---------------------- fixtures release notes ---------------------- IN DEVELOPMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.3.8 ~~~~~ Simpler names for a number of fixtures, and two new fixtures NestedTempfile and Timeout. See the manual for more information. CHANGES: * EnvironmentVariable now upcalls via super(). (Jonathan Lange, #881120) * EnvironmentVariableFixture, LoggerFixture, PopenFixture renamed to EnvironmentVariable, FakeLogger and FakePopen respectively. All are still available under their old, deprecated names. (Jonathan Lange, #893539) * gather_details fixed to handle the case where two child fixtures have the same detail name. (Jonathan Lange, #895652) * ``NestedTempfile`` which will change the default path for tempfile temporary file / directory creation. (Gavin Panella) * New Timeout fixture. (Martin Pool) 0.3.7 ~~~~~ CHANGES: * New fixture LoggerFixture which replaces a logging module logger. (Free Ekanayaka) * On Python 2.7 and above the _fixtures tests are no longer run twice. (Robert Collins) * Python 3 now supported. (Jonathan Lange, #816665) * ``TempDir`` supports creating the temporary directory under a specific path. An example of where this is useful would be if you have some specific long lived temporary items and need to avoid running afoul of tmpreaper. (Robert Collins, #830757) * Updated to match the changed ``gather_details`` API in testtools. See #801027. This is an incompatible change in testtools and requires testtools 0.9.12. (Jonathan Lange) 0.3.6 ~~~~~ Another small API break - sorry. Fixture.getDetails no longer returns the internal details dict (self._details). Access that directly if needed. It now looks for details in used fixtures and returns those as well as details added directly. CHANGES: * Details from child fixtures for both Fixture and TestWithFixtures no longer quash same-named details if testtools 0.9.11 is available (for the gather_details helper). (Gavin Panella, #796253) * Fixture.getDetails will now return all the details of fixtures added using useFixture. (RobertCollins, #780806) * New fixture ``PackagePathEntry`` which patches the path of an existing package, allowing importing part of it from another directory. (Robert Collins) * New fixture ``PythonPathEntry`` which patches sys.path. (Robert Collins, #737503) * Test failure on some setups in test_cleanUp_raise_first_false_callscleanups_returns_exceptions. (Gavin Panella, #796249) * Testtools 0.9.8 is now a minimum requirement. (Gavin Panella) 0.3.5 ~~~~~ CHANGES: * New fixture ``MonkeyPatch`` which patches (or deletes) an existing attribute and restores it afterwards. (Robert Collins) * New fixture ``PythonPackage`` which manages a temporary python package. (Robert Collins) * New fixture ``TempDir`` which manages a temporary directory. (Robert Collins) 0.3.4 ~~~~~ CHANGES: * Fixture now supports ``addDetail`` and provides a``getDetails`` call compatible with the ``testtools.TestCase`` calls. (Robert Collins, #640119) * New helper ``MethodFixture`` for wrapping an object similarly to ``FunctionFixture`` (Robert Collins) 0.3.3 ~~~~~ Fixtures now have a ``useFixture`` method as well, making nesting of fixtures trivial. CHANGES: * New method ``Fixture.useFixture`` allowing fixtures to compose other fixtures. (Robert Collins) 0.3.2 ~~~~~ Point release adding new EnvironmentVariableFixture for controlling environment variables. CHANGES: * New EnvironmentVariableFixture which can set or unset environment variables. (Robert Collins) 0.3.1 ~~~~~ Point release adding experimental PopenFixture. CHANGES: * Experimental PopenFixture providing a test double for testing code that runs external processes. (Robert Collins) 0.3 ~~~ This release slightly breaks compatability in order to get the cleanUp API really solid : it now will report correctly with testtools 0.9.7, and generally does the right thing by default. Apologies to anyone affected by this churn, but I felt the cleanness of the API was worth it. CHANGES: * When multiple exceptions are being raised from cleanUp, MultipleExceptions is used to report them all. This is preferentially imported from testtools and failing that defined locally. See testtools 0.9.7 for its use. (Robert Collins) 0.2 ~~~ CHANGES: * Exceptions raised during cleanup are no longer silently swallowed. They are returned in a list by default, or the first one is raised if raise_first is supplied. The TestCase glue code passes raise_first to cleanUp. (Robert Collins, #629032) 0.1 ~~~ CHANGES: * Created project. The primary interfaces are ``fixtures.TestWithFixtures`` and ``fixtures.Fixture``. Documentation is primarily in README. (Robert Collins)