======= CHANGES ======= 0.1.7 ======= This is a bugfix release and the last of its kind in 0.1.X, as 0.2.X will receive a major redesign that will change the API. Bugfixes -------- * Paths in Tree objects can now handle whitespace * Blob.blame was returning incorrect results which has been fixed. General ------- * The test suite now supports Mock 0.5 and above. The transition between Mock 0.4 0.5 changed the API which required adjustments. * Many small enhancements done to the method documentation 0.1.6 ===== General ------- * Added in Sphinx documentation. * Removed ambiguity between paths and treeishs. When calling commands that accept treeish and path arguments and there is a path with the same name as a treeish git cowardly refuses to pick one and asks for the command to use the unambiguous syntax where '--' seperates the treeish from the paths. * ``Repo.commits``, ``Repo.commits_between``, ``Reop.commits_since``, ``Repo.commit_count``, ``Repo.commit``, ``Commit.count`` and ``Commit.find_all`` all now optionally take a path argument which constrains the lookup by path. This changes the order of the positional arguments in ``Repo.commits`` and ``Repo.commits_since``. Commit ------ * ``Commit.message`` now contains the full commit message (rather than just the first line) and a new property ``Commit.summary`` contains the first line of the commit message. * Fixed a failure when trying to lookup the stats of a parentless commit from a bare repo. Diff ---- * The diff parser is now far faster and also addresses a bug where sometimes b_mode was not set. * Added support for parsing rename info to the diff parser. Addition of new properties ``Diff.renamed``, ``Diff.rename_from``, and ``Diff.rename_to``. Head ---- * Corrected problem where branches was only returning the last path component instead of the entire path component following refs/heads/. Repo ---- * Modified the gzip archive creation to use the python gzip module. * Corrected ``commits_between`` always returning None instead of the reversed list. 0.1.5 ===== General ------- * upgraded to Mock 0.4 dependency. * Replace GitPython with git in repr() outputs. * Fixed packaging issue caused by ez_setup.py. Blob ---- * No longer strip newlines from Blob data. Commit ------ * Corrected problem with git-rev-list --bisect-all. See http://groups.google.com/group/git-python/browse_thread/thread/aed1d5c4b31d5027 Repo ---- * Corrected problems with creating bare repositories. * Repo.tree no longer accepts a path argument. Use: >>> dict(k, o for k, o in tree.items() if k in paths) * Made daemon export a property of Repo. Now you can do this: >>> exported = repo.daemon_export >>> repo.daemon_export = True * Allows modifying the project description. Do this: >>> repo.description = "Foo Bar" >>> repo.description 'Foo Bar' * Added a read-only property Repo.is_dirty which reflects the status of the working directory. * Added a read-only Repo.active_branch property which returns the name of the currently active branch. Tree ---- * Switched to using a dictionary for Tree contents since you will usually want to access them by name and order is unimportant. * Implemented a dictionary protocol for Tree objects. The following: child = tree.contents['grit'] becomes: child = tree['grit'] * Made Tree.content_from_string a static method. ======= * removed ``method_missing`` stuff and replaced with a ``__getattr__`` override in ``Git``. 0.1.4 ===== * renamed ``git_python`` to ``git``. Be sure to delete all pyc files before testing. Commit ------ * Fixed problem with commit stats not working under all conditions. Git --- * Renamed module to cmd. * Removed shell escaping completely. * Added support for ``stderr``, ``stdin``, and ``with_status``. * ``git_dir`` is now optional in the constructor for ``git.Git``. Git now falls back to ``os.getcwd()`` when git_dir is not specified. * add a ``with_exceptions`` keyword argument to git commands. ``GitCommandError`` is raised when the exit status is non-zero. * add support for a ``GIT_PYTHON_TRACE`` environment variable. ``GIT_PYTHON_TRACE`` allows us to debug GitPython's usage of git through the use of an environment variable. Tree ---- * Fixed up problem where ``name`` doesn't exist on root of tree. Repo ---- * Corrected problem with creating bare repo. Added ``Repo.create`` alias. 0.1.2 ===== Tree ---- * Corrected problem with ``Tree.__div__`` not working with zero length files. Removed ``__len__`` override and replaced with size instead. Also made size cach properly. This is a breaking change. 0.1.1 ===== Fixed up some urls because I'm a moron 0.1.0 ===== initial release