For 0.8, we have correlation id so we can potentially interleave requests/responses There are a few levels of abstraction: * Protocol support: encode/decode the requests/responses * Socket support: send/recieve messages * API support: higher level APIs such as: get_topic_metadata # Methods of producing * Round robbin (each message to the next partition) * All-to-one (each message to one partition) * All-to-all? (each message to every partition) * Partitioned (run each message through a partitioning function) ** HashPartitioned ** FunctionPartition # Possible API client = KafkaClient("localhost:9092") producer = KafkaProducer(client, "topic") producer.send_string("hello") consumer = KafkaConsumer(client, "group", "topic"), 2) # seek to beginning (lowest offset) consumer.commit() # commit it for msg in consumer.iter_messages(): print msg