# cmd.py # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier (mtrier@gmail.com) and contributors # # This module is part of GitPython and is released under # the BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php import os, sys import subprocess from utils import * from errors import GitCommandError # Enables debugging of GitPython's git commands GIT_PYTHON_TRACE = os.environ.get("GIT_PYTHON_TRACE", False) execute_kwargs = ('istream', 'with_keep_cwd', 'with_extended_output', 'with_exceptions', 'as_process', 'output_stream' ) extra = {} if sys.platform == 'win32': extra = {'shell': True} def dashify(string): return string.replace('_', '-') class Git(object): """ The Git class manages communication with the Git binary. It provides a convenient interface to calling the Git binary, such as in:: g = Git( git_dir ) g.init() # calls 'git init' program rval = g.ls_files() # calls 'git ls-files' program ``Debugging`` Set the GIT_PYTHON_TRACE environment variable print each invocation of the command to stdout. Set its value to 'full' to see details about the returned values. """ class AutoInterrupt(object): """ Kill/Interrupt the stored process instance once this instance goes out of scope. It is used to prevent processes piling up in case iterators stop reading. Besides all attributes are wired through to the contained process object. The wait method was overridden to perform automatic status code checking and possibly raise. """ __slots__= ("proc", "args") def __init__(self, proc, args ): self.proc = proc self.args = args def __del__(self): # did the process finish already so we have a return code ? if self.proc.poll() is not None: return # try to kill it try: os.kill(self.proc.pid, 2) # interrupt signal except AttributeError: # try windows subprocess.call(("TASKKILL", "/T", "/PID", self.proc.pid)) # END exception handling def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.proc, attr) def wait(self): """ Wait for the process and return its status code. Raise GitCommandError if the return status is not 0 """ status = self.proc.wait() if status != 0: raise GitCommandError(self.args, status, self.proc.stderr.read()) # END status handling return status def __init__(self, git_dir=None): """ Initialize this instance with: ``git_dir`` Git directory we should work in. If None, we always work in the current directory as returned by os.getcwd() """ super(Git, self).__init__() self.git_dir = git_dir # cached command slots self.cat_file_header = None self.cat_file_all = None def __getattr__(self, name): """ A convenience method as it allows to call the command as if it was an object. Returns Callable object that will execute call _call_process with your arguments. """ if name[:1] == '_': raise AttributeError(name) return lambda *args, **kwargs: self._call_process(name, *args, **kwargs) @property def get_dir(self): """ Returns Git directory we are working on """ return self.git_dir def execute(self, command, istream=None, with_keep_cwd=False, with_extended_output=False, with_exceptions=True, as_process=False, output_stream=None ): """ Handles executing the command on the shell and consumes and returns the returned information (stdout) ``command`` The command argument list to execute. It should be a string, or a sequence of program arguments. The program to execute is the first item in the args sequence or string. ``istream`` Standard input filehandle passed to subprocess.Popen. ``with_keep_cwd`` Whether to use the current working directory from os.getcwd(). GitPython uses get_work_tree() as its working directory by default and get_git_dir() for bare repositories. ``with_extended_output`` Whether to return a (status, stdout, stderr) tuple. ``with_exceptions`` Whether to raise an exception when git returns a non-zero status. ``as_process`` Whether to return the created process instance directly from which streams can be read on demand. This will render with_extended_output and with_exceptions ineffective - the caller will have to deal with the details himself. It is important to note that the process will be placed into an AutoInterrupt wrapper that will interrupt the process once it goes out of scope. If you use the command in iterators, you should pass the whole process instance instead of a single stream. ``output_stream`` If set to a file-like object, data produced by the git command will be output to the given stream directly. This feature only has any effect if as_process is False. Processes will always be created with a pipe due to issues with subprocess. This merely is a workaround as data will be copied from the output pipe to the given output stream directly. Returns:: str(output) # extended_output = False (Default) tuple(int(status), str(stdout), str(stderr)) # extended_output = True if ouput_stream is True, the stdout value will be your output stream: output_stream # extended_output = False tuple(int(status), output_stream, str(stderr))# extended_output = True Raise GitCommandError NOTE If you add additional keyword arguments to the signature of this method, you must update the execute_kwargs tuple housed in this module. """ if GIT_PYTHON_TRACE and not GIT_PYTHON_TRACE == 'full': print ' '.join(command) # Allow the user to have the command executed in their working dir. if with_keep_cwd or self.git_dir is None: cwd = os.getcwd() else: cwd=self.git_dir # Start the process proc = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=cwd, stdin=istream, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, **extra ) if as_process: return self.AutoInterrupt(proc, command) # Wait for the process to return status = 0 try: if output_stream is None: stdout_value = proc.stdout.read().rstrip() # strip trailing "\n" else: max_chunk_size = 1024*64 while True: chunk = proc.stdout.read(max_chunk_size) output_stream.write(chunk) if len(chunk) < max_chunk_size: break # END reading output stream stdout_value = output_stream # END stdout handling stderr_value = proc.stderr.read().rstrip() # strip trailing "\n" # waiting here should do nothing as we have finished stream reading status = proc.wait() finally: proc.stdout.close() proc.stderr.close() if with_exceptions and status != 0: raise GitCommandError(command, status, stderr_value) if GIT_PYTHON_TRACE == 'full': if stderr_value: print "%s -> %d: '%s' !! '%s'" % (command, status, stdout_value, stderr_value) elif stdout_value: print "%s -> %d: '%s'" % (command, status, stdout_value) else: print "%s -> %d" % (command, status) # Allow access to the command's status code if with_extended_output: return (status, stdout_value, stderr_value) else: return stdout_value def transform_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """ Transforms Python style kwargs into git command line options. """ args = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if len(k) == 1: if v is True: args.append("-%s" % k) elif type(v) is not bool: args.append("-%s%s" % (k, v)) else: if v is True: args.append("--%s" % dashify(k)) elif type(v) is not bool: args.append("--%s=%s" % (dashify(k), v)) return args @classmethod def __unpack_args(cls, arg_list): if not isinstance(arg_list, (list,tuple)): return [ str(arg_list) ] outlist = list() for arg in arg_list: if isinstance(arg_list, (list, tuple)): outlist.extend(cls.__unpack_args( arg )) # END recursion else: outlist.append(str(arg)) # END for each arg return outlist def _call_process(self, method, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the given git command with the specified arguments and return the result as a String ``method`` is the command. Contained "_" characters will be converted to dashes, such as in 'ls_files' to call 'ls-files'. ``args`` is the list of arguments. If None is included, it will be pruned. This allows your commands to call git more conveniently as None is realized as non-existent ``kwargs`` is a dict of keyword arguments. This function accepts the same optional keyword arguments as execute(). Examples:: git.rev_list('master', max_count=10, header=True) Returns Same as execute() """ # Handle optional arguments prior to calling transform_kwargs # otherwise these'll end up in args, which is bad. _kwargs = {} for kwarg in execute_kwargs: try: _kwargs[kwarg] = kwargs.pop(kwarg) except KeyError: pass # Prepare the argument list opt_args = self.transform_kwargs(**kwargs) ext_args = self.__unpack_args([a for a in args if a is not None]) args = opt_args + ext_args call = ["git", dashify(method)] call.extend(args) return self.execute(call, **_kwargs) def _parse_object_header(self, header_line): """ ``header_line`` type_string size_as_int Returns (hex_sha, type_string, size_as_int) Raises ValueError if the header contains indication for an error due to incorrect input sha """ tokens = header_line.split() if len(tokens) != 3: raise ValueError( "SHA named %s could not be resolved" % tokens[0] ) return (tokens[0], tokens[1], int(tokens[2])) def __prepare_ref(self, ref): # required for command to separate refs on stdin refstr = str(ref) # could be ref-object if refstr.endswith("\n"): return refstr return refstr + "\n" def __get_persistent_cmd(self, attr_name, cmd_name, *args,**kwargs): cur_val = getattr(self, attr_name) if cur_val is not None: return cur_val options = { "istream" : subprocess.PIPE, "as_process" : True } options.update( kwargs ) cmd = self._call_process( cmd_name, *args, **options ) setattr(self, attr_name, cmd ) return cmd def __get_object_header(self, cmd, ref): cmd.stdin.write(self.__prepare_ref(ref)) cmd.stdin.flush() return self._parse_object_header(cmd.stdout.readline()) def get_object_header(self, ref): """ Use this method to quickly examine the type and size of the object behind the given ref. NOTE The method will only suffer from the costs of command invocation once and reuses the command in subsequent calls. Return: (hexsha, type_string, size_as_int) """ cmd = self.__get_persistent_cmd("cat_file_header", "cat_file", batch_check=True) return self.__get_object_header(cmd, ref) def get_object_data(self, ref): """ As get_object_header, but returns object data as well Return: (hexsha, type_string, size_as_int,data_string) """ cmd = self.__get_persistent_cmd("cat_file_all", "cat_file", batch=True) hexsha, typename, size = self.__get_object_header(cmd, ref) data = cmd.stdout.read(size) cmd.stdout.read(1) # finishing newlines return (hexsha, typename, size, data)