from util import threading import time import logging from readwrite_lock import ReadWriteMutex log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NeedRegenerationException(Exception): """An exception that when raised in the 'with' block, forces the 'has_value' flag to False and incurs a regeneration of the value. """ NOT_REGENERATED = object() class Dogpile(object): """Dogpile lock class. Provides an interface around an arbitrary mutex that allows one thread/process to be elected as the creator of a new value, while other threads/processes continue to return the previous version of that value. :param expiretime: Expiration time in seconds. :param init: if True, set the 'createdtime' to the current time. :param lock: a mutex object that provides ``acquire()`` and ``release()`` methods. """ def __init__(self, expiretime, init=False, lock=None): """Construct a new :class:`.Dogpile`. """ if lock: self.dogpilelock = lock else: self.dogpilelock = threading.Lock() self.expiretime = expiretime if init: self.createdtime = time.time() createdtime = -1 """The last known 'creation time' of the value, stored as an epoch (i.e. from ``time.time()``). If the value here is -1, it is assumed the value should recreate immediately. """ def acquire(self, creator, value_fn=None, value_and_created_fn=None): """Acquire the lock, returning a context manager. :param creator: Creation function, used if this thread is chosen to create a new value. :param value_fn: Optional function that returns the value from some datasource. Will be returned if regeneration is not needed. :param value_and_created_fn: Like value_fn, but returns a tuple of (value, createdtime). The returned createdtime will replace the "createdtime" value on this dogpile lock. This option removes the need for the dogpile lock itself to remain persistent across usages; another dogpile can come along later and pick up where the previous one left off. """ dogpile = self class Lock(object): def __enter__(self): return dogpile._enter(creator, value_fn, value_and_created_fn) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): dogpile._exit() return Lock() @property def is_expired(self): """Return true if the expiration time is reached, or no value is available.""" return not self.has_value or \ time.time() - self.createdtime > self.expiretime @property def has_value(self): """Return true if the creation function has proceeded at least once.""" return self.createdtime > 0 def _enter(self, creator, value_fn=None, value_and_created_fn=None): if value_and_created_fn: value_fn = value_and_created_fn if not value_fn: return self._enter_create(creator) try: value = value_fn() if value_and_created_fn: value, self.createdtime = value except NeedRegenerationException: log.debug("NeedRegenerationException") self.createdtime = -1 value = NOT_REGENERATED generated = self._enter_create(creator) if generated is not NOT_REGENERATED: if value_and_created_fn: generated, self.createdtime = generated return generated elif value is NOT_REGENERATED: try: if value_and_created_fn: value, self.createdtime = value_fn() else: value = value_fn() return value except NeedRegenerationException: raise Exception("Generation function should " "have just been called by a concurrent " "thread.") else: return value def _enter_create(self, creator): if not self.is_expired: return NOT_REGENERATED if self.has_value: if not self.dogpilelock.acquire(False): log.debug("creation function in progress " "elsewhere, returning") return NOT_REGENERATED else: log.debug("no value, waiting for create lock") self.dogpilelock.acquire() try: log.debug("value creation lock %r acquired" % self.dogpilelock) # see if someone created the value already if not self.is_expired: log.debug("value already present") return NOT_REGENERATED log.debug("Calling creation function") created = creator() self.createdtime = time.time() return created finally: self.dogpilelock.release() log.debug("Released creation lock") def _exit(self): pass class SyncReaderDogpile(Dogpile): """Provide a read-write lock function on top of the :class:`.Dogpile` class. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(SyncReaderDogpile, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.readwritelock = ReadWriteMutex() def acquire_write_lock(self): """Return the "write" lock context manager. This will provide a section that is mutexed against all readers/writers for the dogpile-maintained value. """ dogpile = self class Lock(object): def __enter__(self): dogpile.readwritelock.acquire_write_lock() def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): dogpile.readwritelock.release_write_lock() return Lock() def _enter(self, *arg, **kw): value = super(SyncReaderDogpile, self)._enter(*arg, **kw) self.readwritelock.acquire_read_lock() return value def _exit(self): self.readwritelock.release_read_lock()