# $Id$ # Author: David Goodger # Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain. # New language mappings are welcome. Before doing a new translation, please # read . Two files must be # translated for each language: one in docutils/languages, the other in # docutils/parsers/rst/languages. """ English-language mappings for language-dependent features of Docutils. """ __docformat__ = 'reStructuredText' labels = { # fixed: language-dependent 'author': 'dummy Author', 'authors': 'dummy Authors', 'organization': 'dummy Organization', 'address': 'dummy Address', 'contact': 'dummy Contact', 'version': 'dummy Version', 'revision': 'dummy Revision', 'status': 'dummy Status', 'date': 'dummy Date', 'copyright': 'dummy Copyright', 'dedication': 'dummy Dedication', 'abstract': 'dummy Abstract', 'attention': 'dummy Attention!', 'caution': 'dummy Caution!', 'danger': 'dummy !DANGER!', 'error': 'dummy Error', 'hint': 'dummy Hint', 'important': 'dummy Important', 'note': 'dummy Note', 'tip': 'dummy Tip', 'warning': 'dummy Warning', 'contents': 'dummy Contents'} """Mapping of node class name to label text.""" bibliographic_fields = { # language-dependent: fixed 'dummy author': 'author', 'dummy authors': 'authors', 'dummy organization': 'organization', 'dummy address': 'address', 'dummy contact': 'contact', 'dummy version': 'version', 'dummy revision': 'revision', 'dummy status': 'status', 'dummy date': 'date', 'dummy copyright': 'copyright', 'dummy dedication': 'dedication', 'dummy abstract': 'abstract'} """English (lowcased) to canonical name mapping for bibliographic fields.""" author_separators = [';', ','] """List of separator strings for the 'Authors' bibliographic field. Tried in order.""" directives = { # language-dependent: fixed 'dummy attention': 'attention', 'dummy caution': 'caution', 'dummy code': 'code', 'dummy code-block': 'code', 'dummy sourcecode': 'code', 'dummy danger': 'danger', 'dummy error': 'error', 'dummy hint': 'hint', 'dummy important': 'important', 'dummy note': 'note', 'dummy tip': 'tip', 'dummy warning': 'warning', 'dummy admonition': 'admonition', 'dummy sidebar': 'sidebar', 'dummy topic': 'topic', 'dummy line-block': 'line-block', 'dummy parsed-literal': 'parsed-literal', 'dummy rubric': 'rubric', 'dummy epigraph': 'epigraph', 'dummy highlights': 'highlights', 'dummy pull-quote': 'pull-quote', 'dummy compound': 'compound', 'dummy container': 'container', #'dummy questions': 'questions', 'dummy table': 'table', 'dummy csv-table': 'csv-table', 'dummy list-table': 'list-table', #'dummy qa': 'questions', #'dummy faq': 'questions', 'dummy meta': 'meta', 'dummy math': 'math', #'dummy imagemap': 'imagemap', 'dummy image': 'image', 'dummy figure': 'figure', 'dummy include': 'include', 'dummy raw': 'raw', 'dummy replace': 'replace', 'dummy unicode': 'unicode', 'dummy date': 'date', 'dummy class': 'class', 'dummy role': 'role', 'dummy default-role': 'default-role', 'dummy title': 'title', 'dummy contents': 'contents', 'dummy sectnum': 'sectnum', 'dummy section-numbering': 'sectnum', 'dummy header': 'header', 'dummy footer': 'footer', #'dummy footnotes': 'footnotes', #'dummy citations': 'citations', 'dummy target-notes': 'target-notes', 'dummy restructuredtext-test-directive': 'restructuredtext-test-directive'} """English name to registered (in directives/__init__.py) directive name mapping.""" roles = { # language-dependent: fixed 'dummy abbreviation': 'abbreviation', 'dummy ab': 'abbreviation', 'dummy acronym': 'acronym', 'dummy ac': 'acronym', 'dummy code': 'code', 'dummy index': 'index', 'dummy i': 'index', 'dummy subscript': 'subscript', 'dummy sub': 'subscript', 'dummy superscript': 'superscript', 'dummy sup': 'superscript', 'dummy title-reference': 'title-reference', 'dummy title': 'title-reference', 'dummy t': 'title-reference', 'dummy pep-reference': 'pep-reference', 'dummy pep': 'pep-reference', 'dummy rfc-reference': 'rfc-reference', 'dummy rfc': 'rfc-reference', 'dummy emphasis': 'emphasis', 'dummy strong': 'strong', 'dummy literal': 'literal', 'dummy math': 'math', 'dummy named-reference': 'named-reference', 'dummy anonymous-reference': 'anonymous-reference', 'dummy footnote-reference': 'footnote-reference', 'dummy citation-reference': 'citation-reference', 'dummy substitution-reference': 'substitution-reference', 'dummy target': 'target', 'dummy uri-reference': 'uri-reference', 'dummy uri': 'uri-reference', 'dummy url': 'uri-reference', 'dummy raw': 'raw',} """Mapping of English role names to canonical role names for interpreted text. """