.environ.get(k, CLUSTER_DEFAULTS.get(k)) for k in [ "ZOOKEEPER_PATH", "ZOOKEEPER_CLASSPATH", "ZOOKEEPER_PORT_OFFSET", "ZOOKEEPER_CLUSTER_SIZE", "ZOOKEEPER_VERSION", "ZOOKEEPER_OBSERVER_START_ID", "ZOOKEEPER_JAAS_AUTH", "ZOOKEEPER_LOCAL_SESSION_RO", ] } if CLUSTER is not None: if CLUSTER_CONF == cluster_conf: return CLUSTER else: log.info("Config change detected. Reconfiguring cluster...") CLUSTER.terminate() CLUSTER = None # Create a new cluster ZK_HOME = cluster_conf.get("ZOOKEEPER_PATH") ZK_CLASSPATH = cluster_conf.get("ZOOKEEPER_CLASSPATH") ZK_PORT_OFFSET = int(cluster_conf.get("ZOOKEEPER_PORT_OFFSET")) ZK_CLUSTER_SIZE = int(cluster_conf.get("ZOOKEEPER_CLUSTER_SIZE")) ZK_VERSION = cluster_conf.get("ZOOKEEPER_VERSION") if "-" in ZK_VERSION: # Ignore pre-release markers like -alpha ZK_VERSION = ZK_VERSION.split("-")[0] ZK_VERSION = tuple([int(n) for n in ZK_VERSION.split(".")]) ZK_OBSERVER_START_ID = int(cluster_conf.get("ZOOKEEPER_OBSERVER_START_ID")) assert ZK_HOME or ZK_CLASSPATH or ZK_VERSION, ( "Either ZOOKEEPER_PATH or ZOOKEEPER_CLASSPATH or " "ZOOKEEPER_VERSION environment variable must be defined.\n" "For deb package installations this is /usr/share/java" ) if ZK_VERSION >= (3, 5): ZOOKEEPER_LOCAL_SESSION_RO = cluster_conf.get( "ZOOKEEPER_LOCAL_SESSION_RO" ) additional_configuration_entries = [ "4lw.commands.whitelist=*", "reconfigEnabled=true", # required to avoid session validation error # in read only test "localSessionsEnabled=" + ZOOKEEPER_LOCAL_SESSION_RO, "localSessionsUpgradingEnabled=" + ZOOKEEPER_LOCAL_SESSION_RO, ] # If defined, this sets the superuser password to "test" additional_java_system_properties = [ "-Dzookeeper.DigestAuthenticationProvider.superDigest=" "super:D/InIHSb7yEEbrWz8b9l71RjZJU=" ] else: additional_configuration_entries = [] additional_java_system_properties = [] ZOOKEEPER_JAAS_AUTH = cluster_conf.get("ZOOKEEPER_JAAS_AUTH") if ZOOKEEPER_JAAS_AUTH == "digest": jaas_config = """ Server { org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required user_super="super_secret" user_jaasuser="jaas_password"; };""" elif ZOOKEEPER_JAAS_AUTH == "gssapi": # Configure Zookeeper to use our test KDC. additional_java_system_properties += [ "-Djava.security.krb5.conf=%s" % os.path.expandvars("${KRB5_CONFIG}"), "-Dsun.security.krb5.debug=true", ] jaas_config = """ Server { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required debug=true isInitiator=false useKeyTab=true keyTab="%s" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false principal="zookeeper/"; };""" % os.path.expandvars( "${KRB5_TEST_ENV}/server.keytab" ) else: jaas_config = None CLUSTER = ZookeeperCluster( install_path=ZK_HOME, classpath=ZK_CLASSPATH, port_offset=ZK_PORT_OFFSET, size=ZK_CLUSTER_SIZE, observer_start_id=ZK_OBSERVER_START_ID, configuration_entries=additional_configuration_entries, java_system_properties=additional_java_system_properties, jaas_config=jaas_config, ) CLUSTER_CONF = cluster_conf atexit.register(lambda cluster: cluster.terminate(), CLUSTER) return CLUSTER class KazooTestHarness(unittest.TestCase): """Harness for testing code that uses Kazoo This object can be used directly or as a mixin. It supports starting and stopping a complete ZooKeeper cluster locally and provides an API for simulating errors and expiring sessions. Example:: class MyTestCase(KazooTestHarness): def setUp(self): self.setup_zookeeper() # additional test setup def tearDown(self): self.teardown_zookeeper() def test_something(self): something_that_needs_a_kazoo_client(self.client) def test_something_else(self): something_that_needs_zk_servers(self.servers) """ DEFAULT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 15 def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(KazooTestHarness, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.client = None self._clients = [] @property def cluster(self): return get_global_cluster() @property def servers(self): return ",".join([s.address for s in self.cluster]) def _get_nonchroot_client(self): c = KazooClient(self.servers) self._clients.append(c) return c def _get_client(self, **client_options): if "timeout" not in client_options: client_options["timeout"] = self.DEFAULT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT c = KazooClient(self.hosts, **client_options) self._clients.append(c) return c def lose_connection(self, event_factory): """Force client to lose connection with server""" self.__break_connection( _CONNECTION_DROP, KazooState.SUSPENDED, event_factory ) def expire_session(self, event_factory): """Force ZK to expire a client session""" self.__break_connection( _SESSION_EXPIRED, KazooState.LOST, event_factory ) def setup_zookeeper(self, **client_options): """Create a ZK cluster and chrooted :class:`KazooClient` The cluster will only be created on the first invocation and won't be fully torn down until exit. """ do_start = False for s in self.cluster: if not s.running: do_start = True if do_start: self.cluster.start() namespace = "/kazootests" + uuid.uuid4().hex self.hosts = self.servers + namespace if "timeout" not in client_options: client_options["timeout"] = self.DEFAULT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT self.client = self._get_client(**client_options) self.client.start() self.client.ensure_path("/") def teardown_zookeeper(self): """Reset and cleanup the zookeeper cluster that was started.""" while self._clients: c = self._clients.pop() try: c.stop() except KazooException: log.exception("Failed stopping client %s", c) finally: c.close() self.client = None def __break_connection(self, break_event, expected_state, event_factory): """Break ZooKeeper connection using the specified event.""" lost = event_factory() safe = event_factory() def watch_loss(state): if state == expected_state: lost.set() elif lost.is_set() and state == KazooState.CONNECTED: safe.set() return True self.client.add_listener(watch_loss) self.client._call(break_event, None) lost.wait(5) if not lost.is_set(): raise Exception("Failed to get notified of broken connection.") safe.wait(15) if not safe.is_set(): raise Exception("Failed to see client reconnect.") self.client.retry(self.client.get_async, "/") class KazooTestCase(KazooTestHarness): def setUp(self): self.setup_zookeeper() def tearDown(self): self.teardown_zookeeper()