Changelog ========= ### 4.3.11 - March 6, 2019 - hot fix release - Fixed issue #876: confused by symlinks pointing to virtualenv gives FIRSTPARTY not THIRDPARTY - Fixed issue #873: current version skips every file on travis - Additional caching to reduce performance regression introduced in 4.3.5 - Improved handling of pex files and other binary Python files ### 4.3.10 - March 2, 2019 - hot fix release - Fixed Windows incompatibilities (Issue #835) - Fixed relative import sorting bug (Issue #417) - Fixed "no_lines_before" to also be respected from previous empty sections. - Fixed slow-down introduced by finders mechanism by adding a LRU cache (issue #848) - Fixed issue #842 default encoding not-set in Python2 - Restored Windows automated testing - Added Mac automated testing ### 4.3.9 - February 25, 2019 - hot fix release - Fixed a bug that led to an incompatibility with black: #831 ### 4.3.8 - February 25, 2019 - hot fix release - Fixed a bug that led to the recursive option not always been available from the command line. ### 4.3.7 - February 25, 2019 - hot fix release - Expands the finder failsafe to occur on the creation of the finder objects. ### 4.3.6 - February 24, 2019 - hot fix release - Fixes a fatal error that occurs if a single finder throws an exception. Important as we add more finders that utilize third party libraries. ### 4.3.5 - February 24, 2019 - last Python 2.7 Maintenance Release This is the final Python 2.x release of isort, and includes the following major changes: Potentially Interface Breaking: - The `-r` option for removing imports has been renamed `-rm` to avoid accidental deletions and confusion with the `-rc` recursive option. - `` has been removed from the default ignore list. The default ignore list is now empty - with all items needing to be explicitly ignored. - Isort will now by default ignore .tox / venv folders in an effort to be "safe". You can disable this behaviour by setting the "--unsafe" flag, this is separate from any skip or not skip rules you may have in place. - Isort now allows for files missing closing newlines in whitespace check - `distutils` support has been removed to simplify New: - Official Python 3.7 Compatibility. - Support for using requirements files to auto determine third-paty section if pipreqs & requirementslib are installed. - Added support for using pyproject.toml if toml is installed. - Added support for XDG_HOME if appdirs is installed. - An option has been added to enable ignoring trailing comments ('ignore_comments') defaulting to False. - Added support to enable line length sorting for only specific sections - Added a `correctly_sorted` property on the SortsImport to enable more intuitive programmatic checking. Fixes: - Improved black compatibility. - Isort will no detect files in the CWD as first-party. - Fixed several cases where '-ns' or 'not_skip' was being incorrectly ignored. - Fixed sorting of relative path imports ('.', '..', '...', etc). - Fixed bugs caused by a failure to maintain order when loading iterables from config files. - Correctly handle CPython compiled imports and others that need EXT_SUFFIX to correctly identify. - Fixed handling of Symbolic Links to follow them when walking the path. - Fixed handling of relative known_paths. - Fixed lack of access to all wrap modes from the CLI. - Fixed handling of FIFO files. - Fixed a bug that could result in multiple imports being inserted on the same line. ### 4.3.4 - February 12, 2018 - hotfix release - Fixed issue #671: isort is corrupting CRLF files ### 4.3.3 - Feburary 5, 2018 - hotfix release - Fixed issue #665: Tabs turned into single spaces ### 4.3.2 - Feburary 4, 2018 - hotfix release - Fixed issue #651: Add imports option is broken - Fixed issue #662: An error generated by rewriting `.imports` to `. imoprts` ### 4.3.1 - Feburary 2, 2018 - hotfix release - Fixed errors - Fixed issue #654: Trailing comma count error - Fixed issue #650: Wrong error message displayed ### 4.3.0 - January 31, 2018 - Fixed #557: `force_alphabetical_sort` and `force_sort_within_sections` can now be utilized together without extra new lines - Fix case-sensitive path existence check in Mac OS X - Added `--no-lines-before` for more granular control over section output - Fixed #493: Unwanted conversion to Windows line endings - Fixed #590: Import `as` mucks with alphabetical sorting - Implemented `--version-number` to retrieve just the version number without the isort logo - Breaking changes - Python 2.7+ only (dropped 2.6) allowing various code simplifications and improvements. ### 4.2.15 - June 6, 2017 - hotfix release IMPORTANT NOTE: This will be the last release with Python 2.6 support, subsequent releases will be 2.7+ only - Fixed certain one line imports not being successfully wrapped ### 4.2.14 - June 5, 2017 - hotfix release - Fixed #559 & #565: Added missing standard library imports ### 4.2.13 - June 2, 2017 - hotfix release - Fixed #553: Check only and --diff now work together again ### 4.2.12 - June 1, 2017 - hotfix release - Fixed wheel distribution bug ### 4.2.11 - June 1, 2017 - hotfix release - Fixed #546: Can't select y/n/c after latest update - Fixed #545: Incorrectly moves __future__ imports above encoding comments ### 4.2.9 - June 1, 2017 - hotfix release - Fixed #428: Check only modifies sorting - Fixed #540: Not correctly identifying stdlib modules ### 4.2.8 - May 31, 2017 - Added `--virtual-env` switch command line option - Added --enforce-whitespace option to go along with --check-only for more exact checks (issue #423) - Fixed imports with a tailing '\' and no space in-between getting removed (issue #425) - Fixed issue #299: long lines occasionally not wrapped - Fixed issue #432: No longer add import inside class when class starts at top of file after encoding comment - Fixed issue #440: Added missing `--use-parentheses` option to command line tool and documentation - Fixed issue #496: import* imports now get successfully identified and reformatted instead of deleted - Fixed issue #491: Non ending parentheses withing single line comments no longer cause formatting issues - Fixed issue #471: Imports that wrap the maximum line length and contain comments on the last line are no longer rendered incorrectly - Fixed issue #436: Force sort within section no longer rearranges comments - Fixed issue #473: Force_to_top and force_sort_within_sections now work together - Fixed issue #484 & #472: Consistent output with imports of same spelling but different case - Fixed issue #433: No longer incorrectly add an extra new-line when comment between imports and function definition - Fixed issue #419: Path specification for skipped paths is not Unix/Windows inter-operable. Breaking Changes: - Fixed issue #511: All command line options with an underscore, have had the underscore replaced with a dash for consistency. This effects: multi-line, add-import, remove-import, force-adds, --force-single-line-imports, and length-sort. - Replaced the `--enforce-whitespace` option with `--ignore-whitespace` to restore original behavior of strict whitespace by default ### 4.2.5 - Fixed an issue that caused modules to inccorectly be matched as thirdparty when they simply had `src` in the leading path, even if they weren't withing $VIRTUALENV/src #414 ### 4.2.4 - Fixed an issue that caused module that contained functions before doc strings, to incorrectly place imports - Fixed regression in how `force_alphabetical_sort` was being interpretted (issue #409) - Fixed stray print statement printing skipped files (issue #411) - Added option for forcing imports into a single bucket: `no_sections` - Added option for new lines between import types (from, straight): `lines_between_sections` ### 4.2.3 - Fixed a large number of priority bugs - bug fix only release ### 4.2.2 - Give an error message when isort is unable to determine where to place a module - Allow imports to be sorted by module, independent of import_type, when `force_sort_within_sections` option is set - Fixed an issue that caused Python files with 2 top comments not to be sorted ### 4.2.1 - Hot fix release to fix code error when skipping globs ### 4.2.0 - Added option "NOQA" Do not wrap lines, but add a noqa statement at the end - Added support for running isort recursively, simply with a standalone `isort` command - Added support to run isort library as a module - Added compatibility for Python 3.5 - Fixed performance issue (#338) when running on project with lots of skipped directories - Fixed issue #328: extra new can occasionally occur when using alphabetical-only sort - Fixed custom sections parsing from config file (unicode string -> list) - Updated pylama extension to the correct entry point - Skip files even when file_contents is provided if they are explicitly in skip list - Removed always showing isort banner, keeping it for when the version is requested, verbose is used, or show_logo setting is set. ### 4.1.2 - Fixed issue #323: Accidental default configuration change introduced ### 4.1.1 - Added support for partial file match skips (thanks to @Amwam) - Added support for --quiet option to only show errors when running isort - Fixed issue #316: isort added new lines incorrectly when a top-of line comment is present ### 4.1.0 - Started keeping a log of all changes between releases - Added the isort logo to the command line interface - Added example usage gif to README - Implemented issue #292: skip setting now supports glob patterns - Implemented issue #271: Add option to sort imports purely alphabetically - Implemented issue #301: Readme is now natively in RST format, making it easier for Python tooling to pick up - Implemented pylama isort extension - Fixed issue #260: # encoding lines at the top of the file are now correctly supported - Fixed issue #284: Sticky comments above first import are now supported - Fixed issue #310: Ensure comments don't get duplicated when reformatting imports - Fixed issue #289: Sections order not being respected - Fixed issue #296: Made it more clear how to set arguments more then once ### 4.0.0 - Removed all external dependencies