from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import copy import logging import random import sys import time from kafka.vendor import six import kafka.errors as Errors from kafka.future import Future from kafka.metrics.stats import Avg, Count, Max, Rate from kafka.protocol.fetch import FetchRequest from kafka.protocol.offset import ( OffsetRequest, OffsetResetStrategy, UNKNOWN_OFFSET ) from kafka.record import MemoryRecords from kafka.serializer import Deserializer from kafka.structs import TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Isolation levels READ_UNCOMMITTED = 0 READ_COMMITTED = 1 ConsumerRecord = collections.namedtuple("ConsumerRecord", ["topic", "partition", "offset", "timestamp", "timestamp_type", "key", "value", "checksum", "serialized_key_size", "serialized_value_size"]) CompletedFetch = collections.namedtuple("CompletedFetch", ["topic_partition", "fetched_offset", "response_version", "partition_data", "metric_aggregator"]) class NoOffsetForPartitionError(Errors.KafkaError): pass class RecordTooLargeError(Errors.KafkaError): pass class Fetcher(six.Iterator): DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'key_deserializer': None, 'value_deserializer': None, 'fetch_min_bytes': 1, 'fetch_max_wait_ms': 500, 'fetch_max_bytes': 52428800, 'max_partition_fetch_bytes': 1048576, 'max_poll_records': sys.maxsize, 'check_crcs': True, 'skip_double_compressed_messages': False, 'iterator_refetch_records': 1, # undocumented -- interface may change 'metric_group_prefix': 'consumer', 'api_version': (0, 8, 0), 'retry_backoff_ms': 100 } def __init__(self, client, subscriptions, metrics, **configs): """Initialize a Kafka Message Fetcher. Keyword Arguments: key_deserializer (callable): Any callable that takes a raw message key and returns a deserialized key. value_deserializer (callable, optional): Any callable that takes a raw message value and returns a deserialized value. fetch_min_bytes (int): Minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request, otherwise wait up to fetch_max_wait_ms for more data to accumulate. Default: 1. fetch_max_wait_ms (int): The maximum amount of time in milliseconds the server will block before answering the fetch request if there isn't sufficient data to immediately satisfy the requirement given by fetch_min_bytes. Default: 500. fetch_max_bytes (int): The maximum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request. This is not an absolute maximum, if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned to ensure that the consumer can make progress. NOTE: consumer performs fetches to multiple brokers in parallel so memory usage will depend on the number of brokers containing partitions for the topic. Supported Kafka version >= Default: 52428800 (50 MB). max_partition_fetch_bytes (int): The maximum amount of data per-partition the server will return. The maximum total memory used for a request = #partitions * max_partition_fetch_bytes. This size must be at least as large as the maximum message size the server allows or else it is possible for the producer to send messages larger than the consumer can fetch. If that happens, the consumer can get stuck trying to fetch a large message on a certain partition. Default: 1048576. check_crcs (bool): Automatically check the CRC32 of the records consumed. This ensures no on-the-wire or on-disk corruption to the messages occurred. This check adds some overhead, so it may be disabled in cases seeking extreme performance. Default: True skip_double_compressed_messages (bool): A bug in KafkaProducer caused some messages to be corrupted via double-compression. By default, the fetcher will return the messages as a compressed blob of bytes with a single offset, i.e. how the message was actually published to the cluster. If you prefer to have the fetcher automatically detect corrupt messages and skip them, set this option to True. Default: False. """ self.config = copy.copy(self.DEFAULT_CONFIG) for key in self.config: if key in configs: self.config[key] = configs[key] self._client = client self._subscriptions = subscriptions self._completed_fetches = collections.deque() # Unparsed responses self._next_partition_records = None # Holds a single PartitionRecords until fully consumed self._iterator = None self._fetch_futures = collections.deque() self._sensors = FetchManagerMetrics(metrics, self.config['metric_group_prefix']) self._isolation_level = READ_UNCOMMITTED def send_fetches(self): """Send FetchRequests for all assigned partitions that do not already have an in-flight fetch or pending fetch data. Returns: List of Futures: each future resolves to a FetchResponse """ futures = [] for node_id, request in six.iteritems(self._create_fetch_requests()): if self._client.ready(node_id): log.debug("Sending FetchRequest to node %s", node_id) future = self._client.send(node_id, request) future.add_callback(self._handle_fetch_response, request, time.time()) future.add_errback(log.error, 'Fetch to node %s failed: %s', node_id) futures.append(future) self._fetch_futures.extend(futures) self._clean_done_fetch_futures() return futures def reset_offsets_if_needed(self, partitions): """Lookup and set offsets for any partitions which are awaiting an explicit reset. Arguments: partitions (set of TopicPartitions): the partitions to reset """ for tp in partitions: # TODO: If there are several offsets to reset, we could submit offset requests in parallel if self._subscriptions.is_assigned(tp) and self._subscriptions.is_offset_reset_needed(tp): self._reset_offset(tp) def _clean_done_fetch_futures(self): while True: if not self._fetch_futures: break if not self._fetch_futures[0].is_done: break self._fetch_futures.popleft() def in_flight_fetches(self): """Return True if there are any unprocessed FetchRequests in flight.""" self._clean_done_fetch_futures() return bool(self._fetch_futures) def update_fetch_positions(self, partitions): """Update the fetch positions for the provided partitions. Arguments: partitions (list of TopicPartitions): partitions to update Raises: NoOffsetForPartitionError: if no offset is stored for a given partition and no reset policy is available """ # reset the fetch position to the committed position for tp in partitions: if not self._subscriptions.is_assigned(tp): log.warning("partition %s is not assigned - skipping offset" " update", tp) continue elif self._subscriptions.is_fetchable(tp): log.warning("partition %s is still fetchable -- skipping offset" " update", tp) continue if self._subscriptions.is_offset_reset_needed(tp): self._reset_offset(tp) elif self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].committed is None: # there's no committed position, so we need to reset with the # default strategy self._subscriptions.need_offset_reset(tp) self._reset_offset(tp) else: committed = self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].committed log.debug("Resetting offset for partition %s to the committed" " offset %s", tp, committed), committed) def get_offsets_by_times(self, timestamps, timeout_ms): offsets = self._retrieve_offsets(timestamps, timeout_ms) for tp in timestamps: if tp not in offsets: offsets[tp] = None else: offset, timestamp = offsets[tp] offsets[tp] = OffsetAndTimestamp(offset, timestamp) return offsets def beginning_offsets(self, partitions, timeout_ms): return self.beginning_or_end_offset( partitions, OffsetResetStrategy.EARLIEST, timeout_ms) def end_offsets(self, partitions, timeout_ms): return self.beginning_or_end_offset( partitions, OffsetResetStrategy.LATEST, timeout_ms) def beginning_or_end_offset(self, partitions, timestamp, timeout_ms): timestamps = dict([(tp, timestamp) for tp in partitions]) offsets = self._retrieve_offsets(timestamps, timeout_ms) for tp in timestamps: offsets[tp] = offsets[tp][0] return offsets def _reset_offset(self, partition): """Reset offsets for the given partition using the offset reset strategy. Arguments: partition (TopicPartition): the partition that needs reset offset Raises: NoOffsetForPartitionError: if no offset reset strategy is defined """ timestamp = self._subscriptions.assignment[partition].reset_strategy if timestamp is OffsetResetStrategy.EARLIEST: strategy = 'earliest' elif timestamp is OffsetResetStrategy.LATEST: strategy = 'latest' else: raise NoOffsetForPartitionError(partition) log.debug("Resetting offset for partition %s to %s offset.", partition, strategy) offsets = self._retrieve_offsets({partition: timestamp}) if partition not in offsets: raise NoOffsetForPartitionError(partition) offset = offsets[partition][0] # we might lose the assignment while fetching the offset, # so check it is still active if self._subscriptions.is_assigned(partition):, offset) def _retrieve_offsets(self, timestamps, timeout_ms=float("inf")): """Fetch offset for each partition passed in ``timestamps`` map. Blocks until offsets are obtained, a non-retriable exception is raised or ``timeout_ms`` passed. Arguments: timestamps: {TopicPartition: int} dict with timestamps to fetch offsets by. -1 for the latest available, -2 for the earliest available. Otherwise timestamp is treated as epoch miliseconds. Returns: {TopicPartition: (int, int)}: Mapping of partition to retrieved offset and timestamp. If offset does not exist for the provided timestamp, that partition will be missing from this mapping. """ if not timestamps: return {} start_time = time.time() remaining_ms = timeout_ms while remaining_ms > 0: future = self._send_offset_requests(timestamps) self._client.poll(future=future, timeout_ms=remaining_ms) if future.succeeded(): return future.value if not future.retriable(): raise future.exception # pylint: disable-msg=raising-bad-type elapsed_ms = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000 remaining_ms = timeout_ms - elapsed_ms if remaining_ms < 0: break if future.exception.invalid_metadata: refresh_future = self._client.cluster.request_update() self._client.poll(future=refresh_future, timeout_ms=remaining_ms) else: time.sleep(self.config['retry_backoff_ms'] / 1000.0) elapsed_ms = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000 remaining_ms = timeout_ms - elapsed_ms raise Errors.KafkaTimeoutError( "Failed to get offsets by timestamps in %s ms" % timeout_ms) def fetched_records(self, max_records=None): """Returns previously fetched records and updates consumed offsets. Arguments: max_records (int): Maximum number of records returned. Defaults to max_poll_records configuration. Raises: OffsetOutOfRangeError: if no subscription offset_reset_strategy CorruptRecordException: if message crc validation fails (check_crcs must be set to True) RecordTooLargeError: if a message is larger than the currently configured max_partition_fetch_bytes TopicAuthorizationError: if consumer is not authorized to fetch messages from the topic Returns: (records (dict), partial (bool)) records: {TopicPartition: [messages]} partial: True if records returned did not fully drain any pending partition requests. This may be useful for choosing when to pipeline additional fetch requests. """ if max_records is None: max_records = self.config['max_poll_records'] assert max_records > 0 drained = collections.defaultdict(list) records_remaining = max_records while records_remaining > 0: if not self._next_partition_records: if not self._completed_fetches: break completion = self._completed_fetches.popleft() self._next_partition_records = self._parse_fetched_data(completion) else: records_remaining -= self._append(drained, self._next_partition_records, records_remaining) return dict(drained), bool(self._completed_fetches) def _append(self, drained, part, max_records): if not part: return 0 tp = part.topic_partition fetch_offset = part.fetch_offset if not self._subscriptions.is_assigned(tp): # this can happen when a rebalance happened before # fetched records are returned to the consumer's poll call log.debug("Not returning fetched records for partition %s" " since it is no longer assigned", tp) else: # note that the position should always be available # as long as the partition is still assigned position = self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].position if not self._subscriptions.is_fetchable(tp): # this can happen when a partition is paused before # fetched records are returned to the consumer's poll call log.debug("Not returning fetched records for assigned partition" " %s since it is no longer fetchable", tp) elif fetch_offset == position: # we are ensured to have at least one record since we already checked for emptiness part_records = part.take(max_records) next_offset = part_records[-1].offset + 1 log.log(0, "Returning fetched records at offset %d for assigned" " partition %s and update position to %s", position, tp, next_offset) for record in part_records: # Fetched compressed messages may include additional records if record.offset < fetch_offset: log.debug("Skipping message offset: %s (expecting %s)", record.offset, fetch_offset) continue drained[tp].append(record) self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].position = next_offset return len(part_records) else: # these records aren't next in line based on the last consumed # position, ignore them they must be from an obsolete request log.debug("Ignoring fetched records for %s at offset %s since" " the current position is %d", tp, part.fetch_offset, position) part.discard() return 0 def _message_generator(self): """Iterate over fetched_records""" while self._next_partition_records or self._completed_fetches: if not self._next_partition_records: completion = self._completed_fetches.popleft() self._next_partition_records = self._parse_fetched_data(completion) continue # Send additional FetchRequests when the internal queue is low # this should enable moderate pipelining if len(self._completed_fetches) <= self.config['iterator_refetch_records']: self.send_fetches() tp = self._next_partition_records.topic_partition # We can ignore any prior signal to drop pending message sets # because we are starting from a fresh one where fetch_offset == position # i.e., the user seek()'d to this position self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].drop_pending_message_set = False for msg in self._next_partition_records.take(): # Because we are in a generator, it is possible for # subscription state to change between yield calls # so we need to re-check on each loop # this should catch assignment changes, pauses # and resets via seek_to_beginning / seek_to_end if not self._subscriptions.is_fetchable(tp): log.debug("Not returning fetched records for partition %s" " since it is no longer fetchable", tp) self._next_partition_records = None break # If there is a seek during message iteration, # we should stop unpacking this message set and # wait for a new fetch response that aligns with the # new seek position elif self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].drop_pending_message_set: log.debug("Skipping remainder of message set for partition %s", tp) self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].drop_pending_message_set = False self._next_partition_records = None break # Compressed messagesets may include earlier messages elif msg.offset < self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].position: log.debug("Skipping message offset: %s (expecting %s)", msg.offset, self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].position) continue self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].position = msg.offset + 1 yield msg self._next_partition_records = None def _unpack_message_set(self, tp, records): try: batch = records.next_batch() while batch is not None: for record in batch: key_size = len(record.key) if record.key is not None else -1 value_size = len(record.value) if record.value is not None else -1 key = self._deserialize( self.config['key_deserializer'], tp.topic, record.key) value = self._deserialize( self.config['value_deserializer'], tp.topic, record.value) yield ConsumerRecord( tp.topic, tp.partition, record.offset, record.timestamp, record.timestamp_type, key, value, record.checksum, key_size, value_size) batch = records.next_batch() # If unpacking raises StopIteration, it is erroneously # caught by the generator. We want all exceptions to be raised # back to the user. See Issue 545 except StopIteration as e: log.exception('StopIteration raised unpacking messageset') raise RuntimeError('StopIteration raised unpacking messageset') def __iter__(self): # pylint: disable=non-iterator-returned return self def __next__(self): if not self._iterator: self._iterator = self._message_generator() try: return next(self._iterator) except StopIteration: self._iterator = None raise def _deserialize(self, f, topic, bytes_): if not f: return bytes_ if isinstance(f, Deserializer): return f.deserialize(topic, bytes_) return f(bytes_) def _send_offset_requests(self, timestamps): """Fetch offsets for each partition in timestamps dict. This may send request to multiple nodes, based on who is Leader for partition. Arguments: timestamps (dict): {TopicPartition: int} mapping of fetching timestamps. Returns: Future: resolves to a mapping of retrieved offsets """ timestamps_by_node = collections.defaultdict(dict) for partition, timestamp in six.iteritems(timestamps): node_id = self._client.cluster.leader_for_partition(partition) if node_id is None: self._client.add_topic(partition.topic) log.debug("Partition %s is unknown for fetching offset," " wait for metadata refresh", partition) return Future().failure(Errors.StaleMetadata(partition)) elif node_id == -1: log.debug("Leader for partition %s unavailable for fetching " "offset, wait for metadata refresh", partition) return Future().failure( Errors.LeaderNotAvailableError(partition)) else: timestamps_by_node[node_id][partition] = timestamp # Aggregate results until we have all list_offsets_future = Future() responses = [] node_count = len(timestamps_by_node) def on_success(value): responses.append(value) if len(responses) == node_count: offsets = {} for r in responses: offsets.update(r) list_offsets_future.success(offsets) def on_fail(err): if not list_offsets_future.is_done: list_offsets_future.failure(err) for node_id, timestamps in six.iteritems(timestamps_by_node): _f = self._send_offset_request(node_id, timestamps) _f.add_callback(on_success) _f.add_errback(on_fail) return list_offsets_future def _send_offset_request(self, node_id, timestamps): by_topic = collections.defaultdict(list) for tp, timestamp in six.iteritems(timestamps): if self.config['api_version'] >= (0, 10, 1): data = (tp.partition, timestamp) else: data = (tp.partition, timestamp, 1) by_topic[tp.topic].append(data) if self.config['api_version'] >= (0, 10, 1): request = OffsetRequest[1](-1, list(six.iteritems(by_topic))) else: request = OffsetRequest[0](-1, list(six.iteritems(by_topic))) # Client returns a future that only fails on network issues # so create a separate future and attach a callback to update it # based on response error codes future = Future() _f = self._client.send(node_id, request) _f.add_callback(self._handle_offset_response, future) _f.add_errback(lambda e: future.failure(e)) return future def _handle_offset_response(self, future, response): """Callback for the response of the list offset call above. Arguments: future (Future): the future to update based on response response (OffsetResponse): response from the server Raises: AssertionError: if response does not match partition """ timestamp_offset_map = {} for topic, part_data in response.topics: for partition_info in part_data: partition, error_code = partition_info[:2] partition = TopicPartition(topic, partition) error_type = Errors.for_code(error_code) if error_type is Errors.NoError: if response.API_VERSION == 0: offsets = partition_info[2] assert len(offsets) <= 1, 'Expected OffsetResponse with one offset' if not offsets: offset = UNKNOWN_OFFSET else: offset = offsets[0] log.debug("Handling v0 ListOffsetResponse response for %s. " "Fetched offset %s", partition, offset) if offset != UNKNOWN_OFFSET: timestamp_offset_map[partition] = (offset, None) else: timestamp, offset = partition_info[2:] log.debug("Handling ListOffsetResponse response for %s. " "Fetched offset %s, timestamp %s", partition, offset, timestamp) if offset != UNKNOWN_OFFSET: timestamp_offset_map[partition] = (offset, timestamp) elif error_type is Errors.UnsupportedForMessageFormatError: # The message format on the broker side is before 0.10.0, # we simply put None in the response. log.debug("Cannot search by timestamp for partition %s because the" " message format version is before 0.10.0", partition) elif error_type is Errors.NotLeaderForPartitionError: log.debug("Attempt to fetch offsets for partition %s failed due" " to obsolete leadership information, retrying.", partition) future.failure(error_type(partition)) return elif error_type is Errors.UnknownTopicOrPartitionError: log.warn("Received unknown topic or partition error in ListOffset " "request for partition %s. The topic/partition " + "may not exist or the user may not have Describe access " "to it.", partition) future.failure(error_type(partition)) return else: log.warning("Attempt to fetch offsets for partition %s failed due to:" " %s", partition, error_type) future.failure(error_type(partition)) return if not future.is_done: future.success(timestamp_offset_map) def _fetchable_partitions(self): fetchable = self._subscriptions.fetchable_partitions() if self._next_partition_records: fetchable.discard(self._next_partition_records.topic_partition) for fetch in self._completed_fetches: fetchable.discard(fetch.topic_partition) return fetchable def _create_fetch_requests(self): """Create fetch requests for all assigned partitions, grouped by node. FetchRequests skipped if no leader, or node has requests in flight Returns: dict: {node_id: FetchRequest, ...} (version depends on api_version) """ # create the fetch info as a dict of lists of partition info tuples # which can be passed to FetchRequest() via .items() fetchable = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(list)) for partition in self._fetchable_partitions(): node_id = self._client.cluster.leader_for_partition(partition) position = self._subscriptions.assignment[partition].position # fetch if there is a leader and no in-flight requests if node_id is None or node_id == -1: log.debug("No leader found for partition %s." " Requesting metadata update", partition) self._client.cluster.request_update() elif self._client.in_flight_request_count(node_id) == 0: partition_info = ( partition.partition, position, self.config['max_partition_fetch_bytes'] ) fetchable[node_id][partition.topic].append(partition_info) log.debug("Adding fetch request for partition %s at offset %d", partition, position) else: log.log(0, "Skipping fetch for partition %s because there is an inflight request to node %s", partition, node_id) if self.config['api_version'] >= (0, 11, 0): version = 4 elif self.config['api_version'] >= (0, 10, 1): version = 3 elif self.config['api_version'] >= (0, 10): version = 2 elif self.config['api_version'] == (0, 9): version = 1 else: version = 0 requests = {} for node_id, partition_data in six.iteritems(fetchable): if version < 3: requests[node_id] = FetchRequest[version]( -1, # replica_id self.config['fetch_max_wait_ms'], self.config['fetch_min_bytes'], partition_data.items()) else: # As of version == 3 partitions will be returned in order as # they are requested, so to avoid starvation with # `fetch_max_bytes` option we need this shuffle # NOTE: we do have partition_data in random order due to usage # of unordered structures like dicts, but that does not # guarantee equal distribution, and starting in Python3.6 # dicts retain insert order. partition_data = list(partition_data.items()) random.shuffle(partition_data) if version == 3: requests[node_id] = FetchRequest[version]( -1, # replica_id self.config['fetch_max_wait_ms'], self.config['fetch_min_bytes'], self.config['fetch_max_bytes'], partition_data) else: requests[node_id] = FetchRequest[version]( -1, # replica_id self.config['fetch_max_wait_ms'], self.config['fetch_min_bytes'], self.config['fetch_max_bytes'], self._isolation_level, partition_data) return requests def _handle_fetch_response(self, request, send_time, response): """The callback for fetch completion""" fetch_offsets = {} for topic, partitions in request.topics: for partition_data in partitions: partition, offset = partition_data[:2] fetch_offsets[TopicPartition(topic, partition)] = offset partitions = set([TopicPartition(topic, partition_data[0]) for topic, partitions in response.topics for partition_data in partitions]) metric_aggregator = FetchResponseMetricAggregator(self._sensors, partitions) # randomized ordering should improve balance for short-lived consumers random.shuffle(response.topics) for topic, partitions in response.topics: random.shuffle(partitions) for partition_data in partitions: tp = TopicPartition(topic, partition_data[0]) completed_fetch = CompletedFetch( tp, fetch_offsets[tp], response.API_VERSION, partition_data[1:], metric_aggregator ) self._completed_fetches.append(completed_fetch) if response.API_VERSION >= 1: self._sensors.fetch_throttle_time_sensor.record(response.throttle_time_ms) self._sensors.fetch_latency.record((time.time() - send_time) * 1000) def _parse_fetched_data(self, completed_fetch): tp = completed_fetch.topic_partition fetch_offset = completed_fetch.fetched_offset num_bytes = 0 records_count = 0 parsed_records = None error_code, highwater = completed_fetch.partition_data[:2] error_type = Errors.for_code(error_code) try: if not self._subscriptions.is_fetchable(tp): # this can happen when a rebalance happened or a partition # consumption paused while fetch is still in-flight log.debug("Ignoring fetched records for partition %s" " since it is no longer fetchable", tp) elif error_type is Errors.NoError: self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].highwater = highwater # we are interested in this fetch only if the beginning # offset (of the *request*) matches the current consumed position # Note that the *response* may return a messageset that starts # earlier (e.g., compressed messages) or later (e.g., compacted topic) position = self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].position if position is None or position != fetch_offset: log.debug("Discarding fetch response for partition %s" " since its offset %d does not match the" " expected offset %d", tp, fetch_offset, position) return None records = MemoryRecords(completed_fetch.partition_data[-1]) if records.has_next(): log.debug("Adding fetched record for partition %s with" " offset %d to buffered record list", tp, position) unpacked = list(self._unpack_message_set(tp, records)) parsed_records = self.PartitionRecords(fetch_offset, tp, unpacked) last_offset = unpacked[-1].offset self._sensors.records_fetch_lag.record(highwater - last_offset) num_bytes = records.valid_bytes() records_count = len(unpacked) elif records.size_in_bytes() > 0: # we did not read a single message from a non-empty # buffer because that message's size is larger than # fetch size, in this case record this exception record_too_large_partitions = {tp: fetch_offset} raise RecordTooLargeError( "There are some messages at [Partition=Offset]: %s " " whose size is larger than the fetch size %s" " and hence cannot be ever returned." " Increase the fetch size, or decrease the maximum message" " size the broker will allow." % ( record_too_large_partitions, self.config['max_partition_fetch_bytes']), record_too_large_partitions) self._sensors.record_topic_fetch_metrics(tp.topic, num_bytes, records_count) elif error_type in (Errors.NotLeaderForPartitionError, Errors.UnknownTopicOrPartitionError): self._client.cluster.request_update() elif error_type is Errors.OffsetOutOfRangeError: position = self._subscriptions.assignment[tp].position if position is None or position != fetch_offset: log.debug("Discarding stale fetch response for partition %s" " since the fetched offset %d does not match the" " current offset %d", tp, fetch_offset, position) elif self._subscriptions.has_default_offset_reset_policy():"Fetch offset %s is out of range for topic-partition %s", fetch_offset, tp) self._subscriptions.need_offset_reset(tp) else: raise Errors.OffsetOutOfRangeError({tp: fetch_offset}) elif error_type is Errors.TopicAuthorizationFailedError: log.warn("Not authorized to read from topic %s.", tp.topic) raise Errors.TopicAuthorizationFailedError(set(tp.topic)) elif error_type is Errors.UnknownError: log.warn("Unknown error fetching data for topic-partition %s", tp) else: raise error_type('Unexpected error while fetching data') finally: completed_fetch.metric_aggregator.record(tp, num_bytes, records_count) return parsed_records class PartitionRecords(six.Iterator): def __init__(self, fetch_offset, tp, messages): self.fetch_offset = fetch_offset self.topic_partition = tp self.messages = messages self.message_idx = 0 # For truthiness evaluation we need to define __len__ or __nonzero__ def __len__(self): if self.messages is None or self.message_idx >= len(self.messages): return 0 return len(self.messages) - self.message_idx def discard(self): self.messages = None def take(self, n=None): if not len(self): return [] if n is None or n > len(self): n = len(self) next_idx = self.message_idx + n res = self.messages[self.message_idx:next_idx] self.message_idx = next_idx if len(self) > 0: self.fetch_offset = self.messages[self.message_idx].offset return res class FetchResponseMetricAggregator(object): """ Since we parse the message data for each partition from each fetch response lazily, fetch-level metrics need to be aggregated as the messages from each partition are parsed. This class is used to facilitate this incremental aggregation. """ def __init__(self, sensors, partitions): self.sensors = sensors self.unrecorded_partitions = partitions self.total_bytes = 0 self.total_records = 0 def record(self, partition, num_bytes, num_records): """ After each partition is parsed, we update the current metric totals with the total bytes and number of records parsed. After all partitions have reported, we write the metric. """ self.unrecorded_partitions.remove(partition) self.total_bytes += num_bytes self.total_records += num_records # once all expected partitions from the fetch have reported in, record the metrics if not self.unrecorded_partitions: self.sensors.bytes_fetched.record(self.total_bytes) self.sensors.records_fetched.record(self.total_records) class FetchManagerMetrics(object): def __init__(self, metrics, prefix): self.metrics = metrics self.group_name = '%s-fetch-manager-metrics' % prefix self.bytes_fetched = metrics.sensor('bytes-fetched') self.bytes_fetched.add(metrics.metric_name('fetch-size-avg', self.group_name, 'The average number of bytes fetched per request'), Avg()) self.bytes_fetched.add(metrics.metric_name('fetch-size-max', self.group_name, 'The maximum number of bytes fetched per request'), Max()) self.bytes_fetched.add(metrics.metric_name('bytes-consumed-rate', self.group_name, 'The average number of bytes consumed per second'), Rate()) self.records_fetched = self.metrics.sensor('records-fetched') self.records_fetched.add(metrics.metric_name('records-per-request-avg', self.group_name, 'The average number of records in each request'), Avg()) self.records_fetched.add(metrics.metric_name('records-consumed-rate', self.group_name, 'The average number of records consumed per second'), Rate()) self.fetch_latency = metrics.sensor('fetch-latency') self.fetch_latency.add(metrics.metric_name('fetch-latency-avg', self.group_name, 'The average time taken for a fetch request.'), Avg()) self.fetch_latency.add(metrics.metric_name('fetch-latency-max', self.group_name, 'The max time taken for any fetch request.'), Max()) self.fetch_latency.add(metrics.metric_name('fetch-rate', self.group_name, 'The number of fetch requests per second.'), Rate(sampled_stat=Count())) self.records_fetch_lag = metrics.sensor('records-lag') self.records_fetch_lag.add(metrics.metric_name('records-lag-max', self.group_name, 'The maximum lag in terms of number of records for any partition in self window'), Max()) self.fetch_throttle_time_sensor = metrics.sensor('fetch-throttle-time') self.fetch_throttle_time_sensor.add(metrics.metric_name('fetch-throttle-time-avg', self.group_name, 'The average throttle time in ms'), Avg()) self.fetch_throttle_time_sensor.add(metrics.metric_name('fetch-throttle-time-max', self.group_name, 'The maximum throttle time in ms'), Max()) def record_topic_fetch_metrics(self, topic, num_bytes, num_records): # record bytes fetched name = '.'.join(['topic', topic, 'bytes-fetched']) bytes_fetched = self.metrics.get_sensor(name) if not bytes_fetched: metric_tags = {'topic': topic.replace('.', '_')} bytes_fetched = self.metrics.sensor(name) bytes_fetched.add(self.metrics.metric_name('fetch-size-avg', self.group_name, 'The average number of bytes fetched per request for topic %s' % topic, metric_tags), Avg()) bytes_fetched.add(self.metrics.metric_name('fetch-size-max', self.group_name, 'The maximum number of bytes fetched per request for topic %s' % topic, metric_tags), Max()) bytes_fetched.add(self.metrics.metric_name('bytes-consumed-rate', self.group_name, 'The average number of bytes consumed per second for topic %s' % topic, metric_tags), Rate()) bytes_fetched.record(num_bytes) # record records fetched name = '.'.join(['topic', topic, 'records-fetched']) records_fetched = self.metrics.get_sensor(name) if not records_fetched: metric_tags = {'topic': topic.replace('.', '_')} records_fetched = self.metrics.sensor(name) records_fetched.add(self.metrics.metric_name('records-per-request-avg', self.group_name, 'The average number of records in each request for topic %s' % topic, metric_tags), Avg()) records_fetched.add(self.metrics.metric_name('records-consumed-rate', self.group_name, 'The average number of records consumed per second for topic %s' % topic, metric_tags), Rate()) records_fetched.record(num_records)