from __future__ import absolute_import import atexit import logging import time try: from queue import Empty, Full, Queue # pylint: disable=import-error except ImportError: from Queue import Empty, Full, Queue # pylint: disable=import-error from collections import defaultdict from threading import Thread, Event import six from kafka.common import ( ProduceRequestPayload, ProduceResponsePayload, TopicPartition, RetryOptions, kafka_errors, UnsupportedCodecError, FailedPayloadsError, RequestTimedOutError, AsyncProducerQueueFull, UnknownError, RETRY_ERROR_TYPES, RETRY_BACKOFF_ERROR_TYPES, RETRY_REFRESH_ERROR_TYPES ) from kafka.protocol import CODEC_NONE, ALL_CODECS, create_message_set log = logging.getLogger('kafka.producer') BATCH_SEND_DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 20 BATCH_SEND_MSG_COUNT = 20 # unlimited ASYNC_QUEUE_MAXSIZE = 0 ASYNC_QUEUE_PUT_TIMEOUT = 0 # unlimited retries by default ASYNC_RETRY_LIMIT = None ASYNC_RETRY_BACKOFF_MS = 100 ASYNC_RETRY_ON_TIMEOUTS = True ASYNC_LOG_MESSAGES_ON_ERROR = True STOP_ASYNC_PRODUCER = -1 ASYNC_STOP_TIMEOUT_SECS = 30 SYNC_FAIL_ON_ERROR_DEFAULT = True def _send_upstream(queue, client, codec, batch_time, batch_size, req_acks, ack_timeout, retry_options, stop_event, log_messages_on_error=ASYNC_LOG_MESSAGES_ON_ERROR, stop_timeout=ASYNC_STOP_TIMEOUT_SECS, codec_compresslevel=None): """Private method to manage producing messages asynchronously Listens on the queue for a specified number of messages or until a specified timeout and then sends messages to the brokers in grouped requests (one per broker). Messages placed on the queue should be tuples that conform to this format: ((topic, partition), message, key) Currently does not mark messages with task_done. Do not attempt to join()! Arguments: queue (threading.Queue): the queue from which to get messages client (kafka.SimpleClient): instance to use for communicating with brokers codec (kafka.protocol.ALL_CODECS): compression codec to use batch_time (int): interval in seconds to send message batches batch_size (int): count of messages that will trigger an immediate send req_acks: required acks to use with ProduceRequests. see server protocol ack_timeout: timeout to wait for required acks. see server protocol retry_options (RetryOptions): settings for retry limits, backoff etc stop_event (threading.Event): event to monitor for shutdown signal. when this event is 'set', the producer will stop sending messages. log_messages_on_error (bool, optional): log stringified message-contents on any produce error, otherwise only log a hash() of the contents, defaults to True. stop_timeout (int or float, optional): number of seconds to continue retrying messages after stop_event is set, defaults to 30. """ request_tries = {} while not stop_event.is_set(): try: client.reinit() except Exception as e: log.warn('Async producer failed to connect to brokers; backoff for %s(ms) before retrying', retry_options.backoff_ms) time.sleep(float(retry_options.backoff_ms) / 1000) else: break stop_at = None while not (stop_event.is_set() and queue.empty() and not request_tries): # Handle stop_timeout if stop_event.is_set(): if not stop_at: stop_at = stop_timeout + time.time() if time.time() > stop_at: log.debug('Async producer stopping due to stop_timeout') break timeout = batch_time count = batch_size send_at = time.time() + timeout msgset = defaultdict(list) # Merging messages will require a bit more work to manage correctly # for now, dont look for new batches if we have old ones to retry if request_tries: count = 0 log.debug('Skipping new batch collection to handle retries') else: log.debug('Batching size: %s, timeout: %s', count, timeout) # Keep fetching till we gather enough messages or a # timeout is reached while count > 0 and timeout >= 0: try: topic_partition, msg, key = queue.get(timeout=timeout) except Empty: break # Check if the controller has requested us to stop if topic_partition == STOP_ASYNC_PRODUCER: stop_event.set() break # Adjust the timeout to match the remaining period count -= 1 timeout = send_at - time.time() msgset[topic_partition].append((msg, key)) # Send collected requests upstream for topic_partition, msg in msgset.items(): messages = create_message_set(msg, codec, key, codec_compresslevel) req = ProduceRequestPayload( topic_partition.topic, topic_partition.partition, tuple(messages)) request_tries[req] = 0 if not request_tries: continue reqs_to_retry, error_cls = [], None retry_state = { 'do_backoff': False, 'do_refresh': False } def _handle_error(error_cls, request): if issubclass(error_cls, RETRY_ERROR_TYPES) or (retry_options.retry_on_timeouts and issubclass(error_cls, RequestTimedOutError)): reqs_to_retry.append(request) if issubclass(error_cls, RETRY_BACKOFF_ERROR_TYPES): retry_state['do_backoff'] |= True if issubclass(error_cls, RETRY_REFRESH_ERROR_TYPES): retry_state['do_refresh'] |= True requests = list(request_tries.keys()) log.debug('Sending: %s', requests) responses = client.send_produce_request(requests, acks=req_acks, timeout=ack_timeout, fail_on_error=False) log.debug('Received: %s', responses) for i, response in enumerate(responses): error_cls = None if isinstance(response, FailedPayloadsError): error_cls = response.__class__ orig_req = response.payload elif isinstance(response, ProduceResponsePayload) and response.error: error_cls = kafka_errors.get(response.error, UnknownError) orig_req = requests[i] if error_cls: _handle_error(error_cls, orig_req) log.error('%s sending ProduceRequestPayload (#%d of %d) ' 'to %s:%d with msgs %s', error_cls.__name__, (i + 1), len(requests), orig_req.topic, orig_req.partition, orig_req.messages if log_messages_on_error else hash(orig_req.messages)) if not reqs_to_retry: request_tries = {} continue # doing backoff before next retry if retry_state['do_backoff'] and retry_options.backoff_ms: log.warn('Async producer backoff for %s(ms) before retrying', retry_options.backoff_ms) time.sleep(float(retry_options.backoff_ms) / 1000) # refresh topic metadata before next retry if retry_state['do_refresh']: log.warn('Async producer forcing metadata refresh metadata before retrying') try: client.load_metadata_for_topics() except Exception: log.exception("Async producer couldn't reload topic metadata.") # Apply retry limit, dropping messages that are over request_tries = dict( (key, count + 1) for (key, count) in request_tries.items() if key in reqs_to_retry and (retry_options.limit is None or (count < retry_options.limit)) ) # Log messages we are going to retry for orig_req in request_tries.keys():'Retrying ProduceRequestPayload to %s:%d with msgs %s', orig_req.topic, orig_req.partition, orig_req.messages if log_messages_on_error else hash(orig_req.messages)) if request_tries or not queue.empty(): log.error('Stopped producer with {0} unsent messages' .format(len(request_tries) + queue.qsize())) class Producer(object): """ Base class to be used by producers Arguments: client (kafka.SimpleClient): instance to use for broker communications. If async=True, the background thread will use client.copy(), which is expected to return a thread-safe object. codec (kafka.protocol.ALL_CODECS): compression codec to use. req_acks (int, optional): A value indicating the acknowledgements that the server must receive before responding to the request, defaults to 1 (local ack). ack_timeout (int, optional): millisecond timeout to wait for the configured req_acks, defaults to 1000. sync_fail_on_error (bool, optional): whether sync producer should raise exceptions (True), or just return errors (False), defaults to True. async (bool, optional): send message using a background thread, defaults to False. batch_send_every_n (int, optional): If async is True, messages are sent in batches of this size, defaults to 20. batch_send_every_t (int or float, optional): If async is True, messages are sent immediately after this timeout in seconds, even if there are fewer than batch_send_every_n, defaults to 20. async_retry_limit (int, optional): number of retries for failed messages or None for unlimited, defaults to None / unlimited. async_retry_backoff_ms (int, optional): milliseconds to backoff on failed messages, defaults to 100. async_retry_on_timeouts (bool, optional): whether to retry on RequestTimedOutError, defaults to True. async_queue_maxsize (int, optional): limit to the size of the internal message queue in number of messages (not size), defaults to 0 (no limit). async_queue_put_timeout (int or float, optional): timeout seconds for queue.put in send_messages for async producers -- will only apply if async_queue_maxsize > 0 and the queue is Full, defaults to 0 (fail immediately on full queue). async_log_messages_on_error (bool, optional): set to False and the async producer will only log hash() contents on failed produce requests, defaults to True (log full messages). Hash logging will not allow you to identify the specific message that failed, but it will allow you to match failures with retries. async_stop_timeout (int or float, optional): seconds to continue attempting to send queued messages after producer.stop(), defaults to 30. Deprecated Arguments: batch_send (bool, optional): If True, messages are sent by a background thread in batches, defaults to False. Deprecated, use 'async' """ ACK_NOT_REQUIRED = 0 # No ack is required ACK_AFTER_LOCAL_WRITE = 1 # Send response after it is written to log ACK_AFTER_CLUSTER_COMMIT = -1 # Send response after data is committed DEFAULT_ACK_TIMEOUT = 1000 def __init__(self, client, req_acks=ACK_AFTER_LOCAL_WRITE, ack_timeout=DEFAULT_ACK_TIMEOUT, codec=None, codec_compresslevel=None, sync_fail_on_error=SYNC_FAIL_ON_ERROR_DEFAULT, async=False, batch_send=False, # deprecated, use async batch_send_every_n=BATCH_SEND_MSG_COUNT, batch_send_every_t=BATCH_SEND_DEFAULT_INTERVAL, async_retry_limit=ASYNC_RETRY_LIMIT, async_retry_backoff_ms=ASYNC_RETRY_BACKOFF_MS, async_retry_on_timeouts=ASYNC_RETRY_ON_TIMEOUTS, async_queue_maxsize=ASYNC_QUEUE_MAXSIZE, async_queue_put_timeout=ASYNC_QUEUE_PUT_TIMEOUT, async_log_messages_on_error=ASYNC_LOG_MESSAGES_ON_ERROR, async_stop_timeout=ASYNC_STOP_TIMEOUT_SECS): if async: assert batch_send_every_n > 0 assert batch_send_every_t > 0 assert async_queue_maxsize >= 0 self.client = client self.async = async self.req_acks = req_acks self.ack_timeout = ack_timeout self.stopped = False if codec is None: codec = CODEC_NONE elif codec not in ALL_CODECS: raise UnsupportedCodecError("Codec 0x%02x unsupported" % codec) self.codec = codec self.codec_compresslevel = codec_compresslevel if self.async: # Messages are sent through this queue self.queue = Queue(async_queue_maxsize) self.async_queue_put_timeout = async_queue_put_timeout async_retry_options = RetryOptions( limit=async_retry_limit, backoff_ms=async_retry_backoff_ms, retry_on_timeouts=async_retry_on_timeouts) self.thread_stop_event = Event() self.thread = Thread( target=_send_upstream, args=(self.queue, self.client.copy(), self.codec, batch_send_every_t, batch_send_every_n, self.req_acks, self.ack_timeout, async_retry_options, self.thread_stop_event), kwargs={'log_messages_on_error': async_log_messages_on_error, 'stop_timeout': async_stop_timeout, 'codec_compresslevel': self.codec_compresslevel} ) # Thread will die if main thread exits self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() def cleanup(obj): if not obj.stopped: obj.stop() self._cleanup_func = cleanup atexit.register(cleanup, self) else: self.sync_fail_on_error = sync_fail_on_error def send_messages(self, topic, partition, *msg): """Helper method to send produce requests. Note that msg type *must* be encoded to bytes by user. Passing unicode message will not work, for example you should encode before calling send_messages via something like `unicode_message.encode('utf-8')` All messages will set the message 'key' to None. Arguments: topic (str): name of topic for produce request partition (int): partition number for produce request *msg (bytes): one or more message payloads Returns: ResponseRequest returned by server Raises: FailedPayloadsError: low-level connection error, can be caused by networking failures, or a malformed request. ConnectionError: KafkaUnavailableError: all known brokers are down when attempting to refresh metadata. LeaderNotAvailableError: topic or partition is initializing or a broker failed and leadership election is in progress. NotLeaderForPartitionError: metadata is out of sync; the broker that the request was sent to is not the leader for the topic or partition. UnknownTopicOrPartitionError: the topic or partition has not been created yet and auto-creation is not available. AsyncProducerQueueFull: in async mode, if too many messages are unsent and remain in the internal queue. """ return self._send_messages(topic, partition, *msg) def _send_messages(self, topic, partition, *msg, **kwargs): key = kwargs.pop('key', None) # Guarantee that msg is actually a list or tuple (should always be true) if not isinstance(msg, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("msg is not a list or tuple!") for m in msg: # The protocol allows to have key & payload with null values both, # ( but having (null,null) pair doesn't make sense. if m is None: if key is None: raise TypeError("key and payload can't be null in one") # Raise TypeError if any non-null message is not encoded as bytes elif not isinstance(m, six.binary_type): raise TypeError("all produce message payloads must be null or type bytes") # Raise TypeError if the key is not encoded as bytes if key is not None and not isinstance(key, six.binary_type): raise TypeError("the key must be type bytes") if self.async: for idx, m in enumerate(msg): try: item = (TopicPartition(topic, partition), m, key) if self.async_queue_put_timeout == 0: self.queue.put_nowait(item) else: self.queue.put(item, True, self.async_queue_put_timeout) except Full: raise AsyncProducerQueueFull( msg[idx:], 'Producer async queue overfilled. ' 'Current queue size %d.' % self.queue.qsize()) resp = [] else: messages = create_message_set([(m, key) for m in msg], self.codec, key, self.codec_compresslevel) req = ProduceRequestPayload(topic, partition, messages) try: resp = self.client.send_produce_request( [req], acks=self.req_acks, timeout=self.ack_timeout, fail_on_error=self.sync_fail_on_error ) except Exception: log.exception("Unable to send messages") raise return resp def stop(self, timeout=None): """ Stop the producer (async mode). Blocks until async thread completes. """ if timeout is not None: log.warning('timeout argument to stop() is deprecated - ' 'it will be removed in future release') if not self.async: log.warning('producer.stop() called, but producer is not async') return if self.stopped: log.warning('producer.stop() called, but producer is already stopped') return if self.async: self.queue.put((STOP_ASYNC_PRODUCER, None, None)) self.thread_stop_event.set() self.thread.join() if hasattr(self, '_cleanup_func'): # Remove cleanup handler now that we've stopped # py3 supports unregistering if hasattr(atexit, 'unregister'): atexit.unregister(self._cleanup_func) # pylint: disable=no-member # py2 requires removing from private attribute... else: # ValueError on list.remove() if the exithandler no longer exists # but that is fine here try: atexit._exithandlers.remove( # pylint: disable=no-member (self._cleanup_func, (self,), {})) except ValueError: pass del self._cleanup_func self.stopped = True def __del__(self): if self.async and not self.stopped: self.stop()