"""isort/settings.py. Defines how the default settings for isort should be loaded (First from the default setting dictionary at the top of the file, then overridden by any settings in ~/.isort.cfg or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/isort.cfg if there are any) """ import configparser import enum import fnmatch import os import posixpath import re import sys import warnings from distutils.util import strtobool as _as_bool from functools import lru_cache from pathlib import Path from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, FrozenSet, Iterable, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, ) from warnings import warn from . import stdlibs from ._future import dataclass, field from .exceptions import ProfileDoesNotExist from .profiles import profiles from .sections import DEFAULT as SECTION_DEFAULTS from .utils import difference, union from .wrap_modes import WrapModes from .wrap_modes import from_string as wrap_mode_from_string try: import toml except ImportError: toml = None # type: ignore try: import appdirs if appdirs.system == "darwin": appdirs.system = "linux2" except ImportError: appdirs = None SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS = (".py", ".pyi", ".pyx") FILE_SKIP_COMMENTS: Tuple[str, ...] = ( "isort:" + "skip_file", "isort: " + "skip_file", ) # Concatenated to avoid this file being skipped MAX_CONFIG_SEARCH_DEPTH: int = 25 # The number of parent directories to for a config file within STOP_CONFIG_SEARCH_ON_DIRS: Tuple[str, ...] = (".git", ".hg") VALID_PY_TARGETS: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple( target.replace("py", "") for target in dir(stdlibs) if not target.startswith("_") ) CONFIG_SOURCES: Tuple[str, ...] = ( ".isort.cfg", "pyproject.toml", "setup.cfg", "tox.ini", ".editorconfig", ) CONFIG_SECTIONS: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = { ".isort.cfg": ("settings", "isort"), "pyproject.toml": ("tool.isort",), "setup.cfg": ("isort", "tool:isort"), "tox.ini": ("isort", "tool:isort"), ".editorconfig": ("*", "*.py", "**.py"), } FALLBACK_CONFIG_SECTIONS: Tuple[str, ...] = ("isort", "tool:isort", "tool.isort") FALLBACK_CONFIGS: Tuple[str, ...] if appdirs: FALLBACK_CONFIGS = ( appdirs.user_config_dir(".isort.cfg"), appdirs.user_config_dir(".editorconfig"), ) else: FALLBACK_CONFIGS = ("~/.isort.cfg", "~/.editorconfig") IMPORT_HEADING_PREFIX = "import_heading_" KNOWN_PREFIX = "known_" @dataclass(frozen=True) class _Config: """Defines the data schema and defaults used for isort configuration. NOTE: known lists, such as known_standard_library, are intentionally not complete as they are dynamically determined later on. """ py_version: str = "3" force_to_top: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() skip: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset( { ".venv", "venv", ".tox", ".eggs", ".git", ".hg", ".mypy_cache", ".nox", "_build", "buck-out", "build", "dist", ".pants.d", "node_modules", } ) skip_glob: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() line_length: int = 79 wrap_length: int = 0 line_ending: str = "" sections: Tuple[str, ...] = SECTION_DEFAULTS no_sections: bool = False known_future_library: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset(("__future__",)) known_third_party: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset(("google.appengine.api",)) known_first_party: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() known_standard_library: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() known_other: Dict[str, FrozenSet[str]] = field(default_factory=dict) multi_line_output: WrapModes = WrapModes.GRID # type: ignore forced_separate: Tuple[str, ...] = () indent: str = " " * 4 comment_prefix: str = " #" length_sort: bool = False length_sort_sections: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() add_imports: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() remove_imports: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() reverse_relative: bool = False force_single_line: bool = False default_section: str = "FIRSTPARTY" import_headings: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) balanced_wrapping: bool = False use_parentheses: bool = False order_by_type: bool = True atomic: bool = False lines_after_imports: int = -1 lines_between_sections: int = 1 lines_between_types: int = 0 combine_as_imports: bool = False combine_star: bool = False keep_direct_and_as_imports: bool = False include_trailing_comma: bool = False from_first: bool = False verbose: bool = False quiet: bool = False force_adds: bool = False force_alphabetical_sort_within_sections: bool = False force_alphabetical_sort: bool = False force_grid_wrap: int = 0 force_sort_within_sections: bool = False lexicographical: bool = False ignore_whitespace: bool = False no_lines_before: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() no_inline_sort: bool = False ignore_comments: bool = False case_sensitive: bool = False sources: Tuple[Dict[str, Any], ...] = () virtual_env: str = "" conda_env: str = "" ensure_newline_before_comments: bool = False directory: str = "" profile: str = "" def __post_init__(self): py_version = self.py_version if py_version == "auto": if sys.version_info.major == 2 and sys.version_info.minor <= 6: py_version = "2" elif sys.version_info.major == 3 and ( sys.version_info.minor <= 5 or sys.version_info.minor >= 8 ): py_version = "3" else: py_version = f"{sys.version_info.major}{sys.version_info.minor}" if py_version not in VALID_PY_TARGETS: raise ValueError( f"The python version {py_version} is not supported. " "You can set a python version with the -py or --python-version flag. " f"The following versions are supported: {VALID_PY_TARGETS}" ) if py_version != "all": object.__setattr__(self, "py_version", f"py{py_version}") if not self.known_standard_library: object.__setattr__( self, "known_standard_library", frozenset(getattr(stdlibs, self.py_version).stdlib) ) if self.force_alphabetical_sort: object.__setattr__(self, "force_alphabetical_sort_within_sections", True) object.__setattr__(self, "no_sections", True) object.__setattr__(self, "lines_between_types", 1) object.__setattr__(self, "from_first", True) _DEFAULT_SETTINGS = {**vars(_Config()), "source": "defaults"} class Config(_Config): def __init__(self, settings_file: str = "", settings_path: str = "", **config_overrides): sources: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [_DEFAULT_SETTINGS] config_settings: Dict[str, Any] if settings_file: config_settings = _get_config_data( settings_file, CONFIG_SECTIONS.get(os.path.basename(settings_file), FALLBACK_CONFIG_SECTIONS), ) elif settings_path: config_settings = _find_config(settings_path) else: config_settings = {} profile_name = config_overrides.get("profile", config_settings.get("profile", "")) profile: Dict[str, Any] = {} if profile_name: if profile_name not in profiles: raise ProfileDoesNotExist(profile_name) profile = profiles[profile_name].copy() profile["source"] = f"{profile_name} profile" sources.append(profile) if config_settings: sources.append(config_settings) if config_overrides: config_overrides["source"] = "runtime" sources.append(config_overrides) combined_config = {**profile, **config_settings, **config_overrides} if "indent" in combined_config: indent = str(combined_config["indent"]) if indent.isdigit(): indent = " " * int(indent) else: indent = indent.strip("'").strip('"') if indent.lower() == "tab": indent = "\t" combined_config["indent"] = indent known_other = {} import_headings = {} for key, value in combined_config.items(): # Collect all known sections beyond those that have direct entries if key.startswith(KNOWN_PREFIX) and key not in ( "known_standard_library", "known_future_library", "known_third_party", "known_first_party", ): known_other[key[len(KNOWN_PREFIX) :].lower()] = frozenset(value) if key.startswith(IMPORT_HEADING_PREFIX): import_headings[key[len(IMPORT_HEADING_PREFIX) :].lower()] = str(value) # Coerce all provided config values into their correct type default_value = _DEFAULT_SETTINGS.get(key, None) if default_value is None: continue combined_config[key] = type(default_value)(value) if "directory" not in combined_config: combined_config["directory"] = os.path.basename( config_settings.get("source", None) or os.getcwd() ) # Remove any config values that are used for creating config object but # aren't defined in dataclass combined_config.pop("source", None) if known_other: for known_key in known_other.keys(): combined_config.pop(f"{KNOWN_PREFIX}{known_key}", None) combined_config["known_other"] = known_other if import_headings: for import_heading_key in import_headings.keys(): combined_config.pop(f"{IMPORT_HEADING_PREFIX}{import_heading_key}") combined_config["import_headings"] = import_headings super().__init__(sources=tuple(sources), **combined_config) # type: ignore def is_skipped(self, file_path: Path) -> bool: """Returns True if the file and/or folder should be skipped based on current settings.""" if self.directory and Path(self.directory) in file_path.parents: file_name = os.path.relpath(file_path, self.directory) else: file_name = str(file_path) os_path = str(file_path) normalized_path = os_path.replace("\\", "/") if normalized_path[1:2] == ":": normalized_path = normalized_path[2:] for skip_path in self.skip: if posixpath.abspath(normalized_path) == posixpath.abspath( skip_path.replace("\\", "/") ): return True position = os.path.split(file_name) while position[1]: if position[1] in self.skip: return True position = os.path.split(position[0]) for glob in self.skip_glob: if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_name, glob) or fnmatch.fnmatch("/" + file_name, glob): return True if not (os.path.isfile(os_path) or os.path.isdir(os_path) or os.path.islink(os_path)): return True return False def _get_str_to_type_converter(setting_name: str) -> Callable[[str], Any]: type_converter: Callable[[str], Any] = type(_DEFAULT_SETTINGS.get(setting_name, "")) if type_converter == WrapModes: type_converter = wrap_mode_from_string return type_converter def _as_list(value: str) -> List[str]: if isinstance(value, list): return [item.strip() for item in value] filtered = [item.strip() for item in value.replace("\n", ",").split(",") if item.strip()] return filtered def _abspaths(cwd: str, values: Iterable[str]) -> Set[str]: paths = set( [ os.path.join(cwd, value) if not value.startswith(os.path.sep) and value.endswith(os.path.sep) else value for value in values ] ) return paths @lru_cache() def _find_config(path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: current_directory = path tries = 0 while current_directory and tries < MAX_CONFIG_SEARCH_DEPTH: for config_file_name in CONFIG_SOURCES: potential_config_file = os.path.join(current_directory, config_file_name) if os.path.isfile(potential_config_file): config_data: Dict[str, Any] try: config_data = _get_config_data( potential_config_file, CONFIG_SECTIONS[config_file_name] ) except Exception: warn(f"Failed to pull configuration information from {potential_config_file}") config_data = {} if config_data: return config_data for stop_dir in STOP_CONFIG_SEARCH_ON_DIRS: if os.path.isdir(stop_dir): break new_directory = os.path.split(current_directory)[0] if new_directory == current_directory: break current_directory = new_directory tries += 1 return {} @lru_cache() def _get_config_data(file_path: str, sections: Iterable[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]: settings: Dict[str, Any] = {} with open(file_path) as config_file: if file_path.endswith(".toml"): if toml: config = toml.load(config_file) for section in sections: config_section = config for key in section.split("."): config_section = config_section.get(key, {}) settings.update(config_section) else: if "[tool.isort]" in config_file.read(): warnings.warn( f"Found {file_path} with [tool.isort] section, but toml package is not " f"installed. To configure isort with {file_path}, install with " "'isort[pyproject]'." ) else: if file_path.endswith(".editorconfig"): line = "\n" last_position = config_file.tell() while line: line = config_file.readline() if "[" in line: config_file.seek(last_position) break last_position = config_file.tell() config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False) config.read_file(config_file) for section in sections: if config.has_section(section): settings.update(config.items(section)) if settings: settings["source"] = file_path if file_path.endswith(".editorconfig"): indent_style = settings.pop("indent_style", "").strip() indent_size = settings.pop("indent_size", "").strip() if indent_size == "tab": indent_size = settings.pop("tab_width", "").strip() if indent_style == "space": settings["indent"] = " " * (indent_size and int(indent_size) or 4) elif indent_style == "tab": settings["indent"] = "\t" * (indent_size and int(indent_size) or 1) max_line_length = settings.pop("max_line_length", "").strip() if max_line_length: settings["line_length"] = ( float("inf") if max_line_length == "off" else int(max_line_length) ) settings = { key: value for key, value in settings.items() if key in _DEFAULT_SETTINGS.keys() } for key, value in settings.items(): existing_value_type = _get_str_to_type_converter(key) if existing_value_type == tuple: settings[key] = tuple(_as_list(value)) elif existing_value_type == frozenset: settings[key] = frozenset(_as_list(settings.get(key))) # type: ignore elif existing_value_type == bool: # Only some configuration formats support native boolean values. if not isinstance(value, bool): value = bool(_as_bool(value)) settings[key] = value elif key.startswith(KNOWN_PREFIX): settings[key] = _abspaths(os.path.dirname(file_path), _as_list(value)) elif key == "force_grid_wrap": try: result = existing_value_type(value) except ValueError: # backwards compatibility for true / false force grid wrap result = 0 if value.lower().strip() == "false" else 2 settings[key] = result elif key == "comment_prefix": settings[key] = str(value).strip("'").strip('"') else: settings[key] = existing_value_type(value) return settings DEFAULT_CONFIG = Config()