======= CHANGES ======= 0.2 ===== General ------- * file mode in Tree, Blob and Diff objects now is an int compatible to definintiions in the stat module, allowing you to query whether individual user, group and other read, write and execute bits are set. * Adjusted class hierarchy to generally allow comparison and hash for Objects and Refs * Improved Tag object which now is a Ref that may contain a tag object with additional Information * id_abbrev method has been removed as it could not assure the returned short SHA's where unique * removed basename method from Objects with path's as it replicated features of os.path * from_string and list_from_string methods are now private and were renamed to _from_string and _list_from_string respectively. As part of the private API, they may change without prior notice. * Renamed all find_all methods to list_items - this method is part of the Iterable interface that also provides a more efficients and more responsive iter_items method * All dates, like authored_date and committer_date, are stored as seconds since epoc to consume less memory - they can be converted using time.gmtime in a more suitable presentation format if needed. * Named method parameters changed on a wide scale to unify their use. Now git specific terms are used everywhere, such as "Reference" ( ref ) and "Revision" ( rev ). Prevously multiple terms where used making it harder to know which type was allowed or not. * Unified diff interface to allow easy diffing between trees, trees and index, trees and working tree, index and working tree, trees and index. This closely follows the git-diff capabilities. Item Iteration -------------- * Previously one would return and process multiple items as list only which can hurt performance and memory consumption and reduce response times. iter_items method provide an iterator that will return items on demand as parsed from a stream. This way any amount of objects can be handled. * list_items method returns IterableList allowing to access list members by name objects Package ---------------- * blob, tree, tag and commit module have been moved to new objects package. This should not affect you though unless you explicitly imported individual objects. If you just used the git package, names did not change. Blob ---- * former 'name' member renamed to path as it suits the actual data better GitCommand ----------- * git.subcommand call scheme now prunes out None from the argument list, allowing to be called more confortably as None can never be a valid to the git command if converted to a string. Commit ------ * 'count' method is not an instance method to increase its ease of use Config ------ * The git configuration can now be read and manipulated directly from within python using the GitConfigParser * Repo.config_reader() returns a read-only parser * Repo.config_writer() returns a read-write parser Diff ---- * Members a a_commit and b_commit renamed to a_blob and b_blob - they are populated with Blob objects if possible * Members a_path and b_path removed as this information is kept in the blobs * Diffs are now returned as DiffIndex allowing to more quickly find the kind of diffs you are interested in Diffing ------- * Commit and Tree objects now support diffing natively with a common interface to compare agains other Commits or Trees, against the working tree or against the index. Refs ---- * Will dynmically retrieve their object at the time of query to assure the information is actual. Recently objects would be cached, hence ref object not be safely kept persistent. Repo ---- * Moved blame method from Blob to repo as it appeared to belong there much more. * active_branch method now returns a Head object instead of a string with the name of the active branch. * tree method now requires a Ref instance as input and defaults to the active_branche instead of master * is_dirty now takes additional arguments allowing fine-grained control about what is considered dirty * Removed the following methods: - 'log' method as it as effectively the same as the 'commits' method - 'commits_since' as it is just a flag given to rev-list in Commit.iter_items - 'commit_count' as it was just a redirection to the respective commit method - 'commits_between', replaced by a note on the iter_commits method as it can achieve the same thing - 'commit_delta_from' as it was a very special case by comparing two different repositories which are likely to have completly different commits. For related repositories, i.e. clones, git-rev-list would be sufficient to find commits that would need to be transferred for example. - 'create' method which equals the 'init' method's functionality - 'diff' - it returned a mere string which still had to be parsed - 'commit_diff' - moved to Commit, Tree and Diff types respectively * Renamed the following methods: - commits to iter_commits to improve the performance, adjusted signature - init_bare to init, implying less about the options to be used - fork_bare to clone, as it was to represent general clone functionality, but implied a bare clone to be more versatile - archive_tar_gz and archive_tar and replaced by archive method with different signature * 'commits' method has no max-count of returned commits anymore, it now behaves like git-rev-list * The following methods and properties were added - 'untracked_files' property, returning all currently untracked files - 'head', creates a head object - 'tag', creates a tag object - 'iter_trees' method - 'config_reader' method - 'config_writer' method - 'bare' property, previously it was a simple attribute that could be written Remote ------ * Added Remote object allowing easy access to remotes * Repo.remotes lists all remotes * Repo.remote returns a remote of the specified name if it exists Tree ---- * former 'name' member renamed to path as it suits the actual data better * added traverse method allowing to recursively traverse tree items * deleted blob method * added blobs and trees properties allowing to query the respective items in the tree * now mimics behaviour of a read-only list instead of a dict to maintain order. * content_from_string method is now private and not part of the public API anymore 0.1.6 ===== General ------- * Added in Sphinx documentation. * Removed ambiguity between paths and treeishs. When calling commands that accept treeish and path arguments and there is a path with the same name as a treeish git cowardly refuses to pick one and asks for the command to use the unambiguous syntax where '--' seperates the treeish from the paths. * ``Repo.commits``, ``Repo.commits_between``, ``Reop.commits_since``, ``Repo.commit_count``, ``Repo.commit``, ``Commit.count`` and ``Commit.find_all`` all now optionally take a path argument which constrains the lookup by path. This changes the order of the positional arguments in ``Repo.commits`` and ``Repo.commits_since``. Commit ------ * ``Commit.message`` now contains the full commit message (rather than just the first line) and a new property ``Commit.summary`` contains the first line of the commit message. * Fixed a failure when trying to lookup the stats of a parentless commit from a bare repo. Diff ---- * The diff parser is now far faster and also addresses a bug where sometimes b_mode was not set. * Added support for parsing rename info to the diff parser. Addition of new properties ``Diff.renamed``, ``Diff.rename_from``, and ``Diff.rename_to``. Head ---- * Corrected problem where branches was only returning the last path component instead of the entire path component following refs/heads/. Repo ---- * Modified the gzip archive creation to use the python gzip module. * Corrected ``commits_between`` always returning None instead of the reversed list. 0.1.5 ===== General ------- * upgraded to Mock 0.4 dependency. * Replace GitPython with git in repr() outputs. * Fixed packaging issue caused by ez_setup.py. Blob ---- * No longer strip newlines from Blob data. Commit ------ * Corrected problem with git-rev-list --bisect-all. See http://groups.google.com/group/git-python/browse_thread/thread/aed1d5c4b31d5027 Repo ---- * Corrected problems with creating bare repositories. * Repo.tree no longer accepts a path argument. Use: >>> dict(k, o for k, o in tree.items() if k in paths) * Made daemon export a property of Repo. Now you can do this: >>> exported = repo.daemon_export >>> repo.daemon_export = True * Allows modifying the project description. Do this: >>> repo.description = "Foo Bar" >>> repo.description 'Foo Bar' * Added a read-only property Repo.is_dirty which reflects the status of the working directory. * Added a read-only Repo.active_branch property which returns the name of the currently active branch. Tree ---- * Switched to using a dictionary for Tree contents since you will usually want to access them by name and order is unimportant. * Implemented a dictionary protocol for Tree objects. The following: child = tree.contents['grit'] becomes: child = tree['grit'] * Made Tree.content_from_string a static method. ======= * removed ``method_missing`` stuff and replaced with a ``__getattr__`` override in ``Git``. 0.1.4 ===== * renamed ``git_python`` to ``git``. Be sure to delete all pyc files before testing. Commit ------ * Fixed problem with commit stats not working under all conditions. Git --- * Renamed module to cmd. * Removed shell escaping completely. * Added support for ``stderr``, ``stdin``, and ``with_status``. * ``git_dir`` is now optional in the constructor for ``git.Git``. Git now falls back to ``os.getcwd()`` when git_dir is not specified. * add a ``with_exceptions`` keyword argument to git commands. ``GitCommandError`` is raised when the exit status is non-zero. * add support for a ``GIT_PYTHON_TRACE`` environment variable. ``GIT_PYTHON_TRACE`` allows us to debug GitPython's usage of git through the use of an environment variable. Tree ---- * Fixed up problem where ``name`` doesn't exist on root of tree. Repo ---- * Corrected problem with creating bare repo. Added ``Repo.create`` alias. 0.1.2 ===== Tree ---- * Corrected problem with ``Tree.__div__`` not working with zero length files. Removed ``__len__`` override and replaced with size instead. Also made size cach properly. This is a breaking change. 0.1.1 ===== Fixed up some urls because I'm a moron 0.1.0 ===== initial release