.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ======================================== Emacs Support for reStructuredText ======================================== :Author: Martin Blais :Date: $Date$ :Abstract: High-level description of the existing emacs support for editing reStructuredText text documents. Suggested setup code and usage instructions are provided. .. contents:: .. 1 Introduction 2 Installation 3 Section Decorations 3.1 Adjusting a Section Title 3.2 Promoting and Demoting Many Sections 3.3 Redoing All the Decorations to Your Taste 3.4 Customizations for Decorations 3.5 Viewing the Hierarchy of Section Decorations 4 Section Movement and Selection 5 Operating on Blocks of Text 5.1 Shifting Text Horizontally Intelligently 5.2 Bulleting and Enumerating Lists 5.2.1 Straightening Existing Bullet List Hierarchies 5.3 Creating and Removing Line Blocks 5.4 Commenting a Region of Text 6 Converting Documents from Emacs 7 Table-of-Contents Features 7.1 Inserting a Table of Contents 7.2 Maintaining the Table of Contents Up-to-date 8 Syntax Highlighting via Font-Lock 8.1 Face Customization 8.1.1 Default Fonts 9 Other Useful Settings 9.1 ``text-mode`` Settings 9.2 Editing Tables: Emacs table mode 9.3 Character Processing 10 Credits 10.1 Obsolete Files 11 Future Work Introduction ============ reStructuredText_ is a series of conventions that allows a toolset--docutils--to extract generic document structure from simple text files. For people who use Emacs_, there is a package that adds a major mode that supports editing in the conventions of reStructuredText_: ``rst.el``. This document describes the features it provides, and how to setup your emacs to use them and how to invoke them. Installation ============ Emacs support for reStructuredText is implemented as an Emacs major mode (``rst-mode``) provided by the ``rst.el`` emacs package. For recent versions of Emacs, there's no need to install anything to get reST support; ``rst-mode`` is already available. So:: M-x rst-mode will work out of the box. If this works for you, please skip to the Usage_ section. For older versions of Emacs, ``rst.el`` can be found in the ``tools/editors/emacs/`` directory of the Docutils snapshot or repository. `A copy can also be downloaded here. `__ In order to use ``rst-mode``, you need to put the ``rst.el`` in a directory located in your emacs ``load-path`` (use ``C-h v load-path`` to check). Usage ===== Load rst-mode with:: (require 'rst) To enable ``rst-mode``, simply type ``M-x rst-mode``. Alternatively, you can modify ``auto-mode-alist`` to automatically turn it on whenever you visit reStructuredText_ documents:: (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.txt$" . rst-mode) ("\\.rst$" . rst-mode) ("\\.rest$" . rst-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) If have local variables enabled (see ``enable-local-variables`` in the Emacs manual), you can also add the following at the top of your documents to trigger rst-mode:: .. -*- mode: rst -*- Or this at the end of your documents:: .. Local Variables: mode: rst End: ``rst-mode`` automatically binds several keys for invoking special handy functions for editing ReStructuredText. As is the custom for Emacs major modes, most keys are bound to ``C-c C-LETTER``. If you insert an inline table-of-contents at the top of the document, you may want to add a hook to automatically update it everytime you adjust a section title:: (add-hook 'rst-adjust-hook 'rst-toc-update) Additional configuration variables can be customized and can be found by browsing the source code for ``rst.el``. Section Decorations =================== The rst package does not completely parse all the reStructuredText_ constructs, but it contains the ability to recognize the section decorations and to build the hierarchy of the document. What we call section decorations or adornments are the underlines or under- and overlines used to mark a section title. Adjusting a Section Title ------------------------- There is a function that helps a great deal to maintain these decorations: ``rst-adjust`` (bound to ``C-c C-a``, or ``C-=`` by default). This function is a Swiss army knife that can be invoked repeatedly and whose behaviour depends on context: #. If there is an incomplete underline, e.g.:: My Section Title ^^ Invocation will complete the section title. You can simply enter a few characters of the title and invoke the function to complete it. It can also be used to adjust the length of the existing decoration when you need to edit the title. #. If there is no section decoration, a decoration one level under the last encountered section level is added; #. If there is already a section decoration, it is promoted to the next level. You can invoke it like this repeatedly to cycle the title through the hierarchy of existing decorations. Invoking the function with a negative prefix argument, e.g. ``C-- C-=``, will effectively reverse the direction of decoration cycling. To alternate between underline-only and over-and-under styles, you can use a regular prefix argument, e.g. ``C-u C-=``. See the documentation of ``rst-adjust`` for more description of the prefix arguments to alter the behaviour of the function. Promoting and Demoting Many Sections ------------------------------------ When you are re-organizing the structure of a document, it can be useful to change the level of a number of section titles. The same key binding can be used to do that: if the region is active when the binding is invoked, all the section titles that are within the region are promoted accordingly (or demoted, with negative prefix arg). Redoing All the Decorations to Your Taste ----------------------------------------- If you open someone else's file and the decorations it contains are unfamiliar, you may want to readjust them to fit your own preferred hierarchy of decorations. This can be difficult to perform by hand. However, you can do this easily by invoking ``rst-straighten-decorations`` (``C-c C-s``), which operates on the entire buffer. Customizations for Decorations ------------------------------ You can set the variable ``rst-preferred-decorations`` to a list of the decorations that you like to use for documents. Everyone has their preference. ``rst-default-indent`` can be set to the number of indent spaces preferred for the over-and-under decoration style. Viewing the Hierarchy of Section Decorations -------------------------------------------- You can visualize the hierarchy of the section decorations in the current buffer by invoking ``rst-display-decorations-hierarchy``, bound on ``C-c C-h``. A temporary buffer will appear with fake section titles rendered in the style of the current document. This can be useful when editing other people's documents to find out which section decorations correspond to which levels. Section Movement and Selection ============================== You can move the cursor between the different section titles by using the ``rst-backward-section`` and ``rst-forward-section`` functions, by default bound to the ``C-c C-p`` and ``C-c C-n`` keys. To mark the section that cursor lies in, use ``rst-mark-section`` (``C-c C-m``). Operating on Blocks of Text =========================== Shifting Text Horizontally Intelligently ---------------------------------------- Due to the nature of reStructuredText_, lists are indented by two or three characters, e.g. bulleted lists use two chars:: - Fruits - Bananas - Apples - Oranges - Veggies - Zucchini - Chick Peas while enumerated lists are indented by 3 or more characters :: 9. Apples Oranges are tasty. 10. Oranges Oranges are zesty. To this effect, when shifting text, it can be useful to have functions which understand which indent to use by using the context around the region. Those functions are ``rst-shift-region-right`` and ``rst-shift-region-left``. You can use ``C-c C-r`` and ``C-c C-l`` to shift the active region. These bindings are similar to the ones provided by python-mode for editing python code and behave similarly. They automatically inspect the lines of text before the currently selected region to determine what the appropriate column positions are. Bulleting and Enumerating Lists ------------------------------- Sometimes it can be useful to insert bullet list markers enumeration number before a number of lines or paragraphs. You can do this easily by invoking ``rst-enumerate-region`` (``C-c C-e``), for example, the following:: Apples Oranges Bananas becomes:: 1. Apples 2. Oranges 3. Bananas ``rst-listify-region`` (``C-c C-b``) does the same, but only adds bullet list markers, e.g.:: Apples Oranges Bananas becomes:: - Apples - Oranges - Bananas By default, each paragraph starting on the leftmost line in the highlighted region will be taken to be a single list or enumeration item, for example, enumerating the following:: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But oranges are tastier than apples. If you preferred bananas you may be a monkey. Will result in:: 1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 2. But oranges are tastier than apples. 3. If you preferred bananas you may be a monkey. If you would like to enumerate each of the lines, use a prefix argument on the preceding commands, e.g.:: Apples Oranges Bananas becomes:: - Apples - Oranges - Bananas Straightening Existing Bullet List Hierarchies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you invoke ``rst-straighten-bullets-region`` (C-c C-w), the existing bullets in the highlighted region will be replaced to reflect their respective level. This does not make a difference in the document structure that reStructuredText_ defines, but looks better in the input file, for example, if all of the top-level bullet items use the character ``-``, and all of the 2nd level items use ``*``, etc. Creating and Removing Line Blocks --------------------------------- To create line blocks, first select the region to convert and invoke ``rst-toggle-line-block`` with ``C-c C-d``, for example, the following:: Apples Oranges Bananas becomes:: | Apples | Oranges | Bananas This works even if the region is indented. To remove line blocks, select a region and invoke with a prefix argument. Commenting a Region of Text --------------------------- If you use the Emacs ``comment-region`` function (bound to ``C-c C-c``), the appropriate comment syntax will be added to the active block of text:: Apples Oranges Bananas becomes:: .. Apples .. Oranges .. Bananas Converting Documents from Emacs =============================== The major mode provides a number of functions for running documents being edited through the docutils tools. The main generic function is ``rst-compile`` (``C-c 1``). This function basically creates a compilation command with the correct output name for the current buffer and then invokes Emacs' compile function. It also looks for the presence of a ``docutils.conf`` configuration file in the parent directories and adds it to the cmdline options. There is also an alternative function in case you often need run your document in a second toolset (``C-c 2``). You can customize the commands being used by setting ``rst-compile-primary-toolset`` and ``rst-compile-secondary-toolset``. Other commands are available for other formats: - ``rst-compile-pseudo-region`` (``C-c 3``): When crafting documents, it is often convenient to view which data structures docutils will parse them into. You can use to run the active region through ``rst2pseudoxml.py`` and have the output automatically be displayed in a new buffer. - ``rst-compile-pdf-preview`` (``C-c 4``): Convert the current document to PDF and launch a viewer on the results. - ``rst-compile-slides-preview`` (``C-c 5``): Convert the current document to S5 slides and view in a web browser. Table-of-Contents Features ========================== When you are editing long documents, it can be a bit difficult to orient yourself in the structure of your text. To that effect, a function is provided that quickly parses the document and presents a hierarchically indented table of contents of the document in a temporary buffer, in which you can navigate and press ``Return`` to go to a specific section. Invoke this function (``rst-toc``) with ``C-c C-t``. It should present a temporary buffer that looks something like this:: Table of Contents: Debugging Meta-Techniques Introduction Debugging Solution Patterns Recognize That a Bug Exists Subdivide and Isolate Identify and Verify Assumptions Use a Tool for Introspection Change one thing at a time Learn about the System Understanding a bug The Basic Steps in Debugging Attitude Bad Feelings Good Feelings References When you select a section title (press ``RET``), the temporary buffer disappears and you are left with the cursor positioned at the chosen section. Inserting a Table of Contents ----------------------------- Oftentimes in long text documents that are meant to be read directly, a Table of Contents is inserted at the beginning of the text. This is the case for most internet FAQs, for example. In reStructuredText_ documents, since the table of contents is automatically generated by the parser with the ``.. contents::`` directive, people generally have not been adding a text table of contents to their source documents, and partly because it is too much trouble to edit and maintain. The emacs support for reStructuredText_ provides a function to insert such a table of contents in your document. Since it is not meant to be part of the document text, you should place such a table of contents within a comment, so that it is ignored by the parser. This is the favoured usage:: .. contents:: .. 1 Introduction 2 Debugging Solution Patterns 2.1 Recognize That a Bug Exists 2.2 Subdivide and Isolate 2.3 Identify and Verify Assumptions 2.4 Use a Tool for Introspection 2.5 Change one thing at a time 2.6 Learn about the System 3 Understanding a bug 4 The Basic Steps in Debugging 5 Attitude 5.1 Bad Feelings 5.2 Good Feelings 6 References Just place the cursor at the top-left corner where you want to insert the TOC and invoke the function with ``C-c C-i``. The table of contents will display all the section titles that are under the location where the insertion occurs. This way you can insert local table of contents by placing them in the appropriate location. If you have deep nesting of sections, you can use a numeric prefix argument to limit the depth of rendering of the TOC. You can also customize the look of the TOC by setting the values of the following variables:: ``rst-toc-indent``, ``rst-toc-insert-style``, ``rst-toc-insert-max-level``. .. note:: The table-of-contents inserted by ``rst-mode`` has text properties added to it so that if you type ``C-c C-f`` while the cursor is on one of its entries, the cursor will jump to the corresponding section in the document. Maintaining the Table of Contents Up-to-date -------------------------------------------- One issue is that you will probably want to maintain the inserted table of contents up-to-date. There is a function that will automatically look for the inserted TOC (``rst-toc-update``) and it can be added to a hook on the section decoration adjustment function, so that every time you adjust a section title, the TOC is updated. Add this functionality with the following emacs configuration:: (add-hook 'rst-adjust-hook 'rst-toc-update) You can invoke the update on the current buffer with ``C-c C-u``. Syntax Highlighting via Font-Lock ================================= ``rst-mode`` also provides syntax highlighting to reStructuredText_ constructs. (This mode was written by Stefan Merten.) Lazy syntax coloring is implemented for many of the constructs that reStructuredText_ prescribes. By default, the font-lock colouring is performed lazily. If you don't like this, you can turn this off by setting the value of ``rst-mode-lazy``. You can also change the various colours (see the source file for the whole list of customizable faces). ``font-lock`` syntax highlighting is enabled by default. If you prefer to turn off syntax highlighting (on some machines it can slow down editing a little bit), you can use the following in your Emacs configuration:: (setq font-lock-global-modes '(not rst-mode)) Face Customization ------------------ The ``rst-faces`` group contains all necessary for customizing fonts. The default settings use standard ``font-lock-*-face`` so if you set these to your liking they are probably good in rst-mode also. The group is contained in the faces group as well as in the rst group. Default Fonts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``rst-faces-defaults`` group contains all necessary for customizing the default fonts used for section title faces. The general idea for section title faces is to have a non-default background but do not change the background. The section level is shown by the lightness of the background color. If you like this general idea of generating faces for section titles but do not like the details this group is the point where you can customize the details. If you do not like the general idea, however, you should customize the faces used in ``rst-adornment-faces-alist``. Note: If you are using a dark background please make sure the variable ``frame-background-mode`` is set to the symbol dark. This triggers some default values which are probably right for you. The group is contained in the ``rst-faces`` group. All customizable features have a comment explaining their meaning. Refer to the customization of your Emacs (try ``M-x customize``). Other Useful Settings ===================== This section covers general emacs text-mode settings that are useful in the context of reStructuredText_ conventions. These are not provided by ``rst.el`` but you may find them useful specifically for reStructuredText_ documents. ``text-mode`` Settings ---------------------- Consult the Emacs manual for more text-mode customizations. In particular, you may be interested in setting the following variables, functions and modes that pertain somewhat to text-mode: - indent-tabs-mode - colon-double-space - auto-fill-mode - auto-mode-alist - fill-region Editing Tables: Emacs table mode -------------------------------- You may want to check out `Emacs table mode`_ to create an edit tables, it allows creating ascii tables compatible with reStructuredText_. .. _Emacs table mode: http://table.sourceforge.net/ Character Processing -------------------- Since reStructuredText punts on the issue of character processing, here are some useful resources for Emacs users in the Unicode world: * `xmlunicode.el and unichars.el from Norman Walsh `__ * `An essay by Tim Bray, with example code `__ * For Emacs users on Mac OS X, here are some useful useful additions to your .emacs file. - To get direct keyboard input of non-ASCII characters (like "option-e e" resulting in "é" [eacute]), first enable the option key by setting the command key as your meta key:: (setq mac-command-key-is-meta t) ;; nil for option key Next, use one of these lines:: (set-keyboard-coding-system 'mac-roman) (setq mac-keyboard-text-encoding kTextEncodingISOLatin1) I prefer the first line, because it enables non-Latin-1 characters as well (em-dash, curly quotes, etc.). - To enable the display of all characters in the Mac-Roman charset, first create a fontset listing the fonts to use for each range of characters using charsets that Emacs understands:: (create-fontset-from-fontset-spec "-apple-monaco-medium-r-normal--10-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-monaco, ascii:-apple-monaco-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-m-100-mac-roman, latin-iso8859-1:-apple-monaco-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-m-100-mac-roman, mule-unicode-0100-24ff:-apple-monaco-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-m-100-mac-roman") Latin-1 doesn't cover characters like em-dash and curly quotes, so "mule-unicode-0100-24ff" is needed. Next, use that fontset:: (set-frame-font "fontset-monaco") - To enable cooperation between the system clipboard and the Emacs kill ring, add this line:: (set-clipboard-coding-system 'mac-roman) Other useful resources are in `Andrew Choi's Emacs 21 for Mac OS X FAQ `__. No matter what platform (or editor) you're using, I recommend the ProFont__ programmer's font. It's monospaced, small but readable, similar characters are visually distinctive (like "I1l|", "0O", "ao", and ".,:;"), and free. __ http://www.tobias-jung.de/seekingprofont/ Credits ======= - The automatic section adjustment and table of contents features were written by Martin Blais; - Syntax highlighting was implemented by Stefan Merten; - Various other functions were implemented by David Goodger. Obsolete Files -------------- On 2005-10-30, ``rst.el`` integrated and replaced the contents of the following files: - ``restructuredtext.el`` - ``rst-html.el`` - ``rst-mode.el`` .. _Emacs: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html .. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sf.net/rst.html .. Local Variables: mode: rst indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 End: