[metadata] name = dogpile.cache version = attr: dogpile.__version__ description = A caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock. long_description = file: README.rst long_description_content_type = text/x-rst keywords = caching url = https://github.com/sqlalchemy/dogpile.cache author = Mike Bayer author_email = mike_mp@zzzcomputing.com license = MIT license_file = LICENSE classifiers = Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Intended Audience :: Developers License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Programming Language :: Python Programming Language :: Python :: 3 project_urls = Documentation=https://dogpilecache.sqlalchemy.org Issue Tracker=https://github.com/sqlalchemy/dogpile.cache/ [options] install_requires = decorator>=4.0.0 stevedore>=3.0.0 zip_safe = False packages = find: python_requires = >=3.6 package_dir = =. [options.packages.find] exclude = tests tests.* [options.exclude_package_data] '' = tests* [options.entry_points] mako.cache = dogpile.cache = dogpile.cache.plugins.mako_cache:MakoPlugin [egg_info] [upload_docs] upload-dir = docs/build/output/html [upload] sign = 1 identity = C4DAFEE1 [flake8] enable-extensions = G # E203 is due to https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle/issues/373 ignore = A003, D, E203,E305,E711,E712,E721,E722,E741, N801,N802,N806, RST304,RST303,RST299,RST399, W503,W504 exclude = .venv,.git,.tox,dist,docs/*,*egg,build import-order-style = google application-import-names = dogpile,tests [tool:pytest] addopts= --tb native -v -r fxX -p no:logging -p no:warnings -m "not time_intensive" python_files=tests/*test_*.py filterwarnings = error