import re import textwrap from io import StringIO from itertools import chain from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, List, NamedTuple, Optional, TextIO, Tuple from . import output, parse from .exceptions import ( ExistingSyntaxErrors, FileSkipComment, FileSkipSetting, IntroducedSyntaxErrors, UnableToDetermineEncoding, ) from .format import format_natural, remove_whitespace, show_unified_diff from .io import File from .settings import DEFAULT_CONFIG, FILE_SKIP_COMMENTS, Config CIMPORT_IDENTIFIERS = ("cimport ", "cimport*", "from.cimport") IMPORT_START_IDENTIFIERS = ("from ", "from.import", "import ", "import*") + CIMPORT_IDENTIFIERS COMMENT_INDICATORS = ('"""', "'''", "'", '"', "#") def _config( path: Optional[Path] = None, config: Config = DEFAULT_CONFIG, **config_kwargs ) -> Config: if path: if ( config is DEFAULT_CONFIG and "settings_path" not in config_kwargs and "settings_file" not in config_kwargs ): config_kwargs["settings_path"] = path if config_kwargs and config is not DEFAULT_CONFIG: raise ValueError( "You can either specify custom configuration options using kwargs or " "passing in a Config object. Not Both!" ) elif config_kwargs: config = Config(**config_kwargs) return config def sorted_imports( file_contents: str, extension: str = "py", config: Config = DEFAULT_CONFIG, file_path: Optional[Path] = None, disregard_skip: bool = False, **config_kwargs, ) -> str: config = _config(config=config, **config_kwargs) content_source = str(file_path or "Passed in content") if not disregard_skip: if file_path and config.is_skipped(file_path): raise FileSkipSetting(content_source) for file_skip_comment in FILE_SKIP_COMMENTS: if file_skip_comment in file_contents: raise FileSkipComment(content_source) if config.atomic: try: compile(file_contents, content_source, "exec", 0, 1) except SyntaxError: raise ExistingSyntaxErrors(content_source) parsed_output = StringIO() sort_imports(StringIO(file_contents), parsed_output, extension=extension, config=config) parsed_output = if config.atomic: try: compile(file_contents, content_source, "exec", 0, 1) except SyntaxError: raise IntroducedSyntaxErrors(content_source) return parsed_output def check_imports( file_contents: str, show_diff: bool = False, extension: str = "py", config: Config = DEFAULT_CONFIG, file_path: Optional[Path] = None, disregard_skip: bool = False, **config_kwargs, ) -> bool: config = _config(config=config, **config_kwargs) sorted_output = sorted_imports( file_contents=file_contents, extension=extension, config=config, file_path=file_path, disregard_skip=disregard_skip, **config_kwargs, ) if config.ignore_whitespace: line_separator = config.line_ending or parse._infer_line_separator(file_contents) compare_in = remove_whitespace(file_contents, line_separator=line_separator).strip() compare_out = remove_whitespace(sorted_output, line_separator=line_separator).strip() else: compare_in = file_contents.strip() compare_out = sorted_output.strip() if compare_out == compare_in: if config.verbose: print(f"SUCCESS: {file_path or ''} Everything Looks Good!") return True else: print(f"ERROR: {file_path or ''} Imports are incorrectly sorted and/or formatted.") if show_diff: show_unified_diff( file_input=file_contents, file_output=sorted_output, file_path=file_path ) return False def sorted_file(filename: str, config: Config = DEFAULT_CONFIG, **config_kwargs) -> str: file_data = config = _config(path=file_data.path.parent, config=config) return sorted_imports( file_contents=file_data.contents, extension=file_data.extension, config=config, file_path=file_data.path, **config_kwargs, ) def sort_imports( input_stream: TextIO, output_stream: TextIO, extension: str = "py", config: Config = DEFAULT_CONFIG, ) -> None: """Parses stream identifying sections of contiguous imports and sorting them Code with unsorted imports is read from the provided `input_stream`, sorted and then outputted to the specified output_stream. - `input_stream`: Text stream with unsorted import sections. - `output_stream`: Text stream to output sorted inputs into. - `config`: Config settings to use when sorting imports. Defaults settings.DEFAULT_CONFIG. """ line_separator: str = config.line_ending add_imports: List[str] = [format_natural(addition) for addition in config.add_imports] import_section: str = "" next_import_section: str = "" in_quote: str = "" first_comment_index_start: int = -1 first_comment_index_end: int = -1 contains_imports: bool = False in_top_comment: bool = False first_import_section: bool = True section_comments = [f"# {heading}" for heading in config.import_headings.values()] indent: str = "" isort_off: bool = False cimports: bool = False for index, line in enumerate(chain(input_stream, (None,))): if line is None: if index == 0 and not config.force_adds: return not_imports = True line = "" if not line_separator: line_separator = "\n" else: if not line_separator: line_separator = line[-1] stripped_line = line.strip() if ( (index == 0 or (index == 1 and not contains_imports)) and stripped_line.startswith("#") and stripped_line not in section_comments ): in_top_comment = True elif in_top_comment: if not line.startswith("#") or stripped_line in section_comments: in_top_comment = False first_comment_index_end = index - 1 if (not stripped_line.startswith("#") or in_quote) and '"' in line or "'" in line: char_index = 0 if first_comment_index_start == -1 and ( line.startswith('"') or line.startswith("'") ): first_comment_index_start = index while char_index < len(line): if line[char_index] == "\\": char_index += 1 elif in_quote: if line[char_index : char_index + len(in_quote)] == in_quote: in_quote = "" if first_comment_index_end < first_comment_index_start: first_comment_index_end = index elif line[char_index] in ("'", '"'): long_quote = line[char_index : char_index + 3] if long_quote in ('"""', "'''"): in_quote = long_quote char_index += 2 else: in_quote = line[char_index] elif line[char_index] == "#": break char_index += 1 not_imports = bool(in_quote) or in_top_comment or isort_off if not (in_quote or in_top_comment): stripped_line = line.strip() if isort_off: if stripped_line == "# isort: on": isort_off = False elif stripped_line == "# isort: off": not_imports = True isort_off = True elif stripped_line == "# isort: split": not_imports = True elif not stripped_line or stripped_line.startswith("#"): import_section += line elif stripped_line.startswith(IMPORT_START_IDENTIFIERS): contains_imports = True indent = line[: -len(line.lstrip())] import_statement = line while stripped_line.endswith("\\") or ( "(" in stripped_line and ")" not in stripped_line ): if stripped_line.endswith("\\"): while stripped_line and stripped_line.endswith("\\"): line = input_stream.readline() stripped_line = line.strip().split("#")[0] import_statement += line else: while ")" not in stripped_line: line = input_stream.readline() stripped_line = line.strip().split("#")[0] import_statement += line cimport_statement: bool = False if ( import_statement.lstrip().startswith(CIMPORT_IDENTIFIERS) or " cimport " in import_statement or " cimport*" in import_statement or " cimport(" in import_statement or ".cimport" in import_statement ): cimport_statement = True if cimport_statement != cimports: if import_section: next_import_section = import_statement import_statement = "" not_imports = True line = "" else: cimports = cimport_statement import_section += import_statement else: not_imports = True if not_imports: if ( add_imports and not in_top_comment and not in_quote and not import_section and not line.lstrip().startswith(COMMENT_INDICATORS) ): import_section = line_separator.join(add_imports) + line_separator contains_imports = True add_imports = [] if next_import_section and not import_section: import_section = next_import_section next_import_section = "" if import_section: if add_imports and not indent: import_section += line_separator.join(add_imports) + line_separator contains_imports = True add_imports = [] if not indent: import_section += line if not contains_imports: output_stream.write(import_section) else: if first_import_section and not import_section.lstrip( line_separator ).startswith(COMMENT_INDICATORS): import_section = import_section.lstrip(line_separator) first_import_section = False if indent: import_section = line_separator.join( line.lstrip() for line in import_section.split(line_separator) ) sorted_import_section = output.sorted_imports( parse.file_contents(import_section, config=config), config, extension, import_type="cimport" if cimports else "import", ) if indent: sorted_import_section = ( textwrap.indent(sorted_import_section, indent) + line_separator ) output_stream.write(sorted_import_section) if not line and next_import_section: output_stream.write(line_separator) if indent: output_stream.write(line) indent = "" if next_import_section: cimports = not cimports contains_imports = True else: contains_imports = False import_section = next_import_section next_import_section = "" else: output_stream.write(line) not_imports = False