TODOs ===== This to do list contains some thoughts and ideas about missing features, and parts to think about, whether to implement them or not. This list is probably not complete. Missing features: ----------------- * time formating does not allow to create fractional representations. * parser for ISO intervals. Documentation: -------------- * parse_datetime: - complete documentation to show what this function allows, but ISO forbids. and vice verse. - support other separators between date and time than 'T' * parse_date: - yeardigits should be always greater than 4 - dates before 0001-01-01 are not supported * parse_duration: - alternative formats are not fully supported due to parse_date restrictions - standard duration format is fully supported but not very restrictive. * Duration: - support fractional years and month in calculations - implement w3c order relation? (``_) - refactor to have duration mathematics only at one place. - localize __str__ method (does timedelta do this?) - when is a Duration negative? - normalize Durations. months [00-12] and years ]-inf,+inf[